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Alpa Obtains A Ta

Did you expect anything different from the "Cowardice 4"?

You will not see an agreement from these fools, and we will all feel the pain for the RC4's criminal behavior....

Very sad indeed.
Bohica said:
One day after this TA gets ratified the Shuttle gets sold and NO pilots go with it.


That's where I was going.

757's go to UPS................

737's go to FEDEX.............

Here's the top 737 or A320 rate for the following airlines:

SWA: $182
Frontier: $157
Air Tran: $153
ATA: $145
jetBlue: $139
America West: $138
US Air: $124(with the new TA)

Yeah, it's labor's fault that US Airways can't make money. They just need to pay like the LCCs!
SoldWholeSale said:

The remaining aircraft are carried by the bank of brazil and deliveries can be taken while operating under chapt 11 if the company argues that the cost is offset by revenue.

Ignorance is a dangerous shield to hide behind.......

You seem to think that UAIR is in the driver's seat on this issue, and whatever they convince the judge to do, will be done. I would suggest you go back and read Embraer's press release.

UAIR did not stop deliveries of the a/c, Embraer did. Furthermore, they stated that deliveries would NOT be made in the future unless they could be assured that they would be paid for them. It is not the judge that needs convincing that "cost is offset by revenue", it is Embraer that must be convinced that revenue = payments--on-time and in full. Embraer has other buyers for the a/c. They don't need UAIR as a client.
Criminal Behavior? UseYourHead............USEYOURHEAD!!!

Would you vote yes on this TA?


from useyourhead previous posts, you should have already known the answer to that last question.
Assuming US Airways survives long enough to get to that point, ALPA will eventually get to vote on this plan, regardless of what the RC4 does. If they continue to block concessions, at some point concessions will be imposed through Sec 1113©. At that stage, ALPA may have the opportunity to strike---but that requires a vote of the membership. There's nothing the RC4 can do about that.

mwereplanes said:
Sadly? Any coward that votes for this onerous piece of crap if it is sent out (that is in doubt at this time) is akin to, well, akin to a 320.

Well the Freshwater Four got into office chanting the mantra that they would never deny the membership a vote, they prevented the pre-BK motion because they "built their fort" around the fact that it was just a proposal, and not an actual TA...

But now it is an actual TA...

So, that is why you are seeing the stall tactics, because they either agree to send it out to the membership or they will have to answer for why they broke their sworn promise.

Anyways, what does it matter? Everyone on here keeps reminding us how the RC4 represent a majority of the pilots, so if all their council's pilots support the RC4's opinion, then it will get voted down, right...?


Do they themselves fear that they do not have as much support as everyone claims..?

You know, there is ONLY ONE way to find out, and it is not by useless debate on this forum. Send the TA out for vote, and find out the real majority opinion once and for all.
Rico said:
Anyways, what does it matter? Everyone on here keeps reminding us how the RC4 represent a majority of the pilots, so if all their council's pilots support the RC4's opinion, then it will get voted down, right...?


Do they themselves fear that they do not have as much support as everyone claims..?

You know, there is ONLY ONE way to find out, and it is not by useless debate on this forum. Send the TA out for vote, and find out the real majority opinion once and for all.

I was thinking the exact same thing then came upon your post....so you beat me to it.

And there is the IAM and unlike what the captain says, it seems there are enough pissed off mechanics that will end it when they legally are able. So like another poster said, "winglet", as U slowly grinds to a halt, which does seem the way it is going.

You can only pass crap around long enough until everyone starts throwing it back at you.

Like it was said months ago and whether Jerry Glass is truly a union breaker or not: This management team’s creditability is non existent in the employees hearts, minds and souls, even outside people are saying this, and why Bronner allowed to same old same old is beyond figuring out.

Once Bitten Twice Shy, Twice Bitten Good Bye.
Rico said:
....it will be the pilots that will regain the most leverage and be able to recover the most over time.


I hope you don't have a goldenflow test anytime soon.


Phoenix said:
I hope you don't have a goldenflow test anytime soon.



Drug testing welfare recipients 😛
- 737s sold to FedEx,
- 757s to UPS
- A330s to NW
- furloughs of those pilots because they will not go with the aircraft
- those furloughed will loose their right to displace the MDA division pilots

- if this company is acquired US PILOTS DO NOT GET TO KEEP THEIR JOBS, NOR is mgt required to merge seniority via date of hire if they were to keep any US pilots

Vote "yes" for this and scabs will have someone to look down their nose to. The USAIR MEC has already transformed. They were running, they were hiding, and now they are actively assisting.



Disclaimer: I have never knowingly posted false information. I have never invented secondary or tertiary screen names to falsely post "different" opinion to buttress my own opinion. Neither have I ever claimed to have insider knowledge or contacts in privileged circles of the aviation industry, nor have I ever posted yahoo message posts as proof of such.
Phoenix said:
- 737s sold to FedEx,
- 757s to UPS
- A330s to NW
- furloughs of those pilots because they will not go with the aircraft
- those furloughed will loose their right to displace the MDA division pilots

- if this company is acquired US PILOTS DO NOT GET TO KEEP THEIR JOBS, NOR is mgt required to merge seniority via date of hire if they were to keep any US pilots
Vote "yes" for this and scabs will have someone to look down their nose to. The USAIR MEC has already transformed. They were running, they were hiding, and now they are actively assisting.



Disclaimer: I have never knowingly posted false information. I have never invented secondary or tertiary screen names to falsely post "different" opinion to buttress my own opinion. Neither have I ever claimed to have insider knowledge or contacts in privileged circles of the aviation industry, nor have I ever posted yahoo message posts as proof of such.

Why else would the company want a contract with no fragmentation rights? I told you (and 320 didn't believe me) the resolve of the 4 brave men is intact. I am not certain there will ever be a vote on this piece of crap. Fear clouds judgement and the fear that is permeating 320 and his minions would knowingly and willingly give up our rights to go with the jets in hopes of saving their jobs. Actually an oxymoron. So how could the majority of pilots allow a vote on this offer?

I cannot believe this company would expect the TA to go to the membership with this attached. If the judge rules it legal, so be it. But for this membership to get a CHANCE to vote it in is remote at best. IMHO.

ALPA's advisors told the MEC that the contract would only get worse as time passed. Guess what? The RC4 and their hand picked "all rookie" Negotiating Committee who "roll called" into their positions negotiated this deal.

Furthermore, ALPA's advisors believe if the TA is rejected that the company will then seek deeper cuts including out of seniority furloughs, which is likely why Mwereplanes refuses to privately identify him self.

You be the judge of the reason why.

If you do not like the TA then ask why the crack RC4/NC could not do better and why Doug Mowrey agreed to this proposed agreement.

ALPA has two choices: Ratify this lousy contract, which could have been better if the RC had listened to every ALPA advisor and key official or face “impositionâ€￾, as early as next week.

The pilot group was warned by many ALPA officials, advisors, and this poster and it “is what it isâ€￾.

