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ALPA Thread 12/14-12/20 ALL ALPA here

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Uhh...try that with some "East" F/A's...I dare you!

Aww..show some proper "respect"...From the name "Leonidas" ....he's probably seen "300" at least ten times, and likely plays some really tough video games as well. It's probably wise not to cross such a "captain" :lol: I'd be personally extremely reluctant to ever offer up that sort of arrogant/BS abuse to any FA....but then...I guess that I'm just not a really "tough-guy" Spartan War King/captain type, and I figure that we're all one crew 😉

PS: Anyone in favor of letting scores of guys like this one take left seats out east..raise your right foot behind your head 😉

QUOTE (Leonidas @ Dec 14 2007, 10:33 PM)
No you won't, you will shut up and get the captain his drink, peanuts and whatever else he tells you to do, that's a promise."
Another FYI: Former Furloughed US pilots

USAPA has just been made aware of yet another representational lapse by ALPA - the failure to utilize all resources to notify former furloughees that an amended tax return must be filed (prior to the expiration of the statute of limitations) to protect their tax refund for the overstated income in 2003. This comes as a result of US Airways overstating 2003 incomes due to the application of IRS code Section 83.

It seems that ALPA has for some time been aware of the negative impact of this misapplication of IRS code Section 83, and in fact has been implored to use their resources to contact and advise the affected pilots, yet has failed to do so. In at least one case a pilot received a $5,500 refund as a result of amending his return.

During research with IRS council Michael Hughes, some pilots affected discovered that even though the company correctly stated their income by applying section 83 of the tax code, the code failed to take into consideration a huge drop in value of a stock issuance and the canceling of a stock issuance. This was the case for the 771 pilots furloughed in 2003 who remain negatively impacted by limitations of section 83 and the overstated income.

An amended return needs to be filed ASAP. Follows is an example as to what can be stated in part II of the 1040x:

Line 1. US Airways has refused to issue a corrected W-2 for the 802 shares of stock that were canceled Sept 25, 2005 and the 794 shares priced at $1.13 in January 2005. I was required to pay 2003 taxes on all 3202 shares at $7.34/share. I reduced my W-2 income by $10,818 computed as follows: The difference between the actual price and price used to determine my taxes for the 794 shares issued in January 05, $4931 and the value of the 802 shares canceled September 05, $5887. Total overstated income $10,818. Please see supporting documentation.

If you are a former furloughed pilot, we urge you to contact your tax adviser as soon as possible with this information.

Putting aside the jovial rants and raves that improperly served to distract from this post...Does ANYONE have an explanation of why this took another agency to act on?...given that taking care of such issues is supposedly Alpo's responsibility? Is it just me?...or is there some general confusion about what Alpo actually, versus supposedly... "does for a living"? :blink:
Been away for a while and see that I have missed nothing. Just eastus incessant ranting about the west "stealing" the east's seniority. This is especially laughable considering that the east has been trying to steal from the west all along. Attempting to place furloughed pilots ahead of lineholding captains is clearly attempted robbery.

Yes the east pilots have been ill treated by management and by fate but their attempt to make themselves whole at the expense of the west pilot group was the reason that the arbitrator and both pilot neutrals scoffed at the east's DOH/LOS with laughable conditions and restrictions.

The only real development has been the delivering of the list to management. While this has no immediate effect it does do one thing.

In the event of another merger, be it with UAL, Northwest or whomever, it is the Nicolau list that will be utilized the next time that a seniority integration occurs.

I look forward to EastUS's next rant. Typical of someone who has never been on their own. Straight from mommy and daddy's house to the Blue Suit academy to USAir. An institutional aviator all the way.
Been away for a while and see that I have missed nothing. Just eastus incessant ranting about the west "stealing" the east's seniority. This is especially laughable considering that the east has been trying to steal from the west all along. Attempting to place furloughed pilots ahead of lineholding captains is clearly attempted robbery.

Yes the east pilots have been ill treated by management and by fate but their attempt to make themselves whole at the expense of the west pilot group was the reason that the arbitrator and both pilot neutrals scoffed at the east's DOH/LOS with laughable conditions and restrictions.

The only real development has been the delivering of the list to management. While this has no immediate effect it does do one thing.

In the event of another merger, be it with UAL, Northwest or whomever, it is the Nicolau list that will be utilized the next time that a seniority integration occurs.

I look forward to EastUS's next rant. Typical of someone who has never been on their own. Straight from mommy and daddy's house to the Blue Suit academy to USAir. An institutional aviator all the way.

Actually..I find the "on their own" concept to be highly overrated. Life's best lived when shared with family and friends to the max extent possible. "Mommy and daddy" are long since departed from this world, but were rather insistent on the old "working one's way through college" bit, and I can only make claim to being a "90 day wonder" by way of service entry, and not a grad of the Blue Zoo. Having passed the half century mark some years back...I'm guardedly optimistic about one day being able to make my own way in life (the institute's doctors all say that I'm making good progress), and the current airline costume's actually my third. Other than missing a few details..you're naturally as 100% "right" as you are in your assumptions about the future of Nic :lol:
Yes the east pilots have been ill treated by management and by fate but their attempt to make themselves whole at the expense of the west pilot group was the reason that the arbitrator and both pilot neutrals scoffed at the east's DOH/LOS with laughable conditions and restrictions.

I look forward to EastUS's next rant. Typical of someone who has never been on their own. Straight from mommy and daddy's house to the Blue Suit academy to USAir. An institutional aviator all the way.

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Posted on: May 10 2007, 05:44 PM


Group: Registered Member
Posts: 113
Joined: 6-May 07
Member No.: 11,300

Back in December I asked one of the merger commitee members their opinion on Nicolou. This individaul was very impressed. He said that the arbitrator was obviously very sharp and engaged. He was impressed.
Actually..I find the "on their own" concept to be highly overrated. Life's best lived when shared with family and friends to the max extent possible. "Mommy and daddy" are long since departed from this world, but were rather insistent on the old "working one's way through college" bit, and I can only make claim to being a "90 day wonder" by way of service entry, and not a grad of the Blue Zoo. Having passed the half century mark some years back...I'm guardedly optimistic about one day being able to make my own way in life (the institute's doctors all say that I'm making good progress), and the current airline costume's actually my third. Other than missing a few details..you're naturally as 100% "right" as you are in your assumptions about the future of Nic :lol:

East baby, My apologies, I just assumed you were a Zoo grad. I will make the appropriate adjustment to my respect-o-meter.

I really hate this pilot V pilot ####. I hope that you have the holidays free of duty and enjoy your family.

BTW congratulations on the extra five years. I hope this eases the pension pain. Another poster on another board pointed out that if there was really a pilot shortage that in addition to raising the retirement age to 65 we should lower the ATP age to 21. After all flying airliners ain't rocket surgery.

(Warning: some posts may be influenced by the consumption of adult beverages)
East baby, My apologies, I just assumed you were a Zoo grad. I will make the appropriate adjustment to my respect-o-meter.

I really hate this pilot V pilot ####. I hope that you have the holidays free of duty and enjoy your family.

BTW congratulations on the extra five years. I hope this eases the pension pain. Another poster on another board pointed out that if there was really a pilot shortage that in addition to raising the retirement age to 65 we should lower the ATP age to 21. After all flying airliners ain't rocket surgery.

(Warning: some posts may be influenced by the consumption of an adult beverage.)

Neg perspiration on my part. I figure this place to be mostly a mutual vent site, which ain't bad "therapy" for the communal mess-of-the-moment.

"I really hate this pilot V pilot ####." Agreed. Best wishes for a great Christmas.
In any case: If you're holding your breath awaiting some "great contract" from Alpo.....well..words just fail me. Managements throughout the industry pretty much just laugh at those guys.

No I am holding my breath and waiting for some great contract from USAPA. :lol:
I can't wait to see what management does across the table from the new guys. I can see it now. Management says it is a new bargaining agent and they need to start the whole process over from section 1 to delay, delay, delay.
No I am holding my breath and waiting for some great contract from USAPA. :lol:
I can't wait to see what management does across the table from the new guys. I can see it now. Management says it is a new bargaining agent and they need to start the whole process over from section 1 to delay, delay, delay.

The new guys will be hired professional negotiators..not Alpo Amateurfest Giveaway-of-the-Day "geniuses". Of course management will "delay,delay,delay". Since you realize that, and seem to have some grasp of the sorts in "management" that we're up against...how would you even wishfully imagine any results more immediately had Alpo played it's little Survivor "game" better out east? Let me think...two years plus and absolutely zero progress....other than dropping the Nic group-fragmentation bomb for us all to have fun with...yessir; no doubt that Alpo was quickly nearing the goal line and a big score was imminent :blink:
No I am holding my breath and waiting for some great contract from USAPA. :lol:
I can't wait to see what management does across the table from the new guys. I can see it now. Management says it is a new bargaining agent and they need to start the whole process over from section 1 to delay, delay, delay.
After 18 months of bargaining, CWA had won agreement from management on about 90 percent of contract issues. Some, such as the seniority protections passenger service employees had long sought but were denied by management
Until negotiations were interrupted in May of 99, passenger service had negotiated agreement with management on a new holiday/vacation/sick day plan, a new grievance and arbitration procedure, overtime provisions and many other issues.

But the company halted bargaining following the company geting a federal appeals court decision which questioned two of the five reasons cited by the NMB as cause for the first rerun election. CWA got The NMB to ordered an expedited rerun election to the company surprise

On June 1 99, management unilaterally implemented many of the improvements it agreed to in bargaining, and increased the pay of
passenger service workers for the first time in nearly seven years. But this effort to stop the momentum for a union voice fell flat, and workers voted for CWA representation at a level 13 percent above their last "CWA yes" vote.
CWA had to request the assistance of a federal mediator to achieve a fair contract with substantially improves to pay, working conditions and job security.
The sim eval wasn't dropped until the 737-200 sim was removed. Forget exactly when but sometime in 2005. In other words, I did do the sim. It featured the "Reavie Weave". No idea what this has to do with anything else. When I interviewed with United in 2000 there was no sim and when I interviewed with ACA in 2002 there was.

Just ignore Nos. He believes that if he can dig up enough dirt on AWA that it will somehow change his life. You see he is obviously trying to make some sense out of his veritable hell. All the while he fails to understand that it is not the AWA pilots that have brought him to this place...
Just ignore Nos. He believes that if he can dig up enough dirt on AWA that it will somehow change his life. You see he is obviously trying to make some sense out of his veritable hell. All the while he fails to understand that it is not the AWA pilots that have brought him to this place...
Yes, First Officer Nos has a lot of issues to deal with right now. This is the Christmas season, we must help those in need, those with mountains of dispair and battling depression in their lives- lost jobs, lost upgrades, financial troubles, personal misfortunes. We are seeing alot of this here on the boards with the likes of EastUS admitting he needs therapy of USAviation.com to help him navigate through each day of this mess. ("Aye squire, you have plenty of pithy thoughts good sire". We used to beat these people up in junior high school just for fun. Now we just laugh at them :lol: ) Of course, we have a guy named Eye that thinks third grade verbage is the key to successful debating (he's only a first officer too). Well, in the end it is up to us individually to have a Merry Christmas. After all, Santa is coming to town! Ho Ho Ho
Yes, First Officer Nos has a lot of issues to deal with right now. This is the Christmas season, we must help those in need, those with mountains of dispair and battling depression in their lives- lost jobs, lost upgrades, financial troubles, personal misfortunes. We are seeing alot of this here on the boards with the likes of EastUS admitting he needs therapy of USAviation.com to help him navigate through each day of this mess. ("Aye squire, you have plenty of pithy thoughts good sire". We used to beat these people up in junior high school just for fun. Now we just laugh at them :lol: ) Of course, we have a guy named Eye that thinks third grade verbage is the key to successful debating (he's only a first officer too). Well, in the end it is up to us individually to have a Merry Christmas. After all, Santa is coming to town! Ho Ho Ho

That the best you've actually got? :blink: As fully intimidating as you are via your wartime experiences; "We used to beat these people up in junior high school just for fun": My wager's always open little one :lol: PM me if interested. Given that you've personally noted that anyone can be tough on the internet...I'll hardly hold my breath.....

Could be that you've just finally cracked under the vast weight of all that Alpo/Nic BS you're packing around 😉

BTW: "Aye squire, you have plenty of pithy thoughts good sire". Squire's a tad bit less of a rank than Sire. One's naught but a knight's apprentice while the other's a king. You really would have been better served in school by doing some actual reading and study. 😉 Uh Oh...now I've done it..your gang will be seeking me out to beat me up for fun 😉
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