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Siegel: Pittsburgh hub ''marginal''

People in Pittsburgh aren''t RUDE they are REAL!!! I know with the fake, bottled-water drinking, volvo driving crowds in CLT, SFO, LAX, SAN, etc. you might confuse us with being rude. No, sir. They are FAKE PEOPLE. No city knows more about hard work and strong wills than PIT. Nobody owes PIT anything, and nobody is saying that outside of a few politicians. Maybe we shouldn''t be a hub airport for anybody, but who cares. In the long run we''ll have our pride. At least we didn''t bend over everytime Dave was coming with something to jam up our behind.
I did 5 yrs in PIT, too. Not the greatest place, but I''m sure there''s worse. One thing''s for sure-some didn''t take too kindly to those of us who were "outsiders". Other than that, I think everyone thinks they live in the friendliest city on earth, whereas every other city is just rude. My 2 cents---CLT and area win for friendliest. And no, I don''t live there, never have, and since I no longer will relocate, never will.

You sir bring a new meaning to "Boob JOB"

Very clever and funny line. Thanks for the laugh.
On 5/12/2003 8:12:18 PM W:EXCH:INVOL wrote:

I did 5 yrs in PIT, too. Not the greatest place, but I''m sure there''s worse. One thing''s for sure-some didn''t take too kindly to those of us who were "outsiders".

You must be talking about me and my friendly hunky roots. You don’t mess with a Pittsburgh Steelers fan, remember that.
On 5/12/2003 1:47:13 PM tay wrote:

Thanks for showing me the light. You are all correct. What a fool I was leave the industrial waste crap-town of Pittsburgh. The city of three dirty rivers. I still stand my original statement. Pittsburgh is one of the rudest cities in America.
Hope yunz have fun working for express.......

Tay, with you poor ### attitude, it''s not a wonder people were rude to you. I have lived in MANY places during my life span and I always come home to PIT. People are friendlier here that anywhere else I have ever lived. As for you being held hostage, I think the city was plagued by you. Scenery''s beautiful "glad" you''re not here.
During my tenure with the airline, I can truely say that of all the cities that I worked in CLT has everyone beat.
Of the three hubs, CLT has the most going for it with PHL next. I''ve made friends in all three cities and really enjoyed living in them all. It was an experience that I''ll never forget.

Both of these PHL & CLT have undergone construction update and improvements, with new termianls and facilities. As for the most functional hub, I have to give that to PIT. However, the other two are becoming just as functional as PIT and will probably pass PIT very soon. PHL is going to remain the main International gateway to Europe with CLT becoming the gateway to the Islands and Central and possible South America in the future.

There has been a lot of talk about CLT not having the O&D traffic as PIT, but I think maybe that is changing. PIT will never come as close to the originating traffic that PHL produces, but the picture in CLT is changing and over the next few years they will probably take some of that away from PHL.

CLT is classified as one of the most aggrasive cities. It''s population is well over 625,000 and the metro populations is almost 2 million. Estamates for CLT over the next 5 to 6 years is the population at or above 1 million and metro well over 2.5 million. CLT is the second largest banking center in the US behind NYC and I believe I read that they were in the top 5 in the world.

I believe that the resaon that Crystal City likes CLT is that the city works with them and not against them. I''ve heard that at one time CLT even offered to build a HQ for US Airways and lease it back at half of what Crystal City charges and the offer is still there. Putting it bluntly there is no bad blood between the company and the CLT officials as with the company and PIT.

PIT in my opinion has been it''s own worst enemy. Not the company. Things were not as they were 10 or 15 years ago. Times have changed and in some cases, things that were really great then are just not today and yes someone is going to get hurt. You do what you have to do to survive in this day and time.

I don''t see the company pulling out of PIT, but I can say it will never be the same again and who knows if the company survives and many years down the road, there might be another city that will knock CLT out of the ball park.

By the way I do not live in any of those cities now. I''m retired and just setting back and watching somewhere in Virginia.
On 5/12/2003 1:47:13 PM tay wrote:

Thanks for showing me the light. You are all correct. What a fool I was leave the industrial waste crap-town of Pittsburgh. The city of three dirty rivers. I still stand my original statement. Pittsburgh is one of the rudest cities in America.
Hope yunz have fun working for express.......

we shut down,i''ll be out to bump you out .

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