320 Pilot,
I say this in all seriousness. Take a step back, spend time with the wife and kids and realize that is your life, not this crappy industry we've called a job for the last (well, many years).
I was furloughed almost a year ago today and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I went right back to an Air Force Pilot job, making more money than I would if I was still at the airline (word of warning to all class enviers, ie 28yrsnojob, Lt Col's in the AF who are pilots make more than most airline types and I'm even home more). Of course, I also get shot at more, so we'll call it a wash.
No one, especially you, knows what is going to occur in the next few months. Given your prediction track record I'm a bit surprised you're even opening your pie-hole.
Now is a great time to glory in the wonder of the unspoken thought.