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AFA/70 Graf,Cangey,Elias,Jones

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Did anyone make it to the last paragraph of the update eline:

The Company believes it is in their best interest for every Reserve to come as close to the guarantee as possible without exceeding it. While that may make financial sense for the Company, it makes no sense to the JNC. Our Reserves deserve a system that balances the needs of the Company without putting Reserves into bankruptcy or driving them to the brink of exhaustion.

This is going to be a difficult fight but we are certainly prepared to take it on.

The JNC is simply updating us on how the proposals are going back and forth. They didn't say that all of that is carved in stone. They have an obligation to inform the membership on whats being passed back and forth across the table. Did anyone stop to think for a second that the JNC put this out so we would start screaming at the company. This COMPANY needs to be made aware that their proposals aren't good enough. I am going to email my opinion to the company and let them know thanks but NO thanks, this isn't going to fly. I will also copy in the JNC.

It is going to be a difficult fight, but are we prepared to take it on? Are you prepared to stand behind your leadership at AFA and fight this company?
It is going to be a difficult fight, but are we prepared to take it on? Are you prepared to stand behind your leadership at AFA and fight this company?

Agreed. I think people are prematurely overreacting; the JNC is simply stating the proposals from the company, and the tone of the JNC seems to be "we're not gonna take it..." As horrible as the company proposals are, I am glad the JNC shared them with us: it shows how far apart the two parties are, and illustrates why things are taking so long. At this point, I will venture to say that MF and all will not agree to send out a contract for vote that they feel is subpar. It wastes their time, and ours. We've waited this long, the JNC needs to absolutely dig their heels in and absolutely not agree to anything but sweeping improvements in all sections.

OTOH, I also agree that it is time for regime change. The PHL base is powerful, and more powerful now with PIT. Electing the right team in PHL will in turn put significant pressure on the MEC, and it is absolutely the time for this to happen.

I agree with Pitbulls assessment of TG. This woman has passion, and actually CARES about what we are going through. Regardless of what you think of her personally, TG will fight for us, on every level, until the end. If you have the chance, sit down and talk with her sometime. She is always willing. She has a good working relationship with PHL mgmt, and knows her stuff, inside and out.

GRAF/ CANGEY/ELIAS/LINTON/JONES, or some combination therein. I want a team that is interested in being available to the membership, not hanging out in MUC over Christmas while the entire operation falls apart, and the most junior members are being abused, over and over.
Soon enough he'll be gone. When the new folks take seat in the Local 70 Mike will be OUSTED. He'll have THE biggest base against him. Bye Bye......take your two hour call out with ya. :up:


Are you sure about this? Mike is out there telling folks he's not worried about his position. Instead Mike has been trying to tell Gary (west MEC president) what Gary needs to do to hang on to his MEC position. What Mike seems clueless about is no matter what happens, Gary and Mary are on their way out! :up: We (westies) can't get rid of our current MEC fast enough. They have not and are not in any way shape or form listening to the members on the west and therefore they are negotiating CRAP! EX. the latest reserve section. I mean really, who sits down to negotiate an important section like reserve but NEVER MEETS WITH THE COMMITTEE CHAIR(S)?

So, it sounds like the easties and the westies have yet another thing in common.....the need to get rid of the current ineffective MEC's.
Good luck to us all! Everyone remember to vote!
I respect your opinion, and therefore I support what the group thinks. If most of you believe she can lead you especially in this current culture, than I surely would be a proponent.

It is important to trust your leadership above all. I do recall that she did sacrifice herself and her position last term which precipitated and new election. You have to give her a lot of credit. She must really love the group in PHL to do that and deserves much respect for that kind of integrity.

She is good people; no doubt. And her knowlege of how the dynamics and process operates is invaluable. If she runs as Pres, then ensure that Elias and Cagney are in the equation as officers. As this team when represent a wide spectrum of fa/s and they can help eachother meet the needs of the entire PHL f/a group as well as all f/as in all bases. The negotiations are continuous, and this puts PHL leadership in a great position if you are up to the challenge.
However you folks decide what is a good, winning ticket, just stick together and campaign together as " team candidate". I haven't seen this since PIT, and it was a wipe out election in 2001.

Wishing PHL f/as the very best, as you guys RULE...so take over...its your time.
Great post! Thanks
While I am happy that MF is keeping us informed, I must say that I am not happy with what he has shared with us. He and the JNC made it sound like it was one of the most important sections of the contract. We all answered surveys and emailed MF. It wasn't until the union meeting when we brought issues up that he was totally condescending, arrogant, constantly rolled his eyes at us, and made it clear that he will not jeopardize the blockholder status of current blockholders and that we are basically going to be stuck being a reserve. Even then, I thought he would at least try negotiate something better than a two hour call out time or getting paid 3:30 for a four hour OPR shift. They should have more OPRs and have a 4 hour call out limit. I also hate the seniority system until you reach 65 then back to LTO. That is horrible! He better not agree to that! They also better not agree to being assigned a trip based on availability. I don't even know how that would work, considering that some days there are only a few 4 days, lots of three days, and maybe some one or two days. What if you have 50 people good for four days, does that mean they don't get a trip, but the people good for three days, even if they are junior, get the three day trips? However it would work, it sounds terrible. As for the minimum guarantee, the absolute minimum I will accept is 80 hours, although I would rather see 85. I know the company would never go for that though. They'll probably counter with 75 or maybe 78 if they are feeling generous. :down:

What I did like:
12 hour shifts

9 INV days and 3 OFF days (although I don't think they should be allowed to assign us into our off days period)

Elimination of tagging - I swear to God if they start this tagging business I will walk right out of the airport, regardless of whether I am being called or paged in the airport by scheduling. They can call my name out over the PA and have agents looking for me, but I will not respond. I will be out the door. The company better not even think that this is acceptable and I will write a letter to management voicing my concerns even though I know they don't care.

While I don't think we should be assigned a trip into our OFF days, I do like that he proposed that we would get paid above guarantee. But we better get that day off back too!

While there are a couple of things I did like, overall, I am very disappointed that he didn't step up his game and really negotiate a much better reserve system. We told him what we wanted! Why didn't he listen to us? If this is the best he could do, I give him an F.

Mike - Step up your game! You know we won't vote on this crap so you better be negotiating some changes! We wait this long to find out what you're negotiating on our behalf and this is what you give us? Try again! This is unacceptable. Do you even have a concept of what being on reserve is like for us?

Management - I know you think we are all a bunch of losers and that you can treat us like animals in the pound and abuse us and kill us off but we aren't and we won't let you treat us this way. I would never in a million years treat someone this way, whether an animal or human. How could you think allowing us to make poverty wages or working a trip only to finish it and be required to go work some more even though we are dead tired is acceptable? How can you think holding us prisioners is acceptable? I invite you to come shadow me for a week. Two would be ideal, a month even better! Well, I know I know you have thousands of applicants wanting to become a f/a for $16 an hour but guess what, have you ever thought about the concept of "You get what you pay for?" If you continue treating us like slave labor, then I assure you there will be a mass exodus of us junior f/as one of these days and you will hire lots of rude, trailor park trash to work in your trailor park airline. How is that going to make you look? Well, at least they will fit right in with our filthy single wides and double wides. You should set up recruiting tables at Denny's and I HOP and if you ever come to the Southeast you should definitely set up a recruiting table at a place called the Waffle House. You will find some quality f/as there! If you ever come to PHL, go to the Lagoon nightclub on a Friday night and you should be able to find some recruits there too.

To MF and Management - I know you think we are all a bunch of stupid peons but I have news for you! Most of us are not and we won't stand still and let you treat us like this!

Geez! I feel like I am in an abusive relationship which is precisely why I must leave!
I got a response to my e-mail. I guess it didn't get deleted. This is the attitude that even the MEC pres has when it comes to reserves.

Quit threatening everyone. We took two surveys. We go to Union meetings and
answer countless emails and calls from Reserves. Basically, you don't want to be
on Reserve but there is nothing we can do about that. Do you honestly believe a
rotating. System would ratify?


This union can't do anything about anything unless you are a BH.
I have to say that this attitude absolutely sucks.
I told him that if HE can't do anything about it step aside and let someone else do it then.

Folks, this union is a joke of a union. We need to get Terri, Mike, and Rick in there to take back our union. At least on the local level to start......
While there are a couple of things I did like, overall, I am very disappointed that he didn't step up his game and really negotiate a much better reserve system.

What? Nothing has been negotiated by MF, this is simply the company's subpar proposal. The RSV negotiations are in their preliminary stages. With 20 year reserves, I think MF knows that none of the ideas brought forth by mgmt will be ratified, thus negotiations continue. The e-line was simply informative to let us know what the company wants; it is by no means what they will get.

Why are you making it sound like it is a done deal? We, the membership hold the power here. MF can agree to anything he wants, that does not mean it will be ratified. There will be no tagging. There will be no 65 hour seniority/lto combo. If this shows up in something sent out to the membership, simply vote NO.

I don't understand why people are so gung- ho about a rotating reserve system. Who the he!! wants that? Is it simply a spite issue so the BH's can share in our pain? Forget it. When I am off reserve, I want to be off reserve. We put more than enough time in on a subpar reserve system; I sure as he!! don't want to "rotate" back onto RSV every 3 months.
I got a response to my e-mail. I guess it didn't get deleted. This is the attitude that even the MEC pres has when it comes to reserves.

Quit threatening everyone. We took two surveys. We go to Union meetings and
answer countless emails and calls from Reserves. Basically, you don't want to be
on Reserve but there is nothing we can do about that. Do you honestly believe a
rotating. System would ratify?


This union can't do anything about anything unless you are a BH.
I have to say that this attitude absolutely sucks.
I told him that if HE can't do anything about it step aside and let someone else do it then.

Folks, this union is a joke of a union. We need to get Terri, Mike, and Rick in there to take back our union. At least on the local level to start......

To aredeeyou22: I know the eline was just an update and not a done deal, but have you seen how he treats us reserves? Have you seen him roll his eyes at us when we talk to him. Even if you are polite and professional if he doesn't like your idea he will roll his eyes and make a condescending remark. He has made it clear that he has no interest in our well being! The email above is precisely his attitude toward us. I wish I could say I had more faith in him but I don't! He has made it very clear that he has no interest in the well being of reserves and he won't listen to anything we have to say.
To aredeeyou22: I know the eline was just an update and not a done deal, but have you seen how he treats us reserves? Have you seen him roll his eyes at us when we talk to him. Even if you are polite and professional if he doesn't like your idea he will roll his eyes and make a condescending remark. He has made it clear that he has no interest in our well being! The email above is precisely his attitude toward us. I wish I could say I had more faith in him but I don't! He has made it very clear that he has no interest in the well being of reserves and he won't listen to anything we have to say.

This is why the PHL elections are so important. We have a choice in who represents us, and we are getting ready to exercise that right.
they have my vote. that's a strong ticket. we need it badly.
they have my vote. that's a strong ticket. we need it badly.
Good. Pass it on. From what I understand, many of the senior FA's are quite happy with JM and the way he is conducting himself. Why wouldn't they be? They simply love the chart he sent out telling them when they go illegal on transatlantic; now they don't have to do the math! They had no problems over the Christmas/ New Year's holiday (could it be because many were finished flying for the month?). I have been told by a few that they could care less if his excessive ETB flying in DEC was "unethical." 100% of the senior people I have talked to had no idea there was even a staffing issue over the holidays.
I got a response to my e-mail. I guess it didn't get deleted. This is the attitude that even the MEC pres has when it comes to reserves.

Quit threatening everyone. We took two surveys. We go to Union meetings and
answer countless emails and calls from Reserves. Basically, you don't want to be
on Reserve but there is nothing we can do about that. Do you honestly believe a
rotating. System would ratify?


This union can't do anything about anything unless you are a BH.
I have to say that this attitude absolutely sucks.
I told him that if HE can't do anything about it step aside and let someone else do it then.

Folks, this union is a joke of a union. We need to get Terri, Mike, and Rick in there to take back our union. At least on the local level to start......


Number one, please send this on to AFA national. He represents you, if my lawyer spoke to me like that I'd fire him. For $500 a year you get that kid of treatment?

Just for that remark, I'm going to make it my own damm crusade to make rotating reserve not only an issue but make it pass.

I am seriously pissed now. He doesn't know who he's talking to like that... stay tuned. *takes off earrings and starts typing mass emails*

Number one, please send this on to AFA national. He represents you.

Just for that remark, I'm going to make it my own damm crusade to make rotating reserve not only an issuem but make it pass.

I am seriously pissed now. He don't know EMBFA and this group... stay tuned. *takes off earrings and starts typing mass emails*
I'll back you on this. That is axactly what he told me in CLT at both of the AFA meetings late last year. Even my local reps said thet. Last I checked, they work for us. Didn't we vote them in? I just got a block(sec), but would still support a rotating rsv system. That's due to the fact I don't want the people behind me to have to suffer the ay my elected union reps have let me suffer for the last 18.5 years.
"The Company has countered with seniority the day prior but has added a bucket and pool system."

What is the "pool" they mentioned - is this a WEST term? I have not heard it before on the EAST.
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