I don't see an answer here!
If the stated goal is to retain as many jobs as possible then explain how your decision to fight the violation accomplished that?
If the stated goal was preservation of wages, how did this victory accomplish that goal?
If the goal was both of the above, how did the victory assist in acheiving the dual goal?
How much closer did the IAM's action place US towards liquidation? If al all?
How will you leverage this victory to preserve jobs for the IAM and it's membership?
Instead of insulting me why not post an answer instead of a John Kerry "Dodge and Flash"?
We all know about the contract and the outsourcing. If you remember I was and am very supportive of the work being done in house. Have been straight away, but you choose to ignore that. You state "whatever leverage" WTF kind of answer is that. I asked for an honest answer to a fair question. Maybe 700UW can help me make some sense of it all. If you had leadership instead of dinosaurs in charge perhaps you'd be in a different place.
Besides My Karma will beat your Dogma anytime. Have a nice day and don't be so angry it's unhealthy.