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Airline Targets Sick-pay Abuse

USA320Pilot said:
This is one of those areas that is black and white, there is no middle ground because it's about integrity.


You are dead wrong.

It's like the parents who are drunks, use drugs and have parties almost nightly while at the same time sending their kids to church expecting them to be saints, it's not going to happen!

Of course we have all the moral elite on here spelling out to us the who why and how of sick time, with themselves being the benchmark of integrity and high morals, give me a break.

For the record: My comment on earn em & burn em is based solely on the facts I am spelling out here. Personally the only sick time I have taken, which was only several months ago, was for some surgery, and I came back early at that.

The other day while working in a very tight space in an aircraft where only a couple people can fit into and where you’d better not be claustrophobic and the air is stale, I worked with a guy who was coughing his brains out, too stupid to call in sick, therefore putting me at risk. I asked him why he came to work sick and his reply: I was afraid to get in trouble. So much for punitive policy effectiveness, but of course the mentality on here would give him praises.

The way the place is being run I still maintain, and anyone with common sense knows this as well, that sick time being what it is, is totally to be expected with the team of union breaking, employee unfriendly people we have on the property. Arguing otherwise makes you stand out as whipping boy for management with no regard to human decency.
USA320Pilot said:

700UW asked: "But I ask you again, do you have proof that the dollar figure the company supplied is true?"

USA320Pilot answers: I have not seen the books or statements and I have only read what has been published. Can you show me where the company's dollar figure is untrue?

By the way, even $1 of sick time abuse is excessive. This is one of those areas that is black and white, there is no middle ground because it's about integrity.


Those who live in fear are the most likely to lash out.

No. Bill Clinton was not called a shill, or to go pound salt. Instead, he was under much scrutiny from Congress and the highest authority...the American public. He was called names like a liar, to imoral, to seeking impeachment. Shill no. Much worse than that!!
PITbull said:

... was not called a shill, or to go pound salt.

What is the cultural significance or the hidden meaning of the term, "go pound salt"? Just WTF does it mean?

I truly don't know, have heard it, never understood it.

Life is good, ignorance is bliss.

Love ya, mean it,

Dilligas said:
PITbull said:

... was not called a shill, or to go pound salt.

What is the cultural significance or the hidden meaning of the term, "go pound salt"? Just WTF does it mean?

I truly don't know, have heard it, never understood it.

Life is good, ignorance is bliss.

Love ya, mean it,

Well dill, this is the best I can do:😛


go pound salt
I've seen first hand how contract language allows, or union insistance to protect an abusive employee, perpetuates sick time abuse. Its weaking the whole company for all. Its the I missed my commute flt, therefore I'll just call off this trip mentality. And since consecutive sick days count as one occurance, maybe I'll just call of the next trip as well and have the rest of the month off, since I have the sick time to use. crewms that never ever work 4 days trips throughtout the year amazingly seem to pick one up on every sick call. I play softball will rampers out off on disability claims. I've see employees golfing while out on oij. People that took the voluntary leaves that where about to be off for the next 6 mo or year, burned as much sick time as possible before leaving. It is emploding UAir. from within.
Suppose an F/A makes for round numbers $40.00/flight hour and US cuts that to $35/hr but give each flight attendent an opportunity to earn say $3.00/Hr merely by showing up for their assigned shift every time paid monthly. Then another $1.00 back if her specific base has perfect attendence (nothing like peer pressure), the final $1.00/hr is paid quarterly for perfect attendence. Everybody wins! No paycut for those who actually work, reduced sick time so US makes it's cost numbers and more importantly by having the group incentive included makes sure the "Slackers" are run out via "peer pressure" and company policy. In short a total win win, that's why it won't happen

PineyBob. It's a great idea, and one the company would except in a minute. And the AFA would stop it in a new york minute.
openview said:
I've seen first hand how contract language allows, or union insistance to protect an abusive employee, perpetuates sick time abuse. Its weaking the whole company for all. Its the I missed my commute flt, therefore I'll just call off this trip mentality. And since consecutive sick days count as one occurance, maybe I'll just call of the next trip as well and have the rest of the month off, since I have the sick time to use. crewms that never ever work 4 days trips throughtout the year amazingly seem to pick one up on every sick call. I play softball will rampers out off on disability claims. I've see employees golfing while out on oij. People that took the voluntary leaves that where about to be off for the next 6 mo or year, burned as much sick time as possible before leaving. It is emploding UAir. from within.
Being led by example:

Disregard of contracts, they mean nothing, punitive policy that’s coming down hard on employees, never ending give backs with no hopes of any light at the end of the tunnel, bleak future, people out of stations away from families, people working shifts and days off they hate, health insurance that is a nightmare to deal with on top of the extremely high cost of it, people getting in trouble for smoking or taking 3 extra minutes break, on and on and on, and yet we have people that expect human beings to act in the most perfectly correct moral way, simply forgetting everything that is happening around, completely turning it off. Well to the ones that can, God Bless you and your extremely strong will power, but the rest of the employees are mere humans and will unfortunately act accordingly such as they are.
openview says:
"crewms that never ever work 4 days trips throughtout the year amazingly seem to pick one up on every sick call"

Nice try, openview, but it doesn't work that way. If we pick up a trip and then call in sick for it, we only get sick time for what was originally in our schedule those days. If it was a 2-day, we only get sick time for the 2-day. And then there's the 5 hour pay penalty for calling in sick - which is equivalent to 1 day.

Why would you want salt up there? Thats an awfully odd thing to request for someone to do.
Cavalier: you are taking concessions for the very real and very significant things such as sick time abuse. That is a fact.

BoeingBoy: I was going by afa contract only and that has occured for many years; if that has changed recently I'm unaware and don't mean to mislead in any way...no sure how any other contracts read
openview said:
Cavalier: you are taking concessions for the very real and very significant things such as sick time abuse. That is a fact.
WRONG! I will NEVER again vote for another concession.

The end is near, why would I go out with less? You can, I won't.
Why is it so hard for others to fathom, the IAM membership is fed up and has had enough. We will die like men then live in fear like cowards!
WRONG! I will NEVER again vote for another concession.

The end is near, why would I go out with less? You can, I won't.

Whatever. It no longer affects me. My position was eliminated a year ago. I only post occasionly out of airline interests or to pass along perspective I experienced while there.
PITbull said:
A320 Driver,

I agree with you. It is NOT an entitlement. It is only a benefit if you should get ill to protect your loss. It is not meant to be a gain.
Those abuses are recognized. And they are in every single corporation today. From mangement abuse to rank and file abuse.

It is no longer about the issue of abuse. At U, it has become an issue of cost savings regardless of ligitamate illness. We have folks that are literally in the hspital that get harrassed. Literally.U masks their abuse of employees by saying its the employe abuse that they focus on. They are not forthright.

Just to prove your point, I have known several people who have been carted away in an ambulance from work. As this happens work load is sure to document the situation; however, regardless of the situation they receive an occurance. God forbid if these people have a chronic condition because getting FMLA approved anymore is pretty near impossible. So every time they call off (if they can't get approved) is an occurance. Five occurances and you're on a level. Get on level one and they look for reasons to get rid of you.

Whereas I agree there is abuse, the number of people abusing is a minority. I was able to get FMLA for my husband but the chance of having it renewed come June is bleak to say the least. Being one of those who does not abuse sick or FMLA I don't see why I should be punished for others lack of integrity. It should be on a case by case basis.

One work rule the company has lacked in reviewing is their policy for late arrivals at work. I have been late to work three times throughout my employment none of which were self imposed. Two were weather related and the other an accident. Usually it takes me 30 to 45 minutes to get to work. In these cases it took me anywhere from 1.5 to 2 hrs to get to work. Because I was late I was given an occurance. The same occurance I would have received if I had called in sick. I made up the time at the end of my shift. What sense does this make? The company literally encourages people calling off in cases like these. Most have the philosophy "If I am getting the same occurance, why not take the whole day."

My sick days have been reduced. The companies so called management of FMLA applications is abusive. I have already gone to work sick for fear of getting too close to that level. And I have not gone beyond the number of days alotted by my husband's physician to stay home and care for him.


If being paid for sick days in the bank is so outrageous, then why do most people I know have the fortune to have that extra cash in their paycheck when their employment is finished?

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