We would seriously like to video tape the "open hearing"?Decision 2004 said:CIO, Can we bring our cameras to the showdown Monday morning?
Or will the security guard tell us to turn them off?
We would seriously like to video tape the "open hearing"?
When the TWU poineered B-scale, where they promoting unionism or "I got mine"?twuer said:You wannabes have a lot of nerve talking about us TWU supporters caring about just ourselves. If I reacall it was your almighty leader O.V. saying that BK was a better alternative. Now, tell me, what would BK have done to the workforce at AA. Just take a look at UAL for an example. Don't give me that crap about how amfa is looking out for others. It ain't happenin'!!!!!! That's obvious!!!
twu supporters are far from being team players. If the twu supporters cared about anyone but themselves they would have signed their cards so we could have our election without all of the hassles. As far as BK and Delle are concerned, everyone but the twu wannabes know it would have had to go before the membership for approval either way. I guarantee the AMFA would not have just rolled over and died. How about that 9.4% raise the pilots got??? Apparently there was some room for negotiations!!! You twu losers have had 50 years to try and get your $h!T together and you have failed!! Your reward will be losing the mechanics craft and class at AA just like you lost the AA flight attendants!! I wish I could say we are as smart as the FA's but they knew a long time ago the twu $u(K$ and got out before the cancer became terminal!!!!!!twuer said:You wannabes have a lot of nerve talking about us TWU supporters caring about just ourselves. If I reacall it was your almighty leader O.V. saying that BK was a better alternative. Now, tell me, what would BK have done to the workforce at AA. Just take a look at UAL for an example. Don't give me that crap about how amfa is looking out for others. It ain't happenin'!!!!!! That's obvious!!!