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AFA/70 Graf,Cangey,Elias,Jones

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Did anyone make it to the last paragraph of the update eline:

The Company believes it is in their best interest for every Reserve to come as close to the guarantee as possible without exceeding it. While that may make financial sense for the Company, it makes no sense to the JNC. Our Reserves deserve a system that balances the needs of the Company without putting Reserves into bankruptcy or driving them to the brink of exhaustion.

This is going to be a difficult fight but we are certainly prepared to take it on.

The JNC is simply updating us on how the proposals are going back and forth. They didn't say that all of that is carved in stone. They have an obligation to inform the membership on whats being passed back and forth across the table. Did anyone stop to think for a second that the JNC put this out so we would start screaming at the company. This COMPANY needs to be made aware that their proposals aren't good enough. I am going to email my opinion to the company and let them know thanks but NO thanks, this isn't going to fly. I will also copy in the JNC.

It is going to be a difficult fight, but are we prepared to take it on? Are you prepared to stand behind your leadership at AFA and fight this company?


Blah, blah, blah...

You need to get your act together and rally the troops, not the other way around. They have been clamoring for change, its up to you and the MEC to strategize a game plan to pressure the company for change.

Your retorhic has been the same for the past 2 years...IF YOU ARE NOT SERIOUSLY BEHIND CHANGING THE CONTRACT AND NEGOTIATING A BETTER DEAL; don't expect the f/as to continuing to listen to the empty words with no PUNCH!

Either step aside or step down!
Anything is better than what AFA has now it seems. Get the ticket going and do the right thing for the membership! Change is what is needed for obvious reasons.
I don't know if a meeting is planned for PHL but here is one for CLT.



Thursday March 6, 2008
10:30 AM to 12:45 PM
Airport B Crew Conference Room

MEC President Mike Flores - Reserve Negotiations Update
FAS Manager John Petronzi - Scheduling Questions and Answers


Thursday March 6, 2008
1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Airport - B Crew Room Conference Room


MEC President Mike Flores - Negotiations Update
LEC Legislative Chair Cathi Bossi - Political Action

In Solidarity,

Your Officers,

Ann Crowley, Glenda Talley, Beth Carpenter,
Lucy Mosby, Mary Ann Thomas
[/b] Do you honestly believe a
rotating. System would ratify?


Yes I do because the fact is that it has at many other airlines. Their unions (and non-union flight attendants also) somehow determined that it is advantageous to use this equitable system.

This is some childish fantasy of our design. Other airlines use rotating reserve because it is fair and it works.

I am not the least bit intimidated by that "don't be ridiculous tone". The fantasy is that the block/line holders believe that their special interest system will survive the pressures of the industry or a future merger situation.
Yes I do because the fact is that it has at many other airlines. Their unions (and non-union flight attendants also) somehow determined that it is advantageous to use this equitable system.

This is some childish fantasy of our design. Other airlines use rotating reserve because it is fair and it works.

I am not the least bit intimidated by that "don't be ridiculous tone". The fantasy is that the block/line holders believe that their special interest system will survive the pressures of the industry or a future merger situation.

I don't understand his problem with a rotating reserve system. It's not like we're asking the senior folks with 50 years' seniority to go back on reserve. I do believe that a fair rotating reserve system would be supported by its membership. It won't even affect those very senior people. If we had a rotating system for those f/as who would normally be a straight reserve and for those who hold blocks in the summer and sit reserve in the winter, how would that affect MF's senior friends? Sitting reserve for 3 months a year for 20 years (depends on base of course, some are more junior than CLT and PHL) is much better than sitting straight reserve for 20+ years. What is his effin problem? Also, we aren't here so senior people can call in sick at the last minute just because they decide they don't feel like coming in to work so they don't show up, we are here for irregular ops, sick calls, illegal crews, etc. I'm tired of being a cushion for those BHs who take advantage. We should get him for misrepresentation. Something has got to give! Sitting reserve sucks and yeah it pisses me off at times, but what really infuriates me is the fact that MF won't listen to us! What do we need to do to get him to finally listen to us? Kick him out! My vote goes for Graf, Elias, and Linton because they would definitely get him ousted!
Is there an airline that has voted in a rotating reserve system, leaving behind a straight reserve system, in recent negotiations within the last ten years or so?
I don't know if a meeting is planned for PHL but here is one for CLT.
OMG it's my long lost cuz from CLT...welcome I hear you hate RSV's is this true...go get you some sweet tea and say hey to mama and them fer me...love that hair :lol: back to the point people just

VOTE . VOTE. VOTE. VOTE.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG it's my long lost cuz from CLT...welcome I hear you hate RSV's is this true...go get you some sweet tea and say hey to mama and them fer me...love that hair :lol: back to the point people just

VOTE . VOTE. VOTE. VOTE.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did until I became one again. Damn those PIT people! The really junior reserves still get on my nerves. I don't know who they think they are. Maybe I should transfer to PHL and take your block! Oh, I forgot, you lost yours! :lol: Bless your heart! I'm glad you like my hair. I just got a new perm the other day. Isn't it perty? Come on down to visit some time. I'll make ya some good ol sweet tea like mama used to make it. I'll even take you out to Bojangles.
Is there an airline that has voted in a rotating reserve system, leaving behind a straight reserve system, in recent negotiations within the last ten years or so?

American Airlines. Not sure about how many years ago they did this because when I was employed there Flight Attendant reserve was straight reserve. They are now on a rotating reserve system. I believe they voted in rotating reserve in the mid-Nineties.
We need to get a petition going and quickly to get MF and the JNC to listen to us. We need to show them that this IS what WE want and are not going to settle for what THEY want!!
We need to get a petition going and quickly to get MF and the JNC to listen to us. We need to show them that this IS what WE want and are not going to settle for what THEY want!!

I agree! I'm in! What can I do? I'll be happy to get lots of signatures!
That out of office reply is grossly inappropriate and juvenile for his position. As the official spokesperson for the entire F/A group it's inappropriate for his sideline, narcissistic and downright smug attitude. It's not even a funny reply and even if it were, if I was confused I am sure members of the media, company and other flight attendants were taken back. You don't know who it going to email you as the MEC President. Lost a grip on your position Mike? More like become so conceited and overconfident in your position that you don't care.

Blah, blah, blah...

You need to get your act together and rally the troops, not the other way around. They have been clamoring for change, its up to you and the MEC to strategize a game plan to pressure the company for change.

Your retorhic has been the same for the past 2 years...IF YOU ARE NOT SERIOUSLY BEHIND CHANGING THE CONTRACT AND NEGOTIATING A BETTER DEAL; don't expect the f/as to continuing to listen to the empty words with no PUNCH!

Either step aside or step down!
Like you did?
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