<_< ---- Friend, Have you ever heard the saying "Don't kill the messenger?" I told you what I've heard, at the time! Now you can take it for what it is, or not! That's your propagative! Weather our Unions were talking a full buy out, or other arrangements, I have no idea! The talks involved MCI, And a Boeing sponsored warranty program, that much I do know! As for your Air Mail Act. I'm sure a Company the size of Boeing could find a way around it if they wanted! Just like Carty and Company found a way around our Scope Clauses! As for our Unions positions,(for the second time), the IAM, and the Pilots Union both held seats on our Board of Directors! And the single biggest holders of TWA voting stock were the TWA employees! As for if an MRO operation would have saved TWA. With the backing of a Company like Boeing, what do you think?----- But than again! This is all speculative, now isn't it?