PITbull said:
Like it or lump it, #3 concessions totaling $1.5 Billion is not achievable in any environment.
Your CEO might have another view on what is obtainable. Your unions have two choices with their future:
The logical and rational employees will elect to save their jobs at the present moment. This will enable them to look for other employment versus collecting unemployment. Pitbull you clearly do not understand what is happening with your company and have allowed your emotions to take over rational thinking. You should realize that you can't win against the company. I have forgotten his name but the head of your companies labor dept is doing what they were paid to do.
I have always said from my days posting on planebusiness that Pilots and Mechanics should be paid the highest salaries. Why? They have a skill that others do not posses. You can rant all day long about how qualified flight attendants are in society but very few employers will hire them based upon 20 years serving drinks and pushing a cart up the aisle. They do have the CPR training but this was not a requirement unless they plan to become a lifeguard or work in the medical field. If you don't believe me, then contact your local temp agency and ask them what type of jobs does a 20 year flight attendant w/o a college degree qualifies for in today's business world. I know that you will argue that they have college degrees, if so, then they should seek other employment. Chip has stated many times that if one is not happy with his/her job then they should quit. I agree with his opinion on this topic. Since you claim that salaries are at poverty levels, then I would think that these flight attendants would be have the monetary funds to splurge on exotic trips. It would make more sense to get a much better paying job and use that extra money to take vacations.
Now to the reservations agents, you know that I have stated many times that I support the airlines in outsourcing this job function. Pitbull, I believe that you mentioned that your relative or friend is a manager of a call center for a travel company. How much do they pay their phone operators with a low/high salary? I believe that $9 is a very low number to pay someone and would recommend a salary compensation of $13 to answer phones. You will not find $20 phone agents for any company outside of the airlines. You can look at the grocery store clerks in California that have been on strike for the last four months. They are paid an average salary of $15 hour and do not pay anything for their health insurance other than a $10 co-pay. They are upset that their company wants them to pay $40 per month. All medical insurance costs has increased and this is another example of union employees that are used to the gravy train and need to wake up and see what is out on the outside world. If I was Dave, I would outsource all reservation jobs to India if the unions did not agree to a 25% salary reduction.
My message to the Pilots, you might not have any choice but to accept lower wages. Unless you have a college degree w experience outside the aviation industry, your job market skills are limited. Not many employers want to hire 50+ y/o pilots when they prefer hiring recent college graduates. The $150K salaries were nice while they lasted but the industry has changed for the worse. I know many people who would be happy flying planes at $80K, you might need to sell your summer home and boat but you can have a luxury lifestyle at that salary.
Now to the IAM members, It is my opinion that you need new union leadership. What have they done for you lately? Sure, they have gone to court and distributed stern letters to its members how they are doing all possible to protect jobs. Maybe this is why you guys/gals were confused last time when you voted. I recommend that you make your own decisions and stand up for your jobs versus having the fierce union leaders Buffy & Ford who appear to be doing an awful job. 700UW & Delldude, your both need to stop drinking the IAM koolaid and make your own decisions. You should look at the 3rd party outsource companies and their average salaries and make an offer to the company that you will work for $16-18 hr if they company will guarantee your jobs for the next 10 years. Now is the time to strike a deal to save your jobs.
Pineybob, you sit on this board all day long yelling to the employees what they should and should not do. I can't ever tell what side of the fence you are on each day. I was a US1 for 4 out 5 years but with the reduce service out of LGA, I have chosen to fly CO in the last year or so. You can call CO and they will give you status on their carrier. I have the most respect for Art@ISP as he is the example of a loyal customer. If you are not happy with a product, then go to another airline Bob and stop complaining about how Siegel & Baldanza are affecting the dividend mile members.
The days of gate agents are also numbered. Kiosks & gate readers will soon replace many of these agents. Don't blame Dave but blame technology. You complain how you can't live on poverty wages $13 but Jetblue and Airtran employees appear to be doing fine. I don't see them quiting their jobs because they can't live on these low salaries. It is called getting out of credit card debt, not having that extra bedroom house in the gated community or that 3rd car for the weekend. Greenspan stated this week that something must be done with Social Security to keep the program up and running. Why were your parents (60-70's) able to save money but this generation has not learned how to yet? Because they are living in a world of CREDIT. I know many families that have an total family income of 50K that live a modest middle class home, while they might only have 2 cars, one is used, and have a house that costs $100K, they are able to provide for their families. So the people on this board who are complaining about the $13 hr salaries, I ask you this question. Why are you still working at these wages? It is a fair question if the grass is greener on the other side.
My closing advice is for all unions to give at least 25% in concessions to save your jobs.