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ALPA President letter & US Airways MEC Chairman Message

I really don't see any reason for all the drama over sending the list to the Company. Both east and west seem to be focusing on that one specific decision when in fact it will do nothing. The Company can’t use the list until there is a joint agreement so what is the big deal if the EC sends the list to the Company or not? It makes absolutely no difference at this point. All of the posturing and chest thumping over whether the list is sent to the Company is ridiculous, but then again so are most of the discussions on this board.

If you have at least a 9th grade education and can read, the EC resolution clearly states the EC has no jurisdiction unless there is fraud involved, and their involvement is limited to providing the process by which AWA/US reach at merged seniority list. This means the list will stand, period. If east pilots are still clinging at any hope the EC will overturn the award, well, that’s just sad. Likewise, any west pilots that are still waiting for the EC to send the list to the Company, well, that is equally sad because it does nothing. There is nothing gained or won by the EC sending the list, so why get all worked up over it if they want to delay to placate the east? No harm no foul.

It’s clear the EC is playing games with both groups for the National good and all. Primarily for the precedent a new contract will set in upcoming negotiations at other majors. How hard do you think it will be for UAL to get what they want when US is at LOA 93 wages? What about DAL, NWA? We are being treated like pawns. Even so, I think booting ALPA off our property is extremely unwise and exposes both pilot groups to significant problems if another merger is on our horizon.

I fully agree that they're attempting to stall and placate via running the clock. I'll offer that Alpo's not "daring" anyone at this point, given that even the west MEC's including lines about "avoiding decertification" in it's memos.

I think that they're pretty much close to being outta' airspeed and altitude, and are just playing for time in the hopes that the decert movement will lose momentum. This is close to cutting to the chase where Toto pulls the curtain from the Great and Powerfull Oz. A good stalling tactic's for them to keep up with the "trust us..we're still looking at things..harrumph harrumph" BS...while attempting not to further alienate either east or west. ALpo knows that if they send the list to Tempe...they're dead meat on the east almost instantly....period.

On thing that Alpo's certainly NOT doing is anything that actually benefits the line pilots.
Yeah the list will stand, but it ain't moving anywhere. This list will be in "Groundhog Day" limbo forever.

Ok already, I here you loud and clear - like I said it, makes no difference where the list grows roots. Without a joint CBA, the list is by your words in "limbo forever." We understand that, so stop acting like a 3 yr old teasing me with a lollipop I can't have.

I’ll repeat to give you a warm and fuzzy: Relax, the list is tucked in nicely in Prater’s top desk drawer and it aren’t gowin nowhere. Now breath easy, you might be getting too much CO2 underneath that bag. :wacko:

Yeah the list will stand, but it ain't moving anywhere. This list will be in "Groundhog Day" limbo forever.

It’s clear the EC is playing games with both groups for the National good and all. Primarily for the precedent a new contract will set in upcoming negotiations at other majors. How hard do you think it will be for UAL to get what they want when US is at LOA 93 wages? What about DAL, NWA? We are being treated like pawns. Even so, I think booting ALPA off our property is extremely unwise and exposes both pilot groups to significant problems if another merger is on our horizon.

Yes folks we have a winner!

Seems the matter of LOA93 draging the rest of industry rates down is hitting National in the nuts. This Nic award will hold the entire industry down and you AWA folks will like the section 6 offers from the company.

Here's a hint for you ...
The Nic award kills any hope of putting AAA-AWA pilots together.

No pesos for the AWA in section 6 but hold on there is good news. There is extra pesos to be had by standing out side of the Circle K. I believe that meals are provided instead of per diem.
I see. Only Lordly Pilots like yourself are involved with the airline's future? If you're just running an arrogance contest....ummm...there are some that might possibly see you as a "non-pilot" :lol:
Highly unlikely.

Shouldn't you be napping old man?
Highly unlikely.

Shouldn't you be napping old man?

Snore...snorffle..falls outta' wheel chair..reads latest blurb :lol:

Ah...nevermind then..you're still at the "Legend in Your Own Mind" growth phase...that's cute 🙂

I really don't see any reason for all the drama over sending the list to the Company.

List sent?/List not sent?: It's pretty much just serving as a metronome for the ongoing Alpo Tap Dancing Fest.
Snore...snorffle..falls outta' wheel chair..reads latest blurb :lol:

Ah...nevermind then..you're still at the "Legend in Your Own Mind" growth phase...that's cute 🙂
List sent?/List not sent?: It's pretty much just serving as a metronome for the ongoing Alpo Tap Dancing Fest.
Growth phase?!?!?!

I've ALWAYS been a legend in my own mind.
Growth phase?!?!?!

I've ALWAYS been a legend in my own mind.

:lol: Credit where due then (no actual sarcasm intended this round) = You've certainly the basics in hand for an aviation career :up:
Ain't met too many decent aviators that didn't think pretty well of themselves.