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Mec Code-a-phone Update

Well 2B, you really do not seem to care to address the factor of large forloughs, or an aggressively implacable and hidebound management...instead continuing to refer to the vague "give up a little to help the company survive", as so many others put up as a strawman argument to make employees look unreasonable.

They may or may not be the "The USair employees you knew and loved", but then things weren't as grave then. Perceptions and abstractions mean nothing to those who will be negatively ( and permanently ) affected. Just what is so "disturbing" about that realization? To be sure, some arguments tend toward the blunt side, and that is what may be giving you ammunition, even though the message is basically the same as others who are more eloquent or articulate ( BoeingBoy, mrwplanes, E-Trons, to name a few...apologies to those I've left out ). "At least the pilots are trying". Well, it does possess the great effect of showing the company's own most recent actions of bad-faith bargaining standing out in sharp relief to the employee's efforts....past and present. Do not forget that.

I still believe you have a major axe to grind with a certain employee group that goes back far beyond this bulletin board and its posts, or even the internet maybe,... mix in fear, anger, resentment of an impending collapse of career and you get one lashing agrily out at a convenient bogeyman because they have had enough. BTW, what say you to the prospect of "trying" when you're still in the middle of a battle over a blatant violation your last agreement, wherein the company is "trying" to do away with perhaps 40-60% of your numbers?

Did you even think about the applicability of your Enron/Worldcom failure reference to this discussion? I have. Wonder how much the rank-and-file there could have given up to preserve their solvency. Guess the handcuffs on the top brass was just for show. Try another angle :angry:

So be it. I have my opinion and you have yours. I can live with that

Fine, I just think my opinion is more logically grounded than yours...to be blunt. If you just want to say you're frightened and angry and venting....I'm OK with that. We're all human, but it ends there.
2BorNot2B said:
I think we can now see the problems with Unionism. It was a minor issue at USAir for many years but festered in the 90's, and look where we are now!

You know, I have to agree with you. From probably a different perspective. I don't really like unions either. It is a shame that employees have to go this route, but apparently companies force them to. Otherwise, intellegent people like pilots, dispatchers, flight attentandents, mechanics, customer service agents, and fleet service agents would not have organized. Somethiing happened along the way to cause it. Was it something the employees did? I choose to think that if the companies treated employees with respect, dignity, and payed industry standard, employees would be content. Apparently this does not always happen.
It was like you said, with the agents anyway, that it festered. We had enough. We had to do something (why we were the last of the "good ole guys"....and boy did we get it stuck to us!.) So we did what the rest of yall did...we organized. Only, if we are honest, we should have never believed the company and we should have never voted out the teamsters. Our mistake. My mistake, because I helped vote them out.
Yes, look at us now. I ask, is this the doings of the employees? Of our respected unions? IMHO....I don't think so. We have made two honest efforts.
IF we get to vote on anything, you vote your convictions...I will vote mine. But, I must confess, I sure do get tired of others trying to tell me what I MUST do.