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Alpa Obtains A Ta

USA320Pilot said:
Desperate men lie.

By the way, why don't you identify your self, even though I know exactly who you are. To bad isn't it? You're not scared now, are you?


I have "revealed" myself privately to just about eveyone that cares on this forum via email, and will do so to any reasonable person who asks, via that same function. You are tolerated by just about everyone, incuding the moderators, for your entertainment value. And what the heck does "exactly" knowing who someone is? So how about it.....Will you vote yes for a T/A that has no fragmentation policy...will you? Let us know. We know it is all about YOU! Greeter
USA320Pilot said:
Desperate men lie.

By the way, why don't you identify your self, even though I know exactly who you are. To bad isn't it? You're not scared now, are you?

By the way, I commute to have a block, while you're going to commute to be on reserve. Tell the truth, DELETED. How's that B737, which could see out of seniority furloughs if this TA is not ratified.

Are you still glad you left United as a 570 pilot?



and desperate men do not have the tenacity to take into consideration anyone other than themselves.

Are you a self-serving '???" individual that has no value???

deleted by moderator

Your ol Pal N'Buddy,

:mf_boff: UT
The ALPA president, ALPA financial advisors, ALPA economists, ALPA attorney’s, ALPA professional negotiators, ALPA contract administer (an attorney), all 3 MEC officers, 8 MEC members, and now the entire ALPA Negotiating Committee recommend that the TA be ratified.


The contract will be worse if it's not.

Therefore, I and the majority of the pilot's will vote yes to stop the bleeding because of the RC4's actions, who brought you this deal.


USA320Pilot said:
Desperate men lie, which you clearly do.

By the way, why don't you identify your self, even though I know exactly who you are. To bad isn't it? You're not scared now, are you?

By the way, I commute to have a block, while you're going to commute to be on reserve. Tell the truth, DELETED. How's that B737, which could see out of seniority furloughs if this TA is not ratified.

Are you still glad you left United as a 570 pilot?


I have, as previous post. Yes, a little scared, but only because I am in the company of the likes of you. You are actually about a hundred numbers over me, and still choose to LEAVE your family and commute, when, like me, you could EASILY block out in base as a reserve, as I do, and not leave them. My inlaws allowed me to live with them 2 years ago for 3 months (actually 2 years today!) as I restored a house in the south hills, and I would welcome that opportunity again, as I LIKE WORKING NEAR my family. I LOVE the 737, and really have liked every of the 7 aircraft I have had the privilage to fly here. Yes, I am glad I left UAL...but only for the reason that it allowed my to have a GREAT lifestyle, up until 911 (do not forget that, you shame us all in blaming this all on the employees) and had the wonderful experience of meeting my wife at work. Your personal attacks on my reps offend me. I am not a good person in the way I have responed to those attacks. Just the same, I support them, and have already let both of them know I am willing to support them with moneys. Greeter.
USA320Pilot said:
Desperate men lie.

By the way, why don't you identify your self, even though I know exactly who you are. To bad isn't it? You're not scared now, are you?

By the way, I commute to have a block, while you're going to commute to be on reserve. Tell the truth, DELETED. How's that B737, which could see out of seniority furloughs if this TA is not ratified.

Are you still glad you left United as a 570 pilot?




You'll have a block allright. But you will be in the right seat again and still no one will care to fly with you.

Moot point however, USAirways will perish by February. Just ask your buddy Dr. Evil from Alabama.
Walmartgreeter said:
(Do not even get me started about his rep with the F/As!)

A ladies man? Wow, I never would have guessed it!
More likely, a sexist martinet.

More to the point; I had a chat today with a pilot I've know 20 years, and he has always leveled with me.

He is as pi$$ed with the RC4 as anybody. He made his case that the pilots should vote this deal up or down.

I told him I understood his position, and asked, "are the PIT and PHL reps abusing their positions or any rules?"


"Are they within the bylaws?"


"Then the correct complaint is, your bylaws are s%^%%y, right?"

Now, I can understand his view that the pilots should have a say in their destiny. I also understand the reps vote being weighted by the number of members they rep.

This "how to split the baby" question of how to allocate power when you have both large (PIT/PHL, or Virginia, if you go back to the Constitutional Conventions) populations and small ones (LGA, or Delaware) represented is as old as man.

It seems as if ALPA made their bed, and now doesn't want to lie in it.

You know, one of the hallmarks of a gentleman (apologies to the fine lady pilots at U - maybe the guys should let y'all run things a while) is that he keeps his word.

If the rules were honorably arrived at prior to this mess, and like it or not, if the rules are being abided by, and you are an ALPA member in good standing, then live with it and kwicherbichen.

You have every right to explain your dissent here, and act on that dissent, as allowed by your bylaws.

But to attempt to intimidate and smear the PHL/PIT reps, based solely on your dissent, is ungentlemanly.

And in a better day, could get your sorry a$$es called out.
USA320Pilot said:
Desperate men lie, which you clearly do.

By the way, why don't you identify your self, even though I know exactly who you are. To bad isn't it? You're not scared now, are you?

By the way, I commute to have a block, while you're going to commute to be on reserve. Tell the truth, especially since you and your wife live with your parents. How's that B737, which could see out of seniority furloughs if this TA is not ratified.

Are you still glad you left United as a 570 pilot?



This is so cool. These are the types of posts that pinpoint what this guy really is made of. His character, ego, personality and mindset. His limitless fear and anxiety take control and this spews forth. Happens on a regular basis too. I love the lawsuit stuff.

I'm not sure which is more fun. Watching him expose his true self or watching college football.

Nah, it's college football

USA320Pilot said:
Desperate men lie, which you clearly do.

By the way, why don't you identify your self, even though I know exactly who you are. To bad isn't it? You're not scared now, are you?

By the way, I commute to have a block, while you're going to commute to be on reserve. Tell the truth, especially since you and your wife live with your parents. How's that B737, which could see out of seniority furloughs if this TA is not ratified.

Are you still glad you left United as a 570 pilot?



Whoop, whoop, pull up! PERSONAL COMMENTS DELETED. Seems to me you two used to be a band of brothers being United 570 and all. Seems one of you is keeping it real and the other one is forgetting where he came from.