Uinvestor Posted on Feb 28 2004, 03:56 PM
I haven't even finished reading this thread but I had to respond to this ridiculous comment. Where can someone live on $80K and be considered living a "luxury lifestyle"? Take that, subtract the taxes (about 1/3, right), divide by 12.....HELLO!!!! The fact that so many are scrounging by on their little pittance of salaries (like me 🙂 ) is sad enough, but for you to say that $80K is Luxury...well, that's absurd.
I know many people who would be happy flying planes at $80K, you might need to sell your summer home and boat but you can have a luxury lifestyle at that salary.
I haven't even finished reading this thread but I had to respond to this ridiculous comment. Where can someone live on $80K and be considered living a "luxury lifestyle"? Take that, subtract the taxes (about 1/3, right), divide by 12.....HELLO!!!! The fact that so many are scrounging by on their little pittance of salaries (like me 🙂 ) is sad enough, but for you to say that $80K is Luxury...well, that's absurd.