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AFA/70 Graf,Cangey,Elias,Jones

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TX, was the best union rep on the property, only one Glass was scared of.

She did more to help the FAs then anyone on the property.
Sorry but there was absolutely no humor in this out of office reply and it was very unprofessional! At least this person admitted he made a mistake...

MEC Presidnt Mike Flores and the "Out of Office" Reply

Dear Flight Attendant,

We all know how hard MEC President Mike Flores has been working
for our members during these negotiations. Mike took a small
vacation with his wife this week and I was asked to add an out
of office reply to his email. I made a light hearted attempt
with a little humor in this reply, unfortunately a few people
misunderstood this and thought Mike would delete all email while
he was gone. This is far from the truth. And all email will be
read and responded to upon his arrival back home on Wednesday.

Please accept my apology.

Thank you,

C. A. "Chuck" Cannaday
MEC Communications Chair
AFA US Airways
So Chuck took it upon himself to make a little joke? We all like a cute joke but this is so silly for the position. "Some people"? Come on try anyone that read it thought the same thing. Stupid and unprofessional for an MEC P. Another task for this new administration. Scrap the MEC website and start from square one. The PHL 70 website WILL be scrapped and the elines handed back to the officers. They should be able to send out an Eline any time they like with no lag time. But with John the International schedule only changes 2-3 times a year so no need for an Eline chart! Aww shucks...the great communicator fails again.
I don't understand his problem with a rotating reserve system. It's not like we're asking the senior folks with 50 years' seniority to go back on reserve. I do believe that a fair rotating reserve system would be supported by its membership. It won't even affect those very senior people. If we had a rotating system for those f/as who would normally be a straight reserve and for those who hold blocks in the summer and sit reserve in the winter, how would that affect MF's senior friends? Sitting reserve for 3 months a year for 20 years (depends on base of course, some are more junior than CLT and PHL) is much better than sitting straight reserve for 20+ years. What is his effin problem? Also, we aren't here so senior people can call in sick at the last minute just because they decide they don't feel like coming in to work so they don't show up, we are here for irregular ops, sick calls, illegal crews, etc. I'm tired of being a cushion for those BHs who take advantage. We should get him for misrepresentation. Something has got to give! Sitting reserve sucks and yeah it pisses me off at times, but what really infuriates me is the fact that MF won't listen to us! What do we need to do to get him to finally listen to us? Kick him out! My vote goes for Graf, Elias, and Linton because they would definitely get him ousted!

Rotating rsv is not the issue, and it WON"T pass by majority. What you need to push for is a seniority based system of rsv. That will have a NO major cost to the company. Rsv avl has everything to do with coverage not seniority.

That has always been the right system, and many rsvs were less unhappy than today.
Like you did?


Can you? You've done nothing for the group since the previous MECP left...oh yea, I remember what you wrote to me...ah, you "have had 50% more f/as sign on to the MEC e-line"...ha, ha, ha...that is your claim to fame.

Why...just take a bow, already!!
I got some mixed reviews of a seniority rsv system today. Some are all in favor and some are weary. With the system we have now, they go in with 16 -20 trips mostly OPR. Well if it's a seniority driven system it seems the top will be dumped on time and time again until the 2 assignments of OPR are used (given they keep that). This system is also contingent on the blockholder system and how that works. The whole thing needs to be scrapped from word 1 and build it back without loosing anything. A feat most certainly but not insurmountable. Mike Finn is something else and I would not trust him to watch a kitty cat for 5 min. He will take whatever he can at the negotiation table for the comapny.

Sorry but there was absolutely no humor in this out of office reply and it was very unprofessional! At least this person admitted he made a mistake...

MEC Presidnt Mike Flores and the "Out of Office" Reply

Dear Flight Attendant,

We all know how hard MEC President Mike Flores has been working
for our members during these negotiations. Mike took a small
vacation with his wife this week and I was asked to add an out
of office reply to his email. I made a light hearted attempt
with a little humor in this reply, unfortunately a few people
misunderstood this and thought Mike would delete all email while
he was gone. This is far from the truth. And all email will be
read and responded to upon his arrival back home on Wednesday.

Please accept my apology.

Thank you,

C. A. "Chuck" Cannaday
MEC Communications Chair
AFA US Airways

I'm sorry but this is a bogus reply. Chuck is taking the fall for MF's lack of leadership and professionalism.
Guess the pressure got to them ... here's the new response from MF...

From: mflores@afausairways.org
Subject: Out of Office

Thanks for your email. Please know that I am out of the office until the morning
of Wednesday, February 20th. I will be unable read your emails until I return
from vacation on Wednesday. Thank you,

Mike Flores - MEC President

AFA-CWA US Airways

I still think MF should take ownership of this. His name is at the bottom of the email response.
I got some mixed reviews of a seniority rsv system today. Some are all in favor and some are weary. With the system we have now, they go in with 16 -20 trips mostly OPR. Well if it's a seniority driven system it seems the top will be dumped on time and time again until the 2 assignments of OPR are used (given they keep that). This system is also contingent on the blockholder system and how that works. The whole thing needs to be scrapped from word 1 and build it back without loosing anything. A feat most certainly but not insurmountable. Mike Finn is something else and I would not trust him to watch a kitty cat for 5 min. He will take whatever he can at the negotiation table for the comapny.

I totally agree with you on your statement about Mike Finn.
He is NOT to be trusted.
Rotating rsv is not the issue, and it WON"T pass by majority. What you need to push for is a seniority based system of rsv. That will have a NO major cost to the company. Rsv avl has everything to do with coverage not seniority.

That has always been the right system, and many rsvs were less unhappy than today.

You nailed that just right. The only fair Rsv system would be seniority based.
AA is trying to get rid of their rotating system.
Rotating rsv is not the issue, and it WON"T pass by majority. What you need to push for is a seniority based system of rsv. That will have a NO major cost to the company. Rsv avl has everything to do with coverage not seniority.

That has always been the right system, and many rsvs were less unhappy than today.

With all due respect, you don't work here. You certainly proved you are out of touch with the 'junior' contingent during the last couple contracts, and you don't know anything about the west aside from what you've read here. This is not your little PIT posse anymore.

I have a lot of respect for you, please don't put yourself on the level of MF. You know that a union is it's membership, not arrorant reps.
With all due respect, you don't work here. You certainly proved you are out of touch with the 'junior' contingent during the last couple contracts, and you don't know anything about the west aside from what you've read here. This is not your little PIT posse anymore.

I have a lot of respect for you, please don't put yourself on the level of MF. You know that a union is it's membership, not arrorant reps.

EMBFA we all have our options. The Rsv system is dismal and everyone knows it need to change. The rotating rsv system is not the answer. AA hates it and they are trying to change it. When they started with this system it was 5yrs rotation then went to 9yr now its up to 16yrs. Mike Finn wont let this system go with out a BIG fight. It benefits the company way too much.
Again, this is just my two cents.
I still think a rotating reserve system would be supported and pass the vote.

I will tell you this, I absolutely will NOT vote yes on a strict seniority based reserve system unless there are some major, and I mean major changes with the whole staffing model. I already don't fly. Being at the very bottom of the list, I will for sure not fly except when I am quick called, whereas the senior reserves won't be left alone by scheduling. In case no one has noticed, we have lots of reserves with very few trips! The ironic thing is, the way they create our trips and have all these system's trips that aren't worth anything along with OPR, our senior reserves can work every single day and still not make their time. Simply switching to a seniority based system is NOT the answer. There are a lot of things that must be fixed to make the system work and just putting a band aid on will not change things. The whole f/a staffing must be changed completely before we see any real relief and before it would really work, and we know that isn't going to happen at the rate things are going. It amazes me how many flight attendants blindly say they want to go back to a seniority based system like it's magically going to allow us all to get our time in by the 15th of the month. It's just not that simple! BTW, just because we might switch to a seniority system doesn't mean reserve will be like it was before. Whatever we get to vote on, I hope people really think before they vote. There are too many factors to consider.

It's still not fair to have f/as sitting straight reserve for 20 years.
I still think a rotating reserve system would be supported and pass the vote.

I will tell you this, I absolutely will NOT vote yes on a strict seniority based reserve system unless there are some major, and I mean major changes with the whole staffing model. I already don't fly. Being at the very bottom of the list, I will for sure not fly except when I am quick called, whereas the senior reserves won't be left alone by scheduling. In case no one has noticed, we have lots of reserves with very few trips! The ironic thing is, the way they create our trips and have all these system's trips that aren't worth anything along with OPR, our senior reserves can work every single day and still not make their time. Simply switching to a seniority based system is NOT the answer. There are a lot of things that must be fixed to make the system work and just putting a band aid on will not change things. The whole f/a staffing must be changed completely before we see any real relief and before it would really work, and we know that isn't going to happen at the rate things are going. It amazes me how many flight attendants blindly say they want to go back to a seniority based system like it's magically going to allow us all to get our time in by the 15th of the month. It's just not that simple! BTW, just because we might switch to a seniority system doesn't mean reserve will be like it was before. Whatever we get to vote on, I hope people really think before they vote. There are too many factors to consider.

It's still not fair to have f/as sitting straight reserve for 20 years.
I do not believe that a rotating reserve system is the answer, and I don't believe it will pass. I certainly would not vote for it, as I look forward to the day when I am off of reserve. We have done our time.

I also hear your concerns about being at the bottom of the list and never flying, but I think you may be leaving out a large piece of the puzzle: Everything, from bidding primary lines, secondary lines, SAP, ETB, and AIL are going to have to be reconstructed and meshed when combining the work groups. That said, I believe sweeping changes are coming to the BH's at US East in terms of their redundant flexibility control..... US East BH's are given more flexibility in their schedules than any other airline I know of, right down to the day before a trip! It's insane, it's costly, and it keeps us on reserve, basically subsidizing their indecisiveness (no offense to BH's; I'd love to be able to take advantage of the system, but I am also realistic...)

My friend at UA flies his block. Period. With the exception of dropping without pay once in awhile or trading with someone via company e-mail, he pretty much flies what he is assigned. He stares at me in utter astonishment when I explain the BH system of bidding, and often asks me why, at 12 noon, USAir basically reschedules the entire airline for the next day. You wanna talk cost???

So, you see, I think that a more rationalized bidding system and less redundant flexibility has to enter the equation, thus creating less reserve positions. Wouldn't it make sense to have a name on each trip position at the beginning of the month? To me, rotating reserve is just not the answer, and these are just my opinions. Take 'em or leave 'em....

My friend at UA flies his block. Period. With the exception of dropping without pay once in awhile or trading with someone via company e-mail, he pretty much flies what he is assigned. He stares at me in utter astonishment when I explain the BH system of bidding, and often asks me why, at 12 noon, USAir basically reschedules the entire airline for the next day. You wanna talk cost???

So, you see, I think that a more rationalized bidding system and less redundant flexibility has to enter the equation, thus creating less reserve positions. Wouldn't it make sense to have a name on each trip position at the beginning of the month? To me, rotating reserve is just not the answer, and these are just my opinions. Take 'em or leave 'em....


I absolutely agree that we should have a name attached to all of those trips! I stare at the screen in utter astonishment each time I am on duty! Do you know what they will come up with for BHs? Preferential bidding? If so does that mean they won't have 8 chances to rearrange their schedule? They have got to do away with the bid sheet and all those chances they get to drop, TWOP, and whatever else our BHs do. I say they fly their block and if they don't like it they trade their trip with another f/a. If they went to a system that was properly implemented where there were much fewer reserves who were properly utilized for a real need other than allowing BHs to switch their schedules and fly whenever they feel like it or not, then maybe a seniority system would be more manageable provided we would no longer have 20 year reserves sitting all month. But with the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of reserves like we have now, nothing works. They have got to come up with a better system. Now, let's say they do. The million dollar question is, will they actually implement it?
I absolutely agree that we should have a name attached to all of those trips! I stare at the screen in utter astonishment each time I am on duty! Do you know what they will come up with for BHs? Preferential bidding? If so does that mean they won't have 8 chances to rearrange their schedule? They have got to do away with the bid sheet and all those chances they get to drop, TWOP, and whatever else our BHs do. I say they fly their block and if they don't like it they trade their trip with another f/a. If they went to a system that was properly implemented where there were much fewer reserves who were properly utilized for a real need other than allowing BHs to switch their schedules and fly whenever they feel like it or not, then maybe a seniority system would be more manageable provided we would no longer have 20 year reserves sitting all month. But with the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of reserves like we have now, nothing works. They have got to come up with a better system. Now, let's say they do. The million dollar question is, will they actually implement it?
I do not think that a combined contract will contain as many flexibilities and opportunities for East BH's as they have now. Again, nothing against the BH's, but the system has to and will change. All this ridiculous open time and excessive RSV's so US can continue to staff in "panic mode" has got to go. BH/RSV pieces must fit together. Changes for both. And if they do the lineholder portion correctly, a seniority based reserve would be liveable. No one likes reserve at any airline, but there should be a system where reserves can pay their bills. And have some dignity.

Now that I think about it, we have heard about what the company wants for RSV, I wonder if they have started the lineholder construction and bidding process? Hmmmm.....
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