Airline, Attendants Ready For Concession Talks

mweiss/320/hawk and like minded wackos...this airline is going to fail and it will not the be the fault of Teddy or any labor union leader. It will rest with corporate America's greed and corruption, helped along with people like you three as being their cheerleaders acting like co-dependants in need of mental help.
The Truth said:
She will only devastate her group because of her foolish behavior. Waiting for BK is one of the most ignorant comments that I have read on these boards. I highly doubt that any f/a is willing to risk their jobs and company for a strike-stop with the foolish thinking.

If I was a member of your labor group I accept HP wages and benefits before taking my chances in court. A judge isn’t interested in what a labor group has given in the past, especially if it means saving the company. The company can prove that it will make money with the new business plan. This includes the 6 cents cost structure, which a judge will rule in the company’s favor to abrogate any CBAs, if needed. Pitbull needs to wake up and realize that the times have changed and so will their wages.
Truth, and A320Pilot,

With all due respect, I think you are misreading the situation.

There comes a point where it is simply not worth it anymore. No anger; no drama; no battle with the judge... just a point where the question is, Is it worth the compensation to do this job? And at some point the answer is no.

If it can't work with what already has been given, it wasn't meant to be.

Just what exactly are you willing to see airline jobs degenerate into? I think we are fast approaching the same point of compensation as the HoJo's night manager, and most F/As would be qualified to do a job like that. (Except maybe people like Fliboi, who can barely string a sentence or thought together in proper English, and so may have reason to be terrified that his job is about to disappear.) Just how low do you want to go? And why?

I for one don't want to be part of that process anymore, and no longer want to sacrifice my quality of life any further so Bertha Wannamaker from Paoli can have $29 transcon fares to visit her Aunt Lulu in Pomona (and #### and moan about how cramped the seating is and not getting a six-course hot meal along the way).

Stop the madness. Enough is enough.

(And please note I am not necessarily advocating a concession vote one way or the other. As I have mentioned before, I would't dream of telling others how to vote when I am not in their shoes and won't have to live with the consequences. I am merely commenting on those who are advocating take yet another one for the team, or implying that people would be somehow better off by taking yet another round of concessions. I am suggesting people are probably ready to stop the cycle one way or another, either by voting against further concessions or simply by leaving-- either one is an appropriate reaction, at this point.)

You did not answer sfb.

He came to the conclusion from all your posts, that you do not understand BK law.
I believe his estimation is gathered from your postings, and I concur with his astute analysis.

You just regurgitated above the "new business plan" . Your astute leader is going by ALPA lawyers and who ALPA hires. As we move up the ladder of union organization, what becomes apparent and very important is survival of the organization at all cost.

The members will decide their destiny. They will have a more profound understanding of what's at stake, what happens in BK and what does not. Then they will cast there vote and be ready for the "fall out", whatever that maybe, from that collective decision.
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It's not greed, it's fact.

So go ahead and enter bankruptcy and see what happens, thus increasing the paychecks of other employees.

It's your choice.




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USA320Pilot said:
It's trying to negotiate more favorable costs at Pittsburgh, including a $500-million reduction in airport debt obligations, and it's threatening to pull down its hub operations and employment levels there if state and local officials don't come through.
(bolded by me)

Talk about two faced! Threatening? According to your previous posts, it was your opinion it was absolutly a done deal... now it appearently isnt. You manipulate "facts" and change your wording based upon thread topic.

You now have zero credability in my book. Congrats.
So a judge rules on the unions behalf and then what? U is out of business. Explain that to the children of the now unemployed airline workers who won't be able to go to dance class, soccer touraments, or the college they had hoped for. I'm sure the children will understand your point of winning at all cost. I live around a lot of U employees and I believe when push comes to shove, all this grand standing will deminish. Even with a paycut, they know damn well, they are still much better off with the paycut. Cost of Blue Cross and Blue Shield per month for a family of 4 - $2,400. That's your 80/20 plan. No dental, no frills. Didn't Continental go twice into BK? Their employees stock zeroed - twice! And aren't they being asked to give again? So Seigel screwed up on the first paycuts and BK - so shut the company down? That's logical.
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I fully understand the bankruptcy process and what ALPA’s advisors have said. ALPA officials have let it be known this is a labor and operational restructuring so go into bankruptcy without a S.1113 letter and provided the company successfully restructures, those employees who reach accords will receive higher profit sharing checks and greater security capital gains.

I believe employee pay and benefits will either come down to LCC levels or be zero. The market, not management, you, or I will decide this issue, as it always does.



P.S. I’m going to bed for the night – see you in cyberspace tomorrow.
USA320Pilot said:

It's not greed, it's fact.

So go ahead and enter bankruptcy and see what happens, thus increasing the paychecks of other employees.

It's your choice.


How blind are you?

Do you actually think the company will increase your salary at the benefit of another work group?

Once again you show that you only care about your wallet and to hell with everyone else.

You are nothing but a greedy person plain and simple, and you can't even admit when you are wrong and you just disappear and ignore it when you are shown to be wrong.


This company is going into BK again, mark my words. And I guess PT Barnum was right, you lost your pension and still willing to take it again, grow some intestinal fortitude and not live in fear like a coward.
cavalier said:
mweiss/320/hawk and like minded wackos...this airline is going to fail and it will not the be the fault of Teddy or any labor union leader. It will rest with corporate America's greed and corruption, helped along with people like you three as being their cheerleaders acting like co-dependants in need of mental help.
Ahh, nice to see you back with your personal attacks. I was almost missing them.

Look, it's not a question of whose fault it will be. My comment about Teddy's efforts being misguided is that they will not change the ultimate outcome.

I'm certainly not a cheerleader for greed or corruption. I defy you to find a single post on any board where I have said that I support greed or corruption. My stance has been, and remains, that wishing things were different doesn't change the outcome. You have to play the game according to what is, not what should be.
USA320Pilot said:
Separately, Pollock noted he expects the "Transformation Plan, if properly implemented, to solve US Airways’ structural and operational problems while achieving profitability. It must allow US Airways to evolve, survive and prosper in an industry that is facing increasing competition by the low cost carriers that are clearly preferred by both our business and leisure passengers," he said.
Bear in mind that this is the same ALPA who thought that getting their pension axed would allow the airline to survive.

Ultimately, ALPA and the company can scream that all groups "must" participate, but there is very, very little incentive for any group but the pilots to actually do so.

And the group with the least incentive to participate can, will, and has in the past shown the resolve to actually do it: the IAM. One of the things that the management shills don't want to mention is that in the event of a contract abrogation, self-help becomes an option--this would shut the doors at US for good.
Bear96 said:
There comes a point ... where the question is, Is it worth the compensation to do this job? And at some point the answer is no.
Of course. And if you were in the shoes of the rest of this nation's employed, what you would choose to do under those conditions is quit. Not shut the employer down. Quit. But what I keep reading here is something sounding much like a spiteful desire to "quit" by shutting the company down.
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700UW said; “Do you acutally think the company will increase your salary at the benefit of another work group? Once again you show that you only care about your wallet and to hell with everyone else.â€￾

USA320Pilot makes one last post tonight: Where did I say that? What I said was that the profit sharing checks would go up for other labor groups because labor costs would drop even further in bankruptcy, provided the company emerges from the pre-packaged filing. It’s your choice – do what you want – but if the company enters bankruptcy they have let it be known they will seek S.1113 motions and make it more painful for those who elect to not consensually participate in the LCC type “Transformation Planâ€￾.

I never said my salary would go up, but it does not surprise me you would not correctly report a post made just a few minutes ago.




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USA320Pilot said:
So go ahead and enter bankruptcy and see what happens, thus increasing the paychecks of other employees.
Can you not read your own posts?

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