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Airbus Ruling

If the company outsources the work it is a cash outlay, not a cost savings.

They paid almost $600,000 per A319/A320, there is no cost savings.

And Sharon Levine and Donald King of Odin, Feldman & Pittleman on behalf of International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, AFL-CIO.

All ready have been working in the case with financial advisors that will show the judge that is not a cost savings, it is a cost increase.
Hey 320, give the IAM a little bit of credit for a change!!!! Sorry you are all depressed that the IAM won the decision. We all know you are a big fan of tossing as many overboard as possible to save yourself.

Yes they will argue in court and yes the judge will agree to a "cash" relief in the way of pay cuts but after the ruling I doubt he will permit the outsourcing of jobs. We may be working in Alabama but its better to "have a job when looking for another" as we have all been told over and over.

Once again sorry we won as I realize how disappointed you are....... 😛
USA320Pilot said:
I was surpirsed at the A320 overhaul ruling, but now what. The company is serving a S.1113(e) motion on the IAM, which would impose worse conditions and outsource the maintenance.

Arnold & Porter will argue in court next Thursday that the ruling will increase the company's maintenance cost, which could increase the chance for the judge to tule in the company's favor to impose a 23% pay cut, permit the overhaul to be done off-site, and permit outsourcing.

Therefore, what has the IAM really won?



I am one of the few you agrees with some on your points, you know that. On this issue don't be surprised to be surprised all over again.

No one can read minds and I really don't think it will be thrown out by one little judge after all that has occurred.

If it does get thrown out, then the unions left in this country might as well call it quits or revolt. BK should not have the power to do that kind of damage to anyone, unions included.

Further: If it does get tossed, then if the unions “nationwideâ€￾ want to maintain any kind of power in this country, every single union member in every single union everywhere should “wildcatâ€￾ because they are next.
USA320Pilot said:
I was surpirsed at the A320 overhaul ruling, but now what. The company is serving a S.1113(e) motion on the IAM, which would impose worse conditions and outsource the maintenance.

Arnold & Porter will argue in court next Thursday that the ruling will increase the company's maintenance cost, which could increase the chance for the judge to tule in the company's favor to impose a 23% pay cut, permit the overhaul to be done off-site, and permit outsourcing.

Therefore, what has the IAM really won?



Most of us aren't surprised that you are wrong, as usual. I am sure you are busy trying to find the bright spots in the new ALPA TA, which I don't even think is going to go out for a vote.
If there are no labor agreements the judge has two choices: imposition or liquidation. We will see, but I think as early as next Thursday or by October 12 there could be 23% pay cuts imposed and outsourcing permitted.

That would be to bad, but it would be the union's choice.


USA320Pilot said:
If there are no labor agreements the judge has two choices: imposition or liquidation. We will see, but I think as early as next Thursday or by October 12 there could be 23% pay cuts imposed and outsourcing permitted.

That would be to bad, but it would be the union's choice.



MY God man that is not true. Nothing, nothing in your statement NOTHING.

Congrats to the IAM! Do not let the grey clouds on this board rain on your parade!!!!!!
700, listen closely... Regardless of the ruling, USAIR is protected from its creditors. IAM is on the creditors board correct???? One way or the other, this ruling means nothing..... Even if iam does the work, other work will be taken away, or youll pay to make up for it.. Im not sure why this is so difficult for you to understand.... What puts IAM at the top of creditors ??????
Did you not understand that ALL outstanding grievances that were pre-petition were paid in full. Employees are placed on top in the case.

Like I said, can you please explain why the arbitration award will not be paid?

Not opinions, just facts please.

And the IAM in the last bankruptcy won a a huge WARN act case against the company that was paid to the affected employees.

Judge Mitchell ruled on that also.
USA320Pilot said:
If there are no labor agreements the judge has two choices: imposition or liquidation. We will see, but I think as early as next Thursday or by October 12 there could be 23% pay cuts imposed and outsourcing permitted.

That would be to bad, but it would be the union's choice.


don't forget your boys haven't ratified anything as of yet............ :shock:
USA320Pilot said:
I was surpirsed at the A320 overhaul ruling, but now what. The company is serving a S.1113(e) motion on the IAM, which would impose worse conditions and outsource the maintenance.

Arnold & Porter will argue in court next Thursday that the ruling will increase the company's maintenance cost, which could increase the chance for the judge to tule in the company's favor to impose a 23% pay cut, permit the overhaul to be done off-site, and permit outsourcing.

Therefore, what has the IAM really won?



You must really be upset by this since it means that management will try to make up the money elsewhere. Where might that come from? Maybe another 23% paycut from ALPA. You guys remind me of Kevin Bacon in animal house when he is bent over in his underwaear getting paddled in the ass and he says "thank you sir may I have another" :up:
USfliboi says,

700, listen closely... Regardless of the ruling, USAIR is protected from its creditors. IAM is on the creditors board correct???? One way or the other, this ruling means nothing..... Even if iam does the work, other work will be taken away, or youll pay to make up for it.. Im not sure why this is so difficult for you to understand.... What puts IAM at the top of creditors ??????

You could be very well wrong here US. When the mechanics had the PEB instated during contract negotiations at UAL. They told UAL that they were liable to pay us 35 an hour, with the clause of possible concessions later down the road. One thing that they did throw in was that UAL also owed us RETRO pay for 2yrs of contract negotiating. They even made UAL put up 500M in collateral just in case they went into BK.

Upon entering BK, because they blamed the mechanics for not negotiating a lower contract. They asked the judge for an immediate 13% cut in pay and cancellation of the retro pay. He gave UAL the 13% wage cut, but told them under no certain terms were they getting out of paying the RETRO payments. The last Retro checks should be in the mail OCT 15. :up:

So Usfliboi, you see there truly can be justice in a court of law!
700, I was wrong about the cost...i had heard the numbers were closer to 300k...anyways, i would perfer the work to stay in house anyways.

but i still don't agree with you that this gives the IAM any leverage. If you guys run the same numbers you tried to pawn off as cost savings pre-BK, the judge will laugh in your face. I don't know one way or the other if it is cheaper in house or not, but the company will go to great lengths to get what they want.

I sincerely hope the IAM is negotiating a deal, instead of putting all their eggs in one basket and hoping the judge will see it their way.
jack mama said:
700, I was wrong about the cost...i had heard the numbers were closer to 300k...anyways, i would perfer the work to stay in house anyways.

but i still don't agree with you that this gives the IAM any leverage. If you guys run the same numbers you tried to pawn off as cost savings pre-BK, the judge will laugh in your face. I don't know one way or the other if it is cheaper in house or not, but the company will go to great lengths to get what they want.

I sincerely hope the IAM is negotiating a deal, instead of putting all their eggs in one basket and hoping the judge will see it their way.

jack mama,

There is one big factor that everyone in upper management fails to address regarding the cost of doing business in Mobile , the kicker being how much money is being spent moving the goods to and from Mobile.

(1) Unlike "In-House work , A flight deck crew ferry's a plane to and from Mobile un-revenued. In-House allows a plane and crew to operate revenued up to the point that maintenance take charge of it...and immediately thereafter.

(2) Third party sources carry USAirways parts to and often from Mobile. I can assure you that no freight forwarder or often bonded courior does this on the cheap....then thier is the wait in between that drives up the operating costs of the Acft sitting and waithing for these items. WE in maintenance see this every single day of our lives here

Many of our line Acft are plagued with additional downtime...that adds to the costs when an often needed part languishes in Mobile awaiting the next check to start. Any fellow mechanic or stock clerk can confirm these facts...and I'm sure we have enough equally frustrated maintenance foreman to would confirm these absolutes too.

The issue is...the only thing being brought to the forefront is the charge for the actual work being performed in Mobile...they never ever consider the other hidden costs involved with a exercise that is simply designed to harm the rank and file , while a certain man in Alabama attempts to bring side revenue to his state at the expense of running a sound and intelligent operation.

I wonder why people feel less than confident about giving to something that is only interested in taking until they are ready to rid completely rid themselves of those whom have sacrificed the most to keep this company going.
cavalier said:
I am one of the few you agrees with some on your points, you know that. On this issue don't be surprised to be surprised all over again.

No one can read minds and I really don't think it will be thrown out by one little judge after all that has occurred.

If it does get thrown out, then the unions left in this country might as well call it quits or revolt. BK should not have the power to do that kind of damage to anyone, unions included.

Further: If it does get tossed, then if the unions “nationwideâ€￾ want to maintain any kind of power in this country, every single union member in every single union everywhere should “wildcatâ€￾ because they are next.

This is one of the very few times, I agree with you.

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