Again??? AGAIN?????
Let me be very clear: US Airways has never, ever, EVER, EVER attempted to acquire United. Various leaders at US Airways have talked about it and have even approached United with the idea on occasion, only to be told to pound sand each and every time except once. And that one time (in 2000/2001), United was doing the buying, offering $60.00 per share of US Airways stock. Need more proof? It was parts of US Airways, not United, that were proposed to be sold off in an attempt to appease the DOJ (with most DCA slots going to "DCAir" and half of the Shuttle going to American).
USA320Pilot, why do you persist in trying to foist upon us your unsupported allegations that US Airways has attempted to buy United in the past? Even one of your linked articles notes that all but one of US Airways' overtures to United (including "Project Minnow") were rejected out of hand, with the "one" being the above-mentioned United purchase. To use your fractured syntax, when would now be a good time to realize that your allegations have no basis whatsoever in fact and to therefore stop espousing them? :cop:
I'll leave it to the pilots to argue the pros and cons of the US Airways seniority issues, or even the likely seniority outcome for pilots in a United/US Airways merger, regardless of who buys who. But as someone who deals with airline economic issues on a daily basis, I simply won't allow USA320Pilot's baseless allegations that US Airways was ever the potential buyer of United to go unchallenged (and yes, I know others have already challenged him but I only just read this thread and this was my first opportunity to say something 😛 ).