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Airline (RLA) CBA rejection

Yes agreed they may be reaching on this one but I for one am glad to see at least one of the 3 unions challenging parts of the bk law that intersect with the provisions of the rla. It may be for nought, but if they win in this narrow lawsuit it would change everything for all 3.
I wouldn't be so positive about that. Saying that an APA win "would change everything" for the APFA and the TWU may not be accurate. The APA lawsuit hangs on the language of the APA CBA. If the APFA or TWU CBAs contained the same phrasing, then perhaps an APA win on this issue would in fact "change everything" for everyone. But if the APFA or TWU agreements don't contain identical (or identical enough) language as the APA CBA, then an APA win might have no meaning at all for the other unions. Here's the APA complaint:


Paragraph 9 of the complaint is where the discussion of the language of the CBA begins.
Good point on the language in the various cbas. I do NOT know how the APFA cba is phrased, duration etc., relative to what is in the APA lawsuit but you are spot on in that that could be a pivotal difference for both us and the TWU.