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Alpa Obtains A Ta

If Brookman is re-elected to a PIT post, any such lawsuit will go nowhere. The PHL guys are already in pretty good shape, since the recall tanked.

None of these guys will end up in jail, and if they do, they will subsequently own ALPA.

This is yet another case of the disgruntled minority, and not a whole lot more.

Besides which, the ultimate irony is that Landrum-Griffin was passed primarily because union officers were doing nasty things with union pensions. Anybody see any irony in that?

None of this, however, will make the RC4 do anything the RC4 does not believe in the best interests of the majority of pilots who elected them to office.
USA320Pilot said:
By the way, what do you think of the perfomance of the Negotiating Committee and why has the RC4 failed to totally indemnify them self? Why did they ask for company legal fee help on the last day of negotiations, simultaneously increasing the pilot pay cut from 16.5% to 18%?



Actually I find it more interesting to follow your rabit trail logic.

Rabit Tail Logic

- The RC4, as members of the MEC, participated in the election of the NC.
- The NC failed to get a TA
- The other than RC4 MEC members said, "We must get a TA at any cost, just agree with Mgt 100%
- The NC obtained indemnification for the MEC, as was established by precedent in the first bankruptcy
- Therefore the RC4, who was not at the negotiating table, is somehow in trouble legally for the indemnification that was obtained by the NC.

Quick! Call the police! And tell them to bring the straight jacket!


USA320Pilot said:
If the deal does not proceed to the membership for a members right to vote, then Brookman and the other 3 members of the RC4 will be slapped with criminal charges and a civil lawsuit. I suggest you learn about the Landrum/Griffith act to understand what I mean. I know Brookman knows about it and he could get intimately involved, which I know it will occur.

By the way, if the TA does not go out for ratification the advisors said it would be another bad fait hbargaining example for the company to use as an exhibit, further strengthning the company's case t oseek to have the "self help" option not permitted by the court.

How would Brookman look behind bars, anyway?

By the way, what do you think of the perfomance of the Negotiating Committee and why has the RC4 failed to totally indemnify them self? Why did they ask for company legal fee help on the last day of negotiations, simultaneously increasing the pilot pay cut from 16.5% to 18%?



I suggest you read ALPA's constitution & bylaws. The only way to supercede the vote of the two or 4 ALPA reps, is the AFA ALPA International President sends it out and over rides the MEC...if he has the "balls".

If the ALPA International President would do that, there would be a ground swell of "decertification" of ALPA. I would n't be surprised if the RC4 would commence with "decetification process.

I know that I certainly would. Once you take away the right of the local union representatives to represent their members in their base by use of the "roll call", than the union must be dismantled.

It would be like Congress getting pissed off at TX, CA, NY, PA, FA,OH, IL, MA, WA,NE, and another 10 bigg states always defeating a bill that the other representatives in smaller states all attempt to vote in.

I think the real issue here is how valid the arguments of the other 8 are, and to they have the power to persuade the 4 of their point of view.

Instead, your idea, is ....criminals and throw them in jail :lol:

I think its a shame that we share a union with folks who have never done anything else with their high incomes, and now lower the bar for every one else in the profession because of their "unpreparedness".

These kinds of people hold no resepect, not even self-respect.
USA320Pilot said:
It doesn’t take a recall to file a class action lawsuit, especially when MEC members told the MEC in “open sessionâ€￾ they would testify in court. Nor does it take votes.

Thos who laugh last, laugh best.

AAviator, why did the NC try to fully indemnify then self and have the pilot group effectively pay for 50% of their legal fees with another 1.5% pay cut?



Uhhhh. I thought the last MEC protected themselves for 100% of their legal fees while they voted away the U pilot's retirements without a membership vote. Please, and I am serious, correct me if I am wrong. Greeter.
"Going to jail" assumes a Landrum-Griffith violation. Opponents of the RC4 would in essence have to prove that one or more of them used and/or transfered union monies (and/or resources) to themselves or for their own advantage. (I'm not a lawyer).

Of course, if this was going to happen, it would have happened already. It has not and it won't. There is the small problem (defense) that the RC4 are representing the will of the majority of the pilots who elected them to office.

I've never seen a stretch such as this, but it appears that desperate folks do indeed tend to do desperate things.
Clue x 4,

You are exactly correct.

I think when all is said and done...there maybe a recall of the MEC ALPA President and even a decertification of ALPA. They could probably get the support of the wholly owns on this too.

When the protections of the contracts are given away, and most of it has been gutted. Don't need to maintain an organization of losers.

Start over.


Look like the special ALPA meeting is still "on". No vote to take the T/A out to the members yet.....

What ALPA NC should have done is devise a separate proposal as a response to the company's 1113e relief motion. That is what AFA has done and CWA.

I would think your so called ALPA advisors and legal (who are afraid to prepare a brief or too lazy and don't want the aggrivation unless your United or DELTA), should have advised the mec of this.

STupid is; as stupid does.
argentomaranello said:
... for their failure to exercise their poser, as MEC members, in any contemplated as advancing the interests of the pilot group, as a whole.

Could someone translate that into English please?
USA320Pilot said:
How would Brookman look behind bars, anyway?


And exactly how many MORE Pit F/Os do you want to add to company's "no fly with *USA320Pilot* list?" I have seen people burn bridges before...but never actually NUKE them!! You are now the SINGLE best reason for visiting this website! Congrats! Greeter. Keep um coming, you know....just the facts!
Walmartgreeter said:
And exactly how many MORE Pit F/Os do you want to add to company's "no fly with *USA320Pilot* list?" I have seen people burn bridges before...but never actually NUKE them!! You are now the SINGLE best reason for visiting this website! Congrats! Greeter. Keep um coming, you know....just the facts!

Greeter, he's a LGA based pilot, not PIT.
EyeInTheSky said:
Greeter, he's a LGA based pilot, not PIT.

He and Jones like to fly togehter. Now worries.
US Airways Pittsburgh chief pilot Jim Corbusier said on September 27, "Over the next several months, the size of the PIT Pilot base will be reduced significantly. By next spring, it is fair to state that this base will most likely be a single aircraft type probably the Airbus."

USA320Pilot comments: Bye-bye RC4. I understand the roll call majority will change on January 1 and Pittsburgh will be the smallest base in the system. In addition, there will be mutliple lawsuits and possible crimnal charges filed against the RC4, with other MEC members publicly stating at yesterday's meeting they will testify.


Testify to WHAT, pray tell?????

That the RC4 do not have the RIGHT to roll call a proposal THAT THE NC DID NOT DEEM AS A T/A..?

Your delusional, my friend.

Get help.

And if this management can't entice the customers back to U, and the bookings don't increase because of our lack of credibility as a carrier...

You can kiss your butt and ALL the bases, bye, bye.
EyeInTheSky said:
Greeter, he's a LGA based pilot, not PIT.
Eye. edited He commutes to LGA because so many pilots would not fly with him in PIT. He ran for office in LGA and lost, and then tried, in disgrace, to support a movement to remove the PHL reps. I know his history. I am very familar with a large group of pilots in PIT who would not fly with him. I fly with them every day! (Do not even get me started about his rep with the F/As!) Best to you. Greeter. (within a hundred numbers of 320, and very happily flying in PIT, despite his emails telling me he hopes I lose my job out of senority...each email I have saved for future reference!)
USA320Pilot said:
USA320Pilot comments: Bye-bye RC4. I understand the roll call majority will change on January 1 and Pittsburgh will be the smallest base in the system. In addition, there will be mutliple lawsuits and possible crimnal charges filed against the RC4, with other MEC members publicly stating at yesterday's meeting they will testify.



So let me get this right. The November 04 bid is already posted, and in a single ONE MONTH BID for December 04 the company is going to downsize Pit to the smallest base in the system?!! Not going to happen, unless a judge says the company can furlough out of senority, not pay furlough pay, not pay moving expenses, not have to retrain everyone, and NOT HONOR CONTRACTS. Hmmmm. Look at what those nasty mechanics just acomplished! Contracts MEAN something, even in Chapter 11. This is not the early 80's, and men like you and Lorenzo are not running airlines anymore. You are spewing untruths. Dream on about the PHL and PIT reps. Dream on. Greeter.
Desperate men lie.

By the way, why don't you identify your self, even though I know exactly who you are. To bad isn't it? You're not scared now, are you?

By the way, I commute to have a block, while you're going to commute to be on reserve. Tell the truth, DELETED. How's that B737, which could see out of seniority furloughs if this TA is not ratified.

Are you still glad you left United as a 570 pilot?

