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Contract Abrogation & Right To Strike

Just a small indication of the increased competition we've seen (and will continue to see), even at "out of the way" places. This is a market that US and DL had to themselves a decade ago. The kind of market that has provided decent yield levels.

Savannah/Hilton Head Airport Experiencing Growth
Aviation Week & Space Technology
11/08/2004, page 17

Edited by Edward H. Phillips

Changing Times

The Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport is a good example of how airlines are bypassing hubs. In 1995, three carriers flying to only two destinations--Atlanta and Charlotte--served the airport. It now handles 17 nonstop flights daily flown by seven airlines to a dozen major markets, including three in the New York area, two in Washington, and airports in Dallas, Chicago, Houston, Cincinnati, Orlando, Boston, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Patrick Graham, executive director of the Savannah Airport Commission, says that small communities in the region are the beneficiaries of the increased service. But the airport's terminal building, which began operating in 1994, was designed with 10 gates for Boeing 757-size airplanes. It now handles only four 757s each day while accommodating 60 regional jets. To make the gate system work, two 50-seat RJs are being squeezed into gates for one 757. If larger 70-seat RJs begin to serve the airport, that strategy will no longer work, Graham said.

We all know the drill...it's all about you...and no matter what? , no matter at who's expense? Life is going to be just peachy for you.

U is heading down a path of mutually assured distruction no matter what we as laborers do? , or don't do? It's high time you see beyond the windscreen and accept those fatcs.

The CWA is not going to take it without a fight or a seeking of self-help. Even if they lose...the customer is going to lose as what the current members provide will suffer dramatically.

The AFA is not going out with a wimper , and if it does , the best F/A's around are going to leave in droves , thus creating a void for a period of time that will hamper operations and run off even more customers. Once replacement F/A's are found , they will be of the fly-by niht caliber that many here find less than professional , as they will only se the job as a stepping stone to a real paying job.

The IAM is not going out on its knees either. If the outsourcing is allowed on a permanent basis? Flights will cancel by the by the truckload. Without having out of service Heavy Maintenance acft to rob spare parts from , in accessable locations within the route system like PIT or CLT? The system will grind to an un-acceptable halt to anyones standard. The only people that will win in the very short term are the contractors....and this will be the shortest term victory that will ever have been recorded.

U still can't see..nor can you see that it's the route system and the business model that's the problem. The employee's nor thier wages are what's driving us down..it's those whm have plundered all the cream off the top and split that have killed us....and what's controlling us now is not smart enough to utilize the greatest assets on the property (The Employee's) to change the direction in an affirmative way.

We have all seen it said a million times before...and I'm certain that many have become resigned to this one simple fact. With the current leadership , with the business as usual approach fron CCY's perspective...no matter id the rank and file , you included worked for free , U is going to die a certain death within a very few months.

I hope for your sake the portfolio is a soud as you claim?..it should be after making years of inflated wages , yet contributing very little comparative time to the job like the rest of the wage earners here.

We are not goin t accept Express wages ,just so you can look down your pointed nose as tell us what else we need to do to keep your ilk flying and CCY smling all the way to the bank.

I strongly suggest , just for starters , that you talk to your former Naval Officer buddy Lakefield and remind him of the leadership traits that he was supposed to have learned at Annapolis...and that is , never ask more of the troops than you do of yourself. Remember $400K plus is but a pimple in the grand scheme of things. What does $35K or less equal if $400K Plus is a pimple?
I find it interesting how the ‘naysayers’ keep posting with so much emotion and "shoot the messenger".

I believe this clearly shows who is scared.

Unemployment and liquidation is right around the corner without the cost cuts. Mitchell has no option without consensual or imposed deals except liquidation.

DellDude, yes my father-in-law lives with us in our house that has no mortgage. Along with our first two kid’s who were killed in separate car accidents, my mother-in-law passed away and my brother-in-law passed away at age 25 from Leukemia. My father-in-law has no blood relatives except my wife, thus he moved in with us after he lost his wife and son. It gives us comfort to have no debt, period. It sure will makes things easier post US Airways, without new labor accords.

See we know first hand about severe tragedy and if US Airways fails, it’s not like burying children twice. Shoot the messenger if you like, but it really doesn’t bother me.

How about you? What’s your plan?

Best regards,

PITbull said:
I choose #3. And you forgot to state that we will have unemployment benefits, which is more than some folks here will make working.

You will do whatever you can to bring us down.
Zeus said:
You will do whatever you can to bring us down.
as you continually DO THE LORENZO to our unions??

Zeus said:
You will do whatever you can to bring us down.

You know, there really WASN'T a Pitbull, or a 700, or a BoeingBoy 8 years ago, because they were busting their humps, because there was hope, to turn U into a going concern.

Their efforts and hopes have been squandered.

Where has managment taken ANY, I repeat, ANY responsibility for a failed business plan?

They are adept at blaming external conditions (as if the competition were not affected by those same conditions) and ALWAYS, ALWAYS - the employees. The term for this is ingrate.

Just as the Greek Zeus sired Apollo, Artemis and Hermes, so to did U sire Pitbull, BoeingBoy and 700.

As you go by the handle 'Zeus', I have to wonder - coincidence?

Perhaps not.
DellDude, yes my father-in-law lives with us in our house that has no mortgage. Along with our first two kid’s who were killed in separate car accidents, my mother-in-law passed away and my brother-in-law passed away at age 25 from Leukemia. My father-in-law has no blood relatives except my wife, thus he moved in with us after he lost his wife and son. It gives us comfort to have no debt, period. It sure will makes things easier post US Airways, without new labor accords.
wow thats an amazing life story and i'm sorry if you have to carry a stone that large...but if you could,can your father in law take my mortgage also??
i'm working under a 21% wage reduction because your minions lacked the balls to end this corporate greed and decided to become a willing participant.
Zeus said:
You will do whatever you can to bring us down.


The USAirways employees collectively have done everything in their power to SAVE THIS COMPANY...AT THE EXPENSE OF 20,000 JOBS ON THE STREET AND NOW 3 CONCESSIONS.

You have the nerve to say the employees or any 1 person will be the demise of U....you have not lIfted on finger (other than 2 bk filings) to assist in devising a plan, or having any vision that will make this company solvent, other than STRIPPING EVERYTHING FROM the employees who keep this company functioning and operating to meet the customer's needs ...and are the greatest assests this company has.

I recognize this failure of management; you do not!

USA320Pilot said:
With that said, in my opinion, Judge Mitchell’s primary responsibility is to the creditor’s committee and he wants to see the company survive.

No, he wants to see the creditors get the maximum number of cents on the dollar. If Chapter 7 gives a better scenario for this, the place is gone.

One of the things that is often overlooked (and ignored by ALPA's puppets, paid for by the company to allow ALPA to retain the maximum number of dues paying members, regardless of damage to the profession) is that 1113 imposes new working conditions. Not a contract.

At will employees cannot be legally required to work.

I've said it before and I'll say it again--the hand wringing on the part of various ALPA members is just that: hand wringing. The IAM-M has a significant amount of latitude if it goes into the process ready, willing, and able to engage in self-help (as does the CWA, AFA, etc).

Oh, and the election is over, so either a POR is filed by 1/15/05, or the ATSB will pull the plug.
BoeingBoy said:
And in the final analysis it is the numbers that matter.

Some call this being a "naysayer". Call it what you will, but it's the reality facing all of us. If you want to change this reality, it's easy. Adopt the MDA contracts at mainline, shift those Emb-170's and CRJ's to MESA (they can operate them cheaper than MDA/PSA). Unless you're willing to do that, reality won't change.


I agree Jim.

The top management types will be given their few hundred grand and all the rest of the lower echelon employees will need to move on whether it's job training or whatever else they decide to do with their lives.

I don't consider you a naysayer at all but a realist.
A320 Driver said:
It almost seems that folks on these boards would dance with glee if one of our unions would just call a strike. A final "we'll show em".

Well, be careful what you wish for. No one is happy with current events, but we're not all ready to pack it in either.

A320 Driver

I think I'd be willing to relocate and come off furlough for a month or two so I could throw a "yes" vote for a strike. It's time to send this ship to the bottom :angry: !
PitBull sez: "And you forgot to state that we will have unemployment benefits, which is more than some folks here will make working."

Pit Bull, do you have any idea how little unemployment compensation pays...?

Do you...?

Do you u have any clue...?

C'mon, you seem smart enough to advise everyone how great an option it is, so you must have taken the time to investigate at least PA's benefits.

Or are you working on an assumption, heresay, outright ignorance...?

Factor in the 500+ a month for COBRA health coverage, factor in that Unemployment Compensation is taxed (with no withholding), and now PitBull... Oh so knowlegable PITBull...

How much do you actually get to live on, after the long wait before the checks even start arriving.

Why dontcha tell everyone, I am sure that they would love to know.

Or is that something you would rather they find out about after it is too late?

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