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Airline Targets Sick-pay Abuse


You are the best in your "wit"...LOL... no one can match 😉
PitBull -

Aren't you proud of me......12 pages of discussion on sick calls and only one post by me...... 😀 I've been tempted to jump in the arena, but I'll let someone else duke this one out. LOL
Yea, real proud. Still have a few knumbskulls -Jerry -fans on here left regarding this issue.
PITbull said:
Yea, real proud. Still have a few knumbskulls -Jerry -fans on here left regarding this issue.
Pit I have an idea! Do you have your own webpage so that you can vent and no one can share their own opinion ? I mean would be a great site im sure. Although i dont agree with much of what you say Ill give it to you that your vocal and have an opinion. That is important since thats what having free speech is all about. You get your own websit. Call it Pitbull's Cage! Snazzy huh? 🙂

My post was in no way putting you down. If it came across that way, that was not the intent. You help defend against the kinds of abuses I spoke of. Your work is very appreciated.

I was making the point that some of us have taken a look at our past habits. That in know way means I don't believe it when someone says they were sick. I would just prefer it if my fellow employees would keep their...cough...plans to themselves. I don't feel comfortable in hearing it.
wow another insult to a poor person on this board. Great choice of a big word.
I think Forrest Gump said...."Stupid is as Stupid Does".....but with some on here....."Stupid is as Stupid Says". Boi oh Boi. 😉
ktflyhome said:
I think Forrest Gump said...."Stupid is as Stupid Does".....but with some on here....."Stupid is as Stupid Says". Boi oh Boi. 😉
lol you said a mouth full there and didnt realize! 🙂
UAL_TECH said:
Your generalistic postings have many implications and you are not clear as to what your implications are.

But, I'm sure that is your intention.
Not really. I'm afraid you've gotten the wrong impression of what my position is.

Given the context of the post as presented, your hypothesis was clear and my response was exact.
Your response was exact and appropriate to your interpretation. I will state again, as clearly as I can, that my point of the post was to show how absurd the conspiracy theory is. I don't really care what someone suggests is the case, but if someone comes up with that as a proposed business plan, they have nothing but a power-play in mind. It distracts from the business.

Thanks for your feeble attempt in regaining your composure by transference, but 'I'm not buying'!
Believe what you want. 🙄

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