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Airline Targets Sick-pay Abuse

BillLumbergh said:
Is there an anger management problem that we need to address???
Is it coming down to this?
To me the issue is the not the dollar figure quoted, it's about integrity, period.

People can spin it any way they want, but if you're sick stay home -- if you're not go to work -- sick time is not an extension of vacation.


BillLumbergh said:
Once again, the Constitution does not apply to message boards. Somewhere I've got a link to a website that will mail to you a free copy of it. You should read it some time - carefully.
Good Lord Bill !!

Whats the point of a message board if a person can't express themselves in the true manner of their feelings and thoughts on a given subject?

You are moderating the most active area of this entire website...but overly moderating it is going to hamper this for the worst IMHO. Diluted thought is censorship. Chairman Mao would be proud of you.

We are all living through heated and trying times , and yes the emotions are going to run the gambit in light of that fact. So unless harsh profanity or pornography is introduced ? Where's the problem with adults saying whats on their minds..or reacting to people of a differing view on a given subject? Freedom of speach and expression has it's merits....and Our society was built on just that standard.

I don't need a copy of the US Constitution by the way...I've defended it.
Once again, the Constitution does not apply to message boards. Somewhere I've got a link to a website that will mail to you a free copy of it. You should read it some time - carefully.

Its not about the constitution its about the long arm of US Airways. Bill knows who's who on this board and he know's that certain posters such as Hawk or USFliboi can post whatever they want without fear of censorship but beings Pitbul isnt covered by that long arm Bill has no problem threatening Pit because he/she made a suggestion of pounding salt.
colorado_cowboy said:
Its not about the constitution its about the long arm of US Airways. Bill knows who's who on this board and he know's that certain posters such as Hawk or Flyboi can post whatever they want without fear of censorship but beings Pitbul isnt covered by that long arm Bill has no problem threatening Pit because he/she made a suggestion of pounding salt.
Mostly because Hawk has never personally insulted somebody, called somebody a shill or an idiot, told somebody to get lost or that they should not post here - not from what I've seen.

If you cannot control your tempers or postings without calling somebody a name or telling somebody to "pound salt," then you've really got some issues to deal with. And I'm not saying that I am innocent here, but given the fact that the issues on the boards are quite close to the members and to the future of a lot of emploees, I'll bet that there has to be a limit on how far on the limb the mods and admins will want to take this.

Put it to you this way, when John Kerry and George Bush debate each other, or when Bill Clinton debated Bob Dole, did you ever hear Clinton call Dole an idiot? Did you ever hear Kerry tell Bush or Howard Dean to "go pound salt?" Did you ever hear Bob Dole say -publicly- that Bill Clinton was a shill?

I'm not expecting that folks around here are presidential quality. That being said, the reason these boards exist and many folks post on them is because they are sick of the Yahoo-message board rants/raves, insults, and childish behavior that makes so, so many people leave those boards. Those of us will remember the old Planebusiness boards. Absolute anarchy reigned on those boards - especially the AA boards. The things got so out of hand that Holly shut them down. I'm sure that we don't want that to happen here.

I think BillLumbergh, Scot, and the others do a fine job.
Let me file an additional comment on PBB. Many of us will easily remember the AA/TW merger issues. The postings on that board went off the wall despite the best efforts of the moderator(s) to control the postings.

Given that the issues here are just as heated, I would be willing to bet that the motives of the mods here are to limit the type of flaming and diatribe that infected PBB.
ITrade you know as well as I do that the moderator of any board has access to information such as an IP address Knowing that IP address may or may not give an individual certain privileges that the common poster such as Pitbul or myself most likely wouldnt receive.

The comment of "Pounding Salt" wasnt an insult, it contained no profanity and surely wasnt a threat. Where as you on the other hand turned this into a personal attack on me by insinuating that I must have issues but yet you dont even know me. Does that mean you should be sent out to the cornfield?

Why hasnt the moderator reprimanded you for such a remark? Is it because he knows what side of the fence you stand on and fortunately for you its the side that the moderator fears the most?

At any rate this is getting way off topic I would like to suggest we discuss the issue at hand.
ITrade you know as well as I do that the moderator of any board has access to information such as an IP address Knowing that IP address may or may not give an individual certain privileges that the common poster such as Pitbul or myself most likely wouldnt receive.

I don't know if that's true or not for this board. I was a moderator on an radio message board (Cavalier should know the type of "radio"). Anyhow, as a mod on that board, we used the UBB message/board software. That did allow for IP tracking, but only to the extent that the IP told you the server.

The comment of "Pounding Salt" wasnt an insult, it contained no profanity and surely wasnt a threat. Where as you on the other hand turned this into a personal attack on me by insinuating that I must have issues but yet you dont even know me. Does that mean you should be sent out to the cornfield?

How did I insinuate that you have issues? Your thread had no insults or comments - although YMMV. My observation was more of a general comment on postings in general, not yours specifically.

Why hasnt the moderator reprimanded you for such a remark? Is it because he knows what side of the fence you stand on and fortunately for you its the side that the moderator fears the most?

I've gotten e-mails from the Mods. But what can I do? I don't work for the company so what reprisals could I possibly unleash unto the Mods?

At any rate this is getting way off topic I would like to suggest we discuss the issue at hand.

Won't disagree with you there.
An official with the Association of Flight Attendants noted the company had already tightened sick-leave rules in late December under which nine sick calls in one year are grounds for termination.

Tightened the rules!! to where 9 sick calls in one year are grounds for termination!! Nine in a year! Doesn't this strike anyone as rediculus. And the union rep states it as if its completely unreasonable. But of coarse its management being unreasonable as always. "Use em or lose'm" before the company folds with that mentality.
The Idea of having employees come to work when they are scheduled to is not a new one, but the extent to which Mr. Glass is willing to go to get them there is borderline illegal.

Employees calling off sick may be reqiured to produce a doctors excuse upon return or they will not be paid for the sick day/days .

The requirements of a valid excuse are many but one is particularly disturbing.

The doctors excuse must give the reason for which the employee was under his /her care.
This is used for the company to determine if you should have stayed home due to the illness that your doctor has diagnosed you with.

When management was asked about the legal and confidentiality issues, they said that "we are breaking no laws".
"We aren't asking your doctor to see your medical records, you are" !
And if you wish to be paid for sick time when you use it you will give us the information.

The policy is arbitrary and can be applied upon whomever they choose, whenever they choose.

If a employee has earned sick time and does not show a pattern of abuse, he or she should not be subjected to this treatment.

Smartest Loser said:
I have a question, How can something that is a benefit of mine be considered a loss..??

If we follow that thinking …U should post the est. value of everyone’s health care cost and call that a loss, or even flying privileges thats a loss...??? I guess we could even look at the use of The USAirways Clubs by the exec's as a loss...??

Who started looking at benefits and calling them losses..?? I don't understand.
I would answer you this way:

1) Your "benefit" is to be used when you are sick, it is paid by the company to you, plus paying someone else to do your job that day or trip,

2) It is not earned money kept in a bank, like crewmember "Bank-time" where you actually flew that amount of hours and it was held by the company and is your actual dollars. In this case if you died, quit, whatever, that money would be owed to you,

3) Your sick time benefit is compensation that is paid to you as a benefit, rather than hard dollars you earned.

I would compare it to this; You work all year, you never got sick, therefore, you did not go to the doctor. Do you feel you should get money back from the money you paid from health insurance?

In this example, you could argue that refund more successfully than pissing away sicktime, because your angry, you want to watch that game, or do not want to retire with too much sick time....

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