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AFA/70 Graf,Cangey,Elias,Jones

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With all due respect, you don't work here. You certainly proved you are out of touch with the 'junior' contingent during the last couple contracts, and you don't know anything about the west aside from what you've read here. This is not your little PIT posse anymore.

I have a lot of respect for you, please don't put yourself on the level of MF. You know that a union is it's membership, not arrorant reps.


And with all due respect to you... just when did you come back on the property, pray tell???? At least you got recalled from MAA and received a job out West! Did you think that was not a negotiation??? Or, do you think the company just cares so much about INVOLs????

LET ME REMIND YOU WHAT IT COST THE EAST...THEIR PROFIT SHARING PIECE. That was the only way the company and the WEST MEC would permit it!

The last couple of contracts INCENTIVIZED THOUSANDS OF f/as to leave the company so YOU could get "recalled" back whether its East or West. So don't tell me how disadvantaged you were or are, least we should forget our past, just to sneak up on you and be repeated AND bite you back in the azzz!


But then., again, by your response above, I don't expect you to actually get the plight of the airline that occured ON THIS PROPERTY at the time!

You can scream and cry, and jump up and down with wanting a rotating rsv, but at the end of the day...THAT JUST WON'T PASS at USAirways!!

How I know, I have hundreds of f/as that still e-mail me on ALL issues. RSV system sucks, but hell the past PIT and PHL presidents told you this repeatedly in 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005. Deaf ears by majority! F/As did not want an uncertain future by voting any of these concessionary T/As down. and by MAJORITY they spoke! You may not have been in that equation, but you are in the minority, just like I was. These contracts did not pass by a mere 200-300, so your vote, or MAA f/as vote... if they ALL had voted it down, would not have made a dent to change the outcome. Do you agree, or are you going to argue that point with me too!?

I just hope the PHL finds a good team of folks they trust who will do the best to improve the contract joint agreement that benefits ALL so it passes by majority!!! That's the KEY.

Then, I won't have the need to come on this baord and discuss these issues, again!
American Airlines. Not sure about how many years ago they did this because when I was employed there Flight Attendant reserve was straight reserve. They are now on a rotating reserve system. I believe they voted in rotating reserve in the mid-Nineties.
From an AA flight attendant that I contacted on here today (it seems they have had rotating reserve longer than the mid nineties...):

Hi, I was hired on in 1991 and we already had a roatating reserve. I think anyone who is off reserve will be totally opposed to it. It has it's pros and it's cons. The con is I am on reserve at most bases (after being off for a few years).

Just one 18 year FA's opinion who lives it......

And with all due respect to you... !

Who is screaming and jumping up and down? All I see is a lot of your over dramatic all-caps sentences and usual dreck...

Crying and being an alarmist about bankrupcies is for management to do, not the union. Waaah. I was here too, whether able to vote or in your magical division. You are not here, you don't know how I or anyone else will vote. Maybe your friends at the Seashell Lounge will vote a certain way, but speaking for the membership of an airline you no longer work for is a little silly. You're better than that.

As for the other stuff, negotiating is what you're supposed to do in that position. It's not like those items were a favor to scumbag junior people taking your eye off Piisburgh blockholders. Just as you didn't give a sh!t about us- your despisal still shows in your posts- I don't give a toss about your friends. A good union leader unites, not divides. Union. Division. Union. Division. Look it up.

How long I have been back on property is irrelevant, because much to your dismay, my vote weighs as much as your pals do. I'm not locked into a 'dues-paying but unable to vote' division like you enjoyed having us in before.

Unless you are coming back on a VLFR to be junior to me, then your opinion doesn't count at all, now does it. Guess who's does? Mine
I got some mixed reviews of a seniority rsv system today. Some are all in favor and some are weary. With the system we have now, they go in with 16 -20 trips mostly OPR. Well if it's a seniority driven system it seems the top will be dumped on time and time again until the 2 assignments of OPR are used (given they keep that). This system is also contingent on the blockholder system and how that works. The whole thing needs to be scrapped from word 1 and build it back without loosing anything. A feat most certainly but not insurmountable. Mike Finn is something else and I would not trust him to watch a kitty cat for 5 min. He will take whatever he can at the negotiation table for the comapny.

If we could get to the right amount of f/a's that this company really needs, we might not have all these problems. We have always had too many rsv f/a's. Pat freind has said so, even at the last meeting. Mike was there and heard it. And they just recalled more f/a's. Did they add any more time to acount for this? NO. That means less average time per rsv again, just like when they let 125 f/a's transfer into CLT in Nov. and then couldn't train the pilots. That just meant 125 more rsv's to split the time. They should have frozen the transfer until the time got put into the base.
All I see is a lot of your over dramatic all-caps sentences and usual dreck...

Crying and being an alarmist about bankrupcies is for management to do, not the union. Waaah. I was here too, whether able to vote or in your magical division. You are not here, you don't know how I or anyone else will vote. Maybe your friends at the Seashell Lounge will vote a certain way, but speaking for the membership of an airline you no longer work for is a little silly. You're better than that.

How long I have been back on property is irrelevant, because much to your dismay, my vote weighs as much as your pals do. I'm not locked into a dues paying but unable to vote division like you enjoyed having us in before.

Unless you are coming back on a VLFR to be junior to us, then your opinion doesn't really count, now does it. Guess who's does.


Let's just talk about arrogance shall we....

I agree, and the end of the day..it doesn't matter whether you like what I say or not. And I see from your post above letting me know that you would be senior to me if you could have the pleasure of having me back..., you already love pulling seniority rank...are you any different than what you attest to DETEST???

And it surely doesn't matter to anyone what you think of me. AGain, you don't know what the negotiaitons were at MAA, you just happend to decide to take a job there and complain later. But you need to pull the minutes from the MEC meeting of July 2004. PIT WAS THE ONLY PRESIDENT THAT DIDN'T WANT MAA SPINEED OFF TO THEIR OWN LOCAL; BUT RATHER TO BE ATTACHED TO PIT LOCAL 40.

That really doesn't matter now, nor did it than, because you had a local and bitched about that from what I remember, even when you had your own elections for officers.

Hell, you complain about everything since you've been on thiese boards.

We've all heard your same old history lesson, and if differs from the version from the rest of us who were there. We all remember your famous "I don't have time for MidAtlantic/Be happy you have a job" voicemail, trust me. It was played over and over in the crewroom for all to hear. I'll never forget my disapointment, as you were probably the best union leader this airline has seen, and it was shocking how you dismissed us. Again, Union-unite, Division-divide. Whatever, it's done. Made us smarter.

I hope you are doing well in your new career, I have no doubt that you are. US Airways? It's not your fight anymore.

Back on topic, please be sure to get those ballots in.
We've all heard your same old history lesson, and if differs from the version from the rest of us who were there. We all remember your famous "I don't have time for MidAtlantic/Be happy you have a job" voicemail, trust me. It was played over and over in the crewroom for all to hear. I'll never forget my disapointment, as you were probably the best union leader this airline has seen, and it was shocking how you dismissed us. Again, Union-unite, Division-divide. Whatever, it's done. Made us smarter.

I hope you are doing well in your new career, I have no doubt that you are. US Airways? It's not your fight anymore.
Back on topic, please be sure to get those ballots in.

Thanks for the almost compliment, coming from you, I would never have expected even an acknowledgement. You had my M.O. very wrong. That's moot.

Anyone who truly cares about organized labor, never stops fighting.

I'm studying for my Doctorate as a nurse practioner (D.N.P) at Robert Morris University. And I can't say I regret leaving USAirways.. I often feel remorse that I left the group with a management that only looks to oppress the employees.

These are much better times for the industry than in the past...you just need a group of good representatives that will take your fire to the company and force improvements.

If you want me off these boards, change your leadership and bring a new energy to the MEC!

Then, I'll shut up.
I don't want you off these boards. We disagree on how certain events went down, or perhaps even philosophies, but we are not on opposing sides. Even if we were, it makes for good debate.

I have heard you are doing well, if you bring even half of the energy and passion you had here, you'll continue to do.

Let me explain how the company negotiated during the bankruptcies.

They did not, they wanted what they wanted and shot down many of each union's proposals.

At the end of the day they knew they had Judge (rubber stamp) Mitchell in their pocket.

I was on the M&R NC and we presented them a total comprehensive CBA that met their goals, and the company refused it, they said it kept too many people employed, even though it met their monetary goal.

We had our CBA abrogated and ended up with a piece of crap final offer from the company that eliminated 46% of the jobs in maintenance and the membership voted to ratify it.

When negotiating in bankruptcy no union had any leverage against the company and the company knew it.
If we could get to the right amount of f/a's that this company really needs, we might not have all these problems. We have always had too many rsv f/a's. Pat freind has said so, even at the last meeting. Mike was there and heard it. And they just recalled more f/a's. Did they add any more time to acount for this? NO. That means less average time per rsv again, just like when they let 125 f/a's transfer into CLT in Nov. and then couldn't train the pilots. That just meant 125 more rsv's to split the time. They should have frozen the transfer until the time got put into the base.

We don't need rotating rsv, we need 3rd round blocks, and getting rid of open time, we need a better retirement package so that RSV's can move up in seniority,
3) maybe bring back weight check and then we'll all be really senior!
(just kidding)

Really people, focus on the bigger picture, how we can overcome this RSV system by creating more blocks, doing block shares 40/40, and covering all open time trips. Not just only changing this rsv system, but, how we can not be on rsv for more than say 3-5 years!

I did my time! 10 years on rsv with 1 hour call out...........yes it was better, but it still sucked being on rsv for 10 years!!!! And there were no secondary blocks then, so see, just one advancement like 3rd round blocks, or, partial lines can make a big difference! ps, if we didn't have 2ndary's, I'd still be on RSV 18 years!
Geez, maybe I should run...........

We need a LCP and LCVP and SEC that will work together and fight management and tell MF and CA, or, whomever fills that seat what we want, and, if the company says no, be prepared to walk out in 2012-2013, can you wait that long?????
If we could get to the right amount of f/a's that this company really needs, we might not have all these problems. We have always had too many rsv f/a's. Pat freind has said so, even at the last meeting. Mike was there and heard it. And they just recalled more f/a's. Did they add any more time to acount for this? NO. That means less average time per rsv again, just like when they let 125 f/a's transfer into CLT in Nov. and then couldn't train the pilots. That just meant 125 more rsv's to split the time. They should have frozen the transfer until the time got put into the base.

We don't need rotating rsv, we need 3rd round blocks, and getting rid of open time, we need a better retirement package so that RSV's can move up in seniority,
3) maybe bring back weight check and then we'll all be really senior!
(just kidding)

Really people, focus on the bigger picture, how we can overcome this RSV system by creating more blocks, doing block shares 40/40, and covering all open time trips. Not just only changing this rsv system, but, how we can not be on rsv for more than say 3-5 years!

I did my time! 10 years on rsv with 1 hour call out...........yes it was better, but it still sucked being on rsv for 10 years!!!! And there were no secondary blocks then, so see, just one advancement like 3rd round blocks, or, partial lines can make a big difference! ps, if we didn't have 2ndary's, I'd still be on RSV 18 years!
Geez, maybe I should run...........

We need a LCP and LCVP and SEC that will work together and fight management and tell MF and CA, or, whomever fills that seat what we want, and, if the company says no, be prepared to walk out in 2012-2013, can you wait that long?????
The reserve system and blockholder system are seriously broken. I understand that what the union sent out were only issues being negotiated and not set in stone. What DOES worry me is some of the items that the UNION presented to the company. Overall we have a system that has been plucked here, bandaged there creating a HIGHLY inefficient system that affords the luxury (though complicated) for blockholders to have extreme flexibility while this certainly does keep more people on reserve. We need a streamlined system where everyone gets a piece of the pie. Something that will work for a STAGNANT carrier. If your going to have to live on reserve for an unforeseeable amount of time then it needs to be livable. I would love to have all of the opportunities a blockholder has but it's unrealistic in this industry. I also am no fan of straight seniority because as mentioned the top would fly over and over and over while the middle seniority reserves would fly on occasion. The bottom reserves would fly on quick calls only. So all this being said, we need a new flight attendant LINE/RESERVE system. Can we NOT call them "blocks" anymore? 🙄
One thing that can't be changed is US demographics.

The reason there is zero movement at US comes down to one thing : A LOST RETIREMENT. These late 50's ladies are not stupid. They aren't going anywhere because there isn't a way for them to do so. Throw in that they're having the best flying of their lives and you get the picture. I do believe however, that a ton would go if there was some kind of health insurance and buyout.

It is my humble opinion that any efforts should be made in that direction. TX is right and anyone who can count should accept it. A majority of US f/as are not going to vote in rotating reserve, no matter the misery index. If you want a block, you need to help these ladies leave. That would be money well spent.

The reserve numbers at US are ridiculous, but the answer isn't taking away flexibility, it's being smarter about arranging the flexibility.
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