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Watching It All Fall Apart for Herndon

U-Turn Nation:

CJ Szmal just doesn’t get it or even understand what he isn’t getting. In his Web Board missive, Szmal went on to say:

I personally don't like the use of roll call votes…

And those that don’t like roll call votes misunderstand one of the basic building blocks of a representative democracy: the concept of representatives representing, by vote, the exact number of those they represent. You know, the one-man, one vote thing.

That concept was embedded in the U.S. Constitution and finally enforced (nearly 180 years later) by the United States Supreme Court in Gray Vs Sanders (1963). The case involved Fulton County Georgia, which comprised over 14% of the state population, but had less than 2% of the state Senate votes. The “Supremes†found that: “The use of this election system in a statewide election violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.â€

Of course CJ doesn’t like roll call votes. For him they are an anathema to the individual power of an elected Rep. And when used, roll call votes are a signal to the rank and file that everything isn’t well in Mudville.

But this is the same “CJ†who argued that he could form a coalition with what he regarded as the moderate CLT Reps to control a combined MEC and take the power away from the those “Wadical Wust-heads:â€

If we remain ALPA, C062 brings a large number of roll call votes to the combined MEC. Combined with lets say the CLT votes, the voting block would reign supreme. A definite change to the current block of PHL and PIT.

So here we have CJ Szmal arguing that roll call is a “good thing†in one paragraph and then arguing that it is a “good bad†in the next. Obviously he can’t have it both ways. Szmal went on to say:

That fact has not been lost on your Reps and we certainly know that certain East Reps cherish the day the Roll Call 4 are no longer able to roll call their agenda into MEC directives.

You’ve got to love the “CJisms.†The irony is, with the removal of ALPO comes the end of roll call votes. The construct of USAPA cuts out the power of the “Waskily Wustheads.†In fact, it might even cost those “Waskily Wustheads†their elected positions. USAPA, like them or not, is committed to block voting (hopefully they advocate an odd number of Reps, precluding ties). And block voting eliminates roll call votes. No wonder Fed Ex has embraced the concept. But even if ALPO survives, the East has the votes to take us to block representation anyway.


While our MEC comes out with one “Save ALPA†pronouncement after another and one bash at the East after another, the word must have already filtered down to McIlvenna that the property is already all but lost. No better example than McIlvenna’s “180†and admonition on the Web Board:

Date: 21 Sep 2007 12:08 AM
Originally Posted: 21 Sep 2007 12:06 AM


I am going to ask all AWA pilots (and especially our regular chat board residents) to please refrain from posting inflammatory material on any and all ALPA National or other web boards and please show respect and consideration and courtesy to their ALPA brothers and sisters on the east.

I will say that the hard work has yet to come. I fully expect to be in a representation election in a matter of days. And we will need all US Airways pilots - east and west - to pull together else we may not make it over the next set of hurdles.

There is a very long road ahead and it will require a lot of dedication and effort to navigate this road.

Thank you for your cooperation with my request.


John McIlvenna
AWA MEC Chairman

Amazing…after four months of non-stop bashing of the East, McIlvenna now wants our Web Board mavens to cool their jets and throttle back to idle. He wants us all to play nice in the sandbox. WHY?

If you think it is merely because we won the battle at the EC, you would be only partially correct. The most likely reason is ALPA let Johnnie see the Wilson Polling results. The polls probably told Herndon what they fear the most: it isn’t going to make any difference what the EC did last week, the cards to vote ALPA off the island were there…BEFORE the four EC resolutions.

Yep, no doubt that ALPA is in a heap of trouble and might not be able to stay the course at the new US Airways. And now Herndon needs the West MEC’s help. Tone down the rhetoric is McIlvenna’s message. But it was only a message on the Web Board, not added to any MEC update, nor circulated by the MEC.

For the past four and a half months, U-Turn has been warning against this West MEC bashing of the East. And for McIlvenna to ask for a rhetorical “cease-fire†this late in the process is evidence that his miscalculations have come home to roost. Perhaps the Hotline Lies and the Jurassic jabs of John Jurik on the National Web Board are gone. But it’s too little and too late. While ALPA attempts to save the property, their fate may have already been determined. The legacy of this MEC will be its bashing the East to the point where even the moderates in CLT said enough is enough. And when there is no longer an ALPA Web board on which to post, all we at U-Turn can say is:

We told you so!

May 25

We expect that the east will put out communications that will likely distort the true meaning of this resolution…

May 29

The East leadership’s capitulation during the arbitration to demands of the extreme fringe of their pilot group who insisted that their Merger Committee pursue a date-based strategy that was entirely unsupportable (a capitulation that, we believe, actually undermined their case before the Panel) gives us little comfort that there is even now the political will on their part to make the hard decisions that these circumstances call for. Indeed, the East’s Hot line message to its pilots describing the Executive Council’s Resolution once again demonstrates that they are seriously misjudging the situation.

July 23

Some on the East think that they are the first to come up with this idea (e.g. threatening ALPA with a decertification drive because they are upset over a policy, procedure or lack thereof), and even I am impressed with how far the East MEC is getting with the EXCL and ALPA staff with this threat. This is no doubt a threat; however, the playbook is out there. While I have no desire to waste millions of dollars and years trying to repave the same roads that others have done before us, I think that the AWA MEC made it clear to the US Airways MEC and ALPA—bring it on.

And remember this little gem from the most recent Alert Height, entitled “Mickey Mouse Tactics?â€

While the East MEC persists in it search for decoys to negate the final and binding Nicolau Award, your MEC continues to plan for the long run…

Lately, the East MEC has increased its hostility toward our pilot group. Instead of focusing their time and energy on attaining a joint contract that improves all of our livelihoods, especially that of their own membership, the East holds Special MEC meetings in which obstructive resolutions are passed. Some examples include: continued insistence on a date-of-hire seniority integration, attempting to exclude West union negotiators from positive space travel, their desire to maintain permanent separate operations, and seeking to prevent West pilots from listing (via IVR) for the jumpseat on our own metal.

In a disgraceful turn of events, the East MEC recently withdrew their JNC members from joint negotiations while demanding that their pilots only be brought up to parity. This was met with a timely response form Mr. Parker that suggests that the East pilots will receive parity as part of a negotiated agreement with the West pilots.

The AWA MEC stands ready to engage with our East comrades in a meaningful way. Valuable time, which could have been spent advancing the JNC talks, has been squandered.

We congratulate the Fleet Service workers on achieving a single contract during their recent NMB mediated talks with management. Theoretically, the combined pilot group should be in the same position. Had the JNC process sustained the same momentum it had prior to the issuance of the Nicolau Award, it’s possible that our own “close out†talks with management would have already taken place. It’s well pat time for the East MEC to move on and help all US Airways pilots achieve the joint contract we deserve.

We’ll continue to keep you posted on any developments. Please watch for further updates on this dynamic situation.
OK. It's Tuesday afternoon. Did I miss something???
Now 767jetz, didn't you see the code-a-phone from Monday night.......

US Airways ALPA MEC CODE-A-PHONE UPDATE - September 24, 2007


The meeting will be held in Bedford, New Hampshire at The Wayfarer Inn


I know that I was surprised that the MEC was holding their meeting in Bedford........a little more "out of the way" than the usual meeting spots........

Watching It All Fall Apart for Herndon

U-Turn Nation:

More usless rhetoric from soon to be retired(oct 29) Herb Holland. We simply can't wait for him to go!! When is USA320's number up and how many out there can't wait for him to leave????

You two belong together...
OK. It's Tuesday afternoon. Did I miss something??? Did you mean next Monday? Or a particular Monday next year? Or some other future Monday? :huh:

The only thing that surprises me is that you actually think that others believe what you say.
Tell me..who is DELETED BY MODERATOR?? What the hell do U care??? You are SOOO obsessed with US Aiways. YOUR company has ENOUGH of its own problems!! ALPA sucks!! YOU suck!! Go take care of your own airline's problems. Oh, lest we forget the full page article on your own problems!! Bye Bye, BE GONE, DELETED BY MODERATOR!

MOD NOTE: Use of profanity and obscene remarks, even if disguised by spelling, cross the line and will not be tolerated.
Tell me..who is DELETED BY MODERATOR?? What the hell do U care??? You are SOOO obsessed with US Aiways. YOUR company has ENOUGH of its own problems!! ALPA sucks!! YOU suck!! Go take care of your own airline's problems. Oh, lest we forget the full page article on your own problems!! Bye Bye, BE GONE, DELETED BY MODERATOR!

MOD NOTE: Use of profanity and obscene remarks, even if disguised by spelling, cross the line and will not be tolerated.
This is a "man" who is obsessed with US Airways!! He has a history of BASHING the EAST pilots!! PLEASE..TELL ME..what the hell does he care?? If you moderators REALLY care, you will see the truth. He is a DEL BY MOD stirrer and if you can't see that, than I feel sorry for u. UAUA..the JOKE that it it is ..has ENOUGH of it's its on troubles that it recently but out a full page add. this man only wishes to stir the pot and you should see it for what it is. If not, I can see why the US EAST ALPA is so outraged..BUT, I AM sure THAT will be sensored in the good ole free speaking USA!! SHAME!!

MOD NOTE: This poster has earned a week off. Anyone else?
This is a "man" who is obsessed with US Airways!! He has a history of BASHING the EAST pilots!! PLEASE..TELL ME..what the hell does he care?? If you moderators REALLY care, you will see the truth. He is a DEL BY MOD stirrer and if you can't see that, than I feel sorry for u. UAUA..the JOKE that it it is ..has ENOUGH of it's its on troubles that it recently but out a full page add. this man only wishes to stir the pot and you should see it for what it is. If not, I can see why the US EAST ALPA is so outraged..BUT, I AM sure THAT will be sensored in the good ole free speaking USA!! SHAME!!

How old are you!?!?!?!?
This is a "man" who is obsessed with US Airways!! He has a history of BASHING the EAST pilots!! PLEASE..TELL ME..what the hell does he care?? If you moderators REALLY care, you will see the truth. He is a DEK BY MOD stirrer and if you can't see that, than I feel sorry for u. UAUA..the JOKE that it it is ..has ENOUGH of it's its on troubles that it recently but out a full page add. this man only wishes to stir the pot and you should see it for what it is. If not, I can see why the US EAST ALPA is so outraged..BUT, I AM sure THAT will be sensored in the good ole free speaking USA!! SHAME!!

Uh-oooh. Reckon eastus can take him on a "dawn patrol" in the Pitts? :up: That should calm the waters.
Now 767jetz, didn't you see the code-a-phone from Monday night.......
I know that I was surprised that the MEC was holding their meeting in Bedford........a little more "out of the way" than the usual meeting spots........

Oh My Gosh! I totally missed that! 😱 That IS shocking news.

Thanks for the heads-up. I'd hate to embarrass myself like that again. 😉
Sorry, but nobody is buying that line. The East MEC has already refused to sit at the table, and the EC already said they will sit in on their behalf. So effectively it has already happened. It is now inevitable. So knowing this, why aren't the cards flooding in?? The truth is that those who haven't sent in a card yet most likely won't, and are probably more pissed at the East MEC than National at this point. So yes, I'm sure the cards will still trickle in. But this flood of cards you hope for will not happen.

Actually they should buy the line. The cards are coming in. I figure Sat. was when the fence sitters have finally made up their minds. It has been a real busy last two days and another one planned for tomorrow (Snail mail don't you know?). BTW. Based on estimates of the recalls quiting, there were only about 700 active and the rest of the furloughed pilots left to decide. So what do you consider a flood?
USA320??? U-TURN? Is that your source??? A few weeks to go and have lost my mind HH? :lol: 😛 :wacko: :eye: 😳

Has the dry heat baked your small brain to nothing? USAPA has over 2400 cards and growing every day. You need to wake up. You are about to have new representation by USAPA and it will be an agency shop.

You can pay USAPA now or latter but you will pay

Bye Bye ALPA

Umm, not so fast. One of your esteemed brothers posted on a public message board that he paid for and carried pilot's preference cards to the post office. That may well be enough to now cause a really large investigation into this matter. Which is it going to be, that USAPA's attorney didn't tell folks this procedure needed to be done really cleanly, or that this pilot didn't understand that phrase?

Also, consider this potential hee-haw. Since "that pilot" is well known the investigators go and either depose said pilot or get a sworn statement about the public comment here that he paid for and mailed the cards. Does he tell a deposition or investigators that he did no such thing and lied to us, or does he reverse it? Either way it promises pure entertainment value.
Umm, not so fast. One of your esteemed brothers posted on a public message board that he paid for and carried pilot's preference cards to the post office. That may well be enough to now cause a really large investigation into this matter. Which is it going to be, that USAPA's attorney didn't tell folks this procedure needed to be done really cleanly, or that this pilot didn't understand that phrase?

Also, consider this potential hee-haw. Since "that pilot" is well known the investigators go and either depose said pilot or get a sworn statement about the public comment here that he paid for and mailed the cards. Does he tell a deposition or investigators that he did no such thing and lied to us, or does he reverse it? Either way it promises pure entertainment value.

OMG, you just gave away my thunder. I copied that post and already mailed it to ALPA and the NMB. Oh well I would have rather that hit Bradofrd and their version of Herb Holland USA320 like a sledge hammer...

Are you scared? It appears so. By the way the cards are authentic, they are signed by the pilot, and they're signature will match the company provided signature. I find it interesting that you need to use Internet Message Board posts to further your cause. :lol:

By the way, my wife takes my mail to the post office. How about you? :shock:

By the way, the USAPA roster/card audit is nearing completion and things are going better than anticipated! In addition, another mailing with cards and a letter will be sent to those pilots who have not yet submitted a card this week. This final push and the last furlough recall class event should wrap things up and there will be many more cards submitted than required. Expect the NMB Form 1 to be submitted soon.

By the way no cards were paid for. Grasping at straws...and do not worry, imposition will not hurt to bad.


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