If the deal does not proceed to the membership for a members right to vote, then Brookman and the other 3 members of the RC4
will be slapped with criminal charges and a civil lawsuit. I suggest you learn about the Landrum/Griffith act to understand what I mean. I know Brookman knows about it and he could get intimately involved, which I know it will occur.
By the way, if the TA does not go out for ratification the advisors said it would be another bad fait hbargaining example for the company to use as an exhibit, further strengthning the company's case t oseek to have the "self help" option not permitted by the court.
How would Brookman look behind bars, anyway?
By the way, what do you think of the perfomance of the Negotiating Committee and why has the RC4 failed to totally indemnify them self? Why did they ask for company legal fee help on the
last day of negotiations, simultaneously increasing the pilot pay cut from 16.5% to 18%?