Figures lie, and liars figure. Another piece of managerial moral busting untruth. Dont believe the liars.More Facts and Less Emotion said:$212,000,000 in lost time for sick calls is obscene.
Figures lie, and liars figure. Another piece of managerial moral busting untruth. Dont believe the liars.More Facts and Less Emotion said:$212,000,000 in lost time for sick calls is obscene.
Got that right. We KNOW they are liars, they made themselves worthy of that title.ua767fo said:Figures lie, and liars figure. Another piece of managerial moral busting untruth. Dont believe the liars.More Facts and Less Emotion said:$212,000,000 in lost time for sick calls is obscene.
I kinda like that idea. Put 3 or 4 doctors on a retainer or even open a company sponsored clinic in each base or major city. Let the employees and their families use it to cut insurance costs. You could even call it USAirways HMO or something. In essence, this could be good for employees and the company. Sounds a lot like Hillary's old health care plan!RowUnderDCA said:Gee, if those costs due to sick leave are for real, wouldn't U save money by funding an independent clinic at each crew base. So, if you feel sick you can get checked out before you go on a trip. I mean how much simple, primary care can $200 mil buy?
The extra pay is probably the result of the cashing out of vacation time - not sick time. At the 3 companies I've worked for during and since college and beyond, all three had a policy of paying out accrued vacation time at the final wage rate. Sick time, on the other hand, was forfeited and no compensation was given for unused sick leave.youngblood said:If being paid for sick days in the bank is so outrageous, then why do most people I know have the fortune to have that extra cash in their paycheck when their employment is finished?
wonderful thought in theory, but its probably not a good idea in reality. Do you really want the company to actually know every detail of your medical history?? That FA x is HIV positive. That pilot Y has been diagnosed with preliminary stage hyptertension. That Mechanic Z may have herpes. Not good.oldiebutgoody said:I kinda like that idea. Put 3 or 4 doctors on a retainer or even open a company sponsored clinic in each base or major city. Let the employees and their families use it to cut insurance costs. You could even call it USAirways HMO or something. In essence, this could be good for employees and the company. Sounds a lot like Hillary's old health care plan!
Now that I think about it, you're right; however, there is still one point I would like to add. I have yet to hear of someone getting penalized simply for using sick time. Rather than targeting all employees, why not take care of only the ones who do abuse it?ITRADE said:The extra pay is probably the result of the cashing out of vacation time - not sick time. At the 3 companies I've worked for during and since college and beyond, all three had a policy of paying out accrued vacation time at the final wage rate. Sick time, on the other hand, was forfeited and no compensation was given for unused sick leave.
The clinic can be independent from the company. I mean if the company is willing to accept a doctors note from some doc anywhere. I don't suppose they'd care if the doc was near the airport. Perhaps the union could arrange it and have the company pay for it.ITRADE said:wonderful thought in theory, but its probably not a good idea in reality. Do you really want the company to actually know every detail of your medical history?? That FA x is HIV positive. That pilot Y has been diagnosed with preliminary stage hyptertension. That Mechanic Z may have herpes. Not good.
Moreover, consider the cost cutting that could be taken under review if things get real bad. Oh no, that's not a compound fracture, thats a sprain. Put some ice on it and check back in a week.
No, there are some things that are better left at arm's length.
"I" wrote:ITRADE said:Here's a thought. I understand that part of the rationale for the improper use of sick leave is that US has a "use it or lose it" policy that resets each calendar year.
If this is the primary cause for the Christmas "bug," why not restructure the sick leave/time allocations.
Rather than give out 9 or 10 days a year, how about allow for accrual of sick leave - say 0.75 days a month up to a maximum of 20 or 25 sick days. Sick leave can be used as needed and does not get forfeited at the end of the year. However, once you've accrued the maximum sick days, you cannot earn additional unless you actuall use it. Your sick days balance is forfeited upon leaving the company
"Go pound salt" is a nice way of saying "Go F%$K yourself". I don't know, maybe its a Pittsburgh thing.Dilligas said:PitBull,PITbull said:<snip>
... was not called a shill, or to go pound salt.
What is the cultural significance or the hidden meaning of the term, "go pound salt"? Just WTF does it mean?
I truly don't know, have heard it, never understood it.
Life is good, ignorance is bliss.
Love ya, mean it,
I am where you are PITBULL! I am in touch . Im not sure what "type" of people youre talking to on the line , in my exeperience when i hear of someone complaining about their supervisor on them or Drs notes being required, theres more to the story. You dig deeper you hear of no contacts, late check ins, many sick calls, late sick calls etc. You know what im saying is VERY true. Now does this mean they arent cracking the whip and being a little to aggressive? NO! But the bad apples always make it hard for all of us, and as your e VERY WELL AWARE, take up most of the local unions time defending.!PITbull said:USfliboi,usfliboi said:Pitbull! I work the front lines, and for years our sick policy has been abused over and over again. Granted morale and "not caring" plays a role however using sick time simply because you wanna watch the superbowl isnt a good excuse. I have heard and seen the abuse . You can have up to five before a drs note is requested and most play it to the hilt. Thes bad apples are few compared to the over all group but we all pay the price. I dont se how you could argue this. You know as well as i do the abuse has been great.PITbull said:It all SPIN!
Employees are getting sick and we are an older population of instead of offering early outs, mangement decides to implement harsh punitive sick polices to rid themselves of the folks who get sick. They are implying we are liabilities to the corporation.
I HAVE WORKED THE LINE FOR 23 YEARS. Don't tell me about the front line, pal.
And from where I sit, YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT I KNOW. I know the problems intimately.
Management is demanding Dr. notes for almost every single sick call. You are way out of touch with today.