[SIZE=11pt]So what have we done for YOU Mr Conehead? What we have done is set up the most Transparent and Democratic Local that M&R has ever seen. We post our Financial Reports and minutes on line, we conduct voting online so everyone gets an opportunity to vote where now we see between 70% to over 90% of eligible voters vote on motions. We challenge anyone who tries to take away our members rights through either the Grievance process or the Court system. We have given every steward quick easy access to filing grievances by issuing every steward a Tablet where they can electronically file grievances online and research the issues. We now have an improved communications structure so that all our members from Boston to San Diego get the same information and they can see whats going on in other locations. You may not care about any of these things, but thats ok, cant please everyone but we believe that these things serve everyone in the local and will help us enact strategies that will allow us to combat further erosion and win back what we lost, and thats what its all about. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Yes Bob , you can do ALL of this, but how about correcting problems on the field? It’s great to file grievances online, that's for sure, since we have to file grievances for EVERYTHING. As you guys cannot fix anything without one, and where does that grievance go?? Into the docket which is several years long.[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Its great your using the court system too, just pay Seham to take care of it all.. What do we pay you guys for? It’s awesome we are all under one umbrella BOB, so while DFW is fighting to get a bid in place, what about all the other stations?? Are their bids delayed by months too? And what exactly did YOU do to protect my rights about that? Oh wait, let me guess; file an electronic grievance, awesome BOB. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]JCBA-thats being tied up by the NMB, and since it affects all of us (514, 567, 591) any action on that to pressure the NMB to decide has to come from the International, we submitted thousands of signatures back in August saying that we do not want the Association, that we expect the NMB to apply the rules as written, and those signatures came from 591 and 514.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Well, it was a good thing 591 sent that letter into NMB, that did a lot of good didn’t it BOB? Maybe it slowed up the process a bit? You think? How much did you pay the lawyer to write it BOB? Let me ask you this, have you used any of all this time to do anything to prepare for negotiations?[/SIZE]
Match-Once again, a grievance has been filed and that Grievance is the ATDs to move forward on. If you recall I spoke out very strongly against your buddy Dons language about "successful resolution of the 114 process " because I believed what has happened would happen. Did you vote Yes?
Just tell me once again BOB, exactly what have YOU done as my representative to fix this? Anything? Guess what, despite what you think, I have no buddys in the union past or present. As far as I’m concerned anyone that is, including some lower level reps, not all, for the most part is looking for their own personal scam.
Shares- that is due to the lawsuit filed by former coworkers who took the bird in the hand and now want the two in the bush as well. Thanks to them we wont see those shares till the case is closed.
Just tell me once again BOB, exactly what have YOU done as my representative to fix this? Anything?