ALPA Thread 12/14-12/20 ALL ALPA here

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"Last month's arbitration award transferred 4,450 captain-flying years from US Airways to America West pilots. The ruling also mixed US Airways pilots with less than 17 years of active service and no furlough time with America West new hires."

Well heck...I can't see any problems with that..what's all the fussing about? :lol: Let's send a buncha' more money and even some Christmas cards to Alpo, and stop all this decertification nonsense immediately! If we're really nice to them...maybe they can even find our given away pensions.
BTW guys, both east and west, I almost forgot to add...


...and yes I honestly mean it.
Yes, First Officer Nos has a lot of issues to deal with right now............(he's only a first officer too).

A pointless addendum that'll doubtless fall on deaf ears here. A fourth stripe on an airline costume is only cause for puffed up chest beating within the simplest of minds, and most fragile of egos. All an attitude like yours serves to do is facilitate disgust within any that fly with you...oh great "captain" :lol: Virtually any out east have said stripes on their sleeves in any case, and have for far longer than you've likely even been flying. Do yorself and your co workers a favor and get over yourself.
Four stripes on your sleeve denote many things. But the singular, most important, item is simply that your seniority allowed you the opportunity to upgrade to Captain. The stripes show you successfully took advantage of that opportunity that your seniority allowed.

Now, thanks to some old man and a foolish union policy who chose not to adhere to the principles of the seniority system that controls each pilots life regardless of where he works, that system is under attack. And USAPA with the East pilot group will fight it until it is back in place. Regardless of west pilots attempts to ignore the very seniority system that has some of us working on Christmas and some of us home with our families.
Just ignore Nos.
I've long since figured out to ignore most of the childish rants and venting. But I can't let factual errors (lies) pass.

pilot said:
Now, thanks to some old man ...
Would you be referring to that same "old man" whom your side dealt with in mediation/arbitration hearings for two months and had no complaint about? That same "old man" whom you decided would surely see your point of view so instead of compromising you entrusted him to make his binding decision? Remember the transcripts!!! Had you read them you'd have seen the most experienced arbitrator at work and you'd also have had some hint at what was to come. Time to accept some responsibility and stop scapegoating.
I've long since figured out to ignore most of the childish rants and venting. But I can't let factual errors (lies) pass.

Would you be referring to that same "old man" whom your side dealt with in mediation/arbitration hearings for two months and had no complaint about? That same "old man" whom you decided would surely see your point of view so instead of compromising you entrusted him to make his binding decision? Remember the transcripts!!! Had you read them you'd have seen the most experienced arbitrator at work and you'd also have had some hint at what was to come. Time to accept some responsibility and stop scapegoating.

No (Soup)Joint Contract for You!
I've long since figured out to ignore most of the childish rants and venting. But I can't let factual errors (lies) pass.

Would you be referring to that same "old man" whom your side dealt with in mediation/arbitration hearings for two months and had no complaint about? That same "old man" whom you decided would surely see your point of view so instead of compromising you entrusted him to make his binding decision? Remember the transcripts!!! Had you read them you'd have seen the most experienced arbitrator at work and you'd also have had some hint at what was to come. Time to accept some responsibility and stop scapegoating.

Sure, I fully accept the responsibility of ASSUMING the old man would adhere to the merger policy. That assumption (which indeed made asses out of me AND you) was obviously wrong. I (we if you prefer) assumed the old man would compromise a list based on merger policy with protections for each and every one of us at both carriers. But that is water under the bridge and no amount of arguing is going to solve it. As far as my "asses" comment look where we are now. You guys are as stubborn now as we were then. And frankly, I don't blame you. But you and I both know what seniority and date of hire is. Your entire career is based on it and if you try to argue any other way you are BSing yourself and your fellow pilots.

So we will vote in USAPA and rid ourselves of ALPA. And you guys can sue the living #### out of whoever or whatever you want to. Frankly, if date of hire does not prevail everything in a pilots career is open to whatever whim or rule any company or check pilot type decides to come up with. If you cannot see that or understand what that means you have no clue what went on in this industry prior to the Real ALPA (not the contrived, selfish group now in power) establishing seniority and date of hire guidelines.

Good luck to us all. We are going to need it.
Frankly, if date of hire does not prevail everything in a pilots career is open to whatever whim or rule any company or check pilot type decides to come up with. If you cannot see that or understand what that means you have no clue what went on in this industry prior to the Real ALPA (not the contrived, selfish group now in power) establishing seniority and date of hire guidelines.

Then why didn't you agree to DOH for the Eastern/Shuttle pilots....
Just by coincidence I am sure, all the trump shuttle pilots were put just below Chris Bebee, then slotted.

You forgot to mention that this was done with no objection by the rank and file that today claims a right under the Holy Grail of DOH. Unfortunately for the East, they have the recent history of on the record arguments that are germane to this seniority integration and those past arguments clearly contradict their current love affair with DOH. What you have here is a credibility issue brought on by the inconvenient truth of your recent past. Nobody takes the East seriously and although they have succeeded in throwing up obstacles and creating some mayhem with a clearly defined process, the tide is already turning against them: (i) the economy is rapidly headed for a recession, probably a deep one; (ii) age 65 legislation was realized with lightning speed that will further stall advancement for all pilots in the right seat (not a problem for me - I have plenty of time left); and (iii) the list was presented which makes it "THE LIST" with respect to the coming mergers. You've gained nothing except a few upgrades at the expense of living under LOA 93 for years more to come. You will not capture your attrition as there will be no attrition for five more years. In the meantime, the list is now the the list for purposes of the imminent consolidation (or in the case of LCC - the parting out thereof).
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