On 5/12/2003 6:17:30 AM PineyBob wrote:
On 5/11/2003 10:35:25 PM tay wrote:
I am not from pit but I was held captive there for five long years before I moved on. I have lived in DC, LAX, and other parts of the country. Pittsburgh was unique. It was by far the rudest most god awful place I ever lived. Adn what is with those property taxes????? Just go to a Giant Eagle and say hello to a cashier and they look at you like you have three heads. RUDE RUDE RUDE., that is how I sum up Pittsburgh. My point is this....Pittsburgh and their folks think that they are owned something....they are not. I am sorry for all of those people who thought that their lives would never change. The same people who gripped when SAN LAX and SFO came from the west coast and bumped their seniority. Well, at least you can move on to a base in your own state. Hello Reality time is here and it has hit the 412 area code.............
Well having grown up in the PHL metro area and traveled quite a bit, I have learned one thing. Nice is everywhere and so is Nasty. Your attitude and approach has more to do with the response then any locale does. Perhaps you''d like me to relate some of experiences with the self absorbed and superficial population for sunny California? Property tax is determined by how the schools are funded, NOT by the friendliness of the population or lack thereof. Taxes in NJ are at least double what they are in PA. Sounds to me that in order to keep your job you had to bump someone and move East, bringing your West Coast attitude of superiority with you. People sense that and when you are on their home turf then tend to remind you. Just the condescending attitude on this post speaks volumes. Sorry you hated PA so. But it sounds like PA and you are better off without each other, after all how could someone like yourself suffer such fools given your advanced state of evolution?
Thanks for the sanity Bob.
Some and NOT all the people who came to Pit from Ca were bitter and hateful taking it out on their surroundings. One guy who ended up going back and now living in CA told me everything is too old in Pit, too dirty and how could anyone even stand to live here. This guy and guys like him hated themselves. On the other hand I can name ten people who moved here and told me they are never going back to CA, mostly because it was over crowed and homes cost way too much in CA. Another CA friend of mine is still commuting weekly and has been doing this for 13 years, his daughter went to Pit College, he and his daughter both loved it here. His daughter is back in Ca now married and he still commutes. He has a small business in Ca and why he never moved. Some guys from the south were the same way, some bitter others not, it''s the person, just like Bob said, it''s not the location. It''s actually ridiculously funny when you really think about it, everyone says people in CA are out there, and people in CA think they are normal and the rest of the world is screwed up
🙂 It''s all one’s point of view, an insane person thinks everyone is nuts except themselves.
Thanks for the sanity Bob.
Some and NOT all the people who came to Pit from Ca were bitter and hateful taking it out on their surroundings. One guy who ended up going back and now living in CA told me everything is too old in Pit, too dirty and how could anyone even stand to live here. This guy and guys like him hated themselves. On the other hand I can name ten people who moved here and told me they are never going back to CA, mostly because it was over crowed and homes cost way too much in CA. Another CA friend of mine is still commuting weekly and has been doing this for 13 years, his daughter went to Pit College, he and his daughter both loved it here. His daughter is back in Ca now married and he still commutes. He has a small business in Ca and why he never moved. Some guys from the south were the same way, some bitter others not, it''s the person, just like Bob said, it''s not the location. It''s actually ridiculously funny when you really think about it, everyone says people in CA are out there, and people in CA think they are normal and the rest of the world is screwed up
🙂 It''s all one’s point of view, an insane person thinks everyone is nuts except themselves.