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AA should buy ALASKA Air !

<_< ---- I feel the beginning of the end was when Smart and Co.,(Trans World Corp.) spoon us off from the Companies, bought and paid for with Airline money! That was the beginning of the end! Just to name a few: Hilton International, Spartan Foods, Hardy's Hamburgers, Canteen International, and others.

Well there's something we can agree on. If not for their fixation on everything but the airline maybe things might have turned out differently. Or maybe if Charles C. Tillinghast Jr had not dismissed routes to Asia as not being important enough.
<_< --- Hey! I have no argument with that!!! We (exTWAers) don't fit either! That's why aa got reed of most of us!!! But this is all business! We found out the hard way, that employee loyalty works one way, and one way only! From bottom up, not the other way around! Hard lesson to learn, but sadly true!!!----- 😉 At least at aa you know where you stand! There's no loyalty here, in either direction, and everyone knows it!
AA "got reed of" most of the twaers because the economic situation dictated a large decrease in the flight schedule AND because of where the UNIONS placed them on the lists; your right, it's all business. You speak of loyalty; tell us, assuming there were no unions at AA, who do you think AA should show loyalty to; people who actually worked for AA 15, 25, 30 years, or people who only worked at AA for 5 years but spent the previous 30 working against AA?
AA "got reed of" most of the twaers because the economic situation dictated a large decrease in the flight schedule AND because of where the UNIONS placed them on the lists; your right, it's all business. You speak of loyalty; tell us, assuming there were no unions at AA, who do you think AA should show loyalty to; people who actually worked for AA 15, 25, 30 years, or people who only worked at AA for 5 years but spent the previous 30 working against AA?
<_< ----- You really want an answeer to that one? O.K. The people who can get the job done!!!
<_< ----- You really want an answeer to that one? O.K. The people who can get the job done!!!

If that's the case, then AA should be laying off all the FSC's and FA's in their 50's and 60's, since they obviously can't work as quickly as their peers who are in their 20's and 30's.

Unions have long subscribed to the concept of last in/first out. Like it or not, the TWA folks were last in, thus the first out.
If that's the case, then AA should be laying off all the FSC's and FA's in their 50's and 60's, since they obviously can't work as quickly as their peers who are in their 20's and 30's.

Unions have long subscribed to the concept of last in/first out. Like it or not, the TWA folks were last in, thus the first out.

I will disagree with you about the age vs productivity. There is a completely different work ethic with our younger employees. I haven't "worked" a flight since Jan. '03 and I'll bet that I can get a service completed faster than most of the 20 year olds now working. (and actually have the pax convinced that I not only like my job but I like them,,lol) For the most part, the younger the employee, the greater the sense of entitlement. ex. sick days, I have earned them so I should "get" to take whenever, for whatever.....
If that's the case, then AA should be laying off all the Fisk's and FA's in their 50's and 60's, since they obviously can't work as quickly as their peers who are in their 20's and 30's.

Unions have long subscribed to the concept of last in/first out. Like it or not, the TWA folks were last in, thus the first out.
<_< ----- You know FM, That's strange! Because it seems we're (MCI) given all the Aircraft maintenance TUL, or AFW don't want, or can't handle! But that's all right! Keep it coming! And we (MCI) have consistently gotten the job done quicker, with less people! And guess what? We're on average, thirteen years older than the AMT's in TUL, or AFW! So maybe there is something to be said for that "work ethic" nbmcg01 is talking about! I believe that's one of the main reasons we're still here!
I will disagree with you about the age vs productivity. There is a completely different work ethic with our younger employees. I haven't "worked" a flight since Jan. '03 and I'll bet that I can get a service completed faster than most of the 20 year olds now working. (and actually have the pax convinced that I not only like my job but I like them,,lol) For the most part, the younger the employee, the greater the sense of entitlement. ex. sick days, I have earned them so I should "get" to take whenever, for whatever.....

Very true, Nancy.

And if we could only get our existing employees to realize that a recall would be a "win-win" situation for all involved, both AA and former TWA...
<_< -----Unfortunately I feel those Consulting firms aa has spent millions on , have got upper management brain washed! They've convinced them that their bottom line depends on them holding the line on recalls, at all levels ,at all costs!!! But, it has got to the point where reality has too kick in somewhere! And when it does I'm afraid someone is going to get a rued awakening!----- There's an old saying "Sometimes, you have to spend $10, to make $100!!!" But they haven't figured that out yet!--- 😉
Does anyone have a pdf file or a link to one for the TWA/Ozark pilot restrictions?
Negative. AA can do anything it wants with codeshares, OneWorld etc. And with $1Billion claimed - I mean, planned "losses" for 2011.

Next topic?
I've enjoyed the walk down memory lane here, but why did you dig up a five year old thread and necropost?...
With UAL, soon to grow larger than AA, plus everyone else "Sniffing" each other, like Dogs in Heat, should AA (FINALLY) purchase ALASKA Air ??????

I agree(to a point) that AA not go into a merger frenzy, like everyone else, BUT I also think AA should NOT totally sit by, and watch the "grass grow"

Alaska air would bring AA, a WIN- WIN-WIN situation.

An Asian hub, SEATTLE !(AA Asian customers in the NW quardrant should'nt have to "double back" to ORD/DFW)

Alaska has a non-union workforce(FSC's, agents) in it largest hub SEA.

A/E could handle (nicely) the Horizon operation.

AS has 737-800's, and 900's(same cockpit, and Maintainence, I think)

plus, perhaps the best "gem" is AS's very profitable ALASKA passenger, AND A/F operation !!

As AA/Asia expands, AS's west coast flow, up to SEA, could feed it NICELY.

The time to act, is fast approaching.
Again, NOT a MEGA-MERGER, but instead, a "nice juicy PLUM"

With HUBS like DFW/SEA.....ORD....MIA/SJU, and a focus city like JFK, would have the ol' GLOBE, covered nicely.

Your thoughts ????????

The trip down memory lane is indeed interesting but the thread degenerated into the usual labor focused analysis of all things misses some of the key strategic aspects of NHBB's suggestion... which hindsignt provides even more insight into....

AA didn't pursue anything more than a codeshare with AS which is the deepest relationship it or anyone else can pursue with another US airline.

With the NW merger, DL expanded on the AS-NW relationship such that AS is "entwined" with AA and DL.

With AS' move to T6 in LAX, AS and DL will have access to each others' gates behind security; the tunnel between DL's T5 and AA's T4 is not open.

AA doesn't fly from the Pacific NW to Asia at all, IIRC.

AS laid off a large portion of its airport personnel and replaced them w/ contractors (union opportunity lost).

SJU is no longer a hub and NHBB refers to JFK merely as a focus city. hmmmm

a little trip down memory lane is insightful....

<_< --- I've always thought Alaska Airlines would be a good economic choice for aa! I was hoping Alaska Air and TWA could have gotten together! But it wasn't meant to be! Politically? Different story! Unless the people of aa change their strips on this one,( Not likely!) I feel it could mean more of the same as with TWA!!!--- :down: As would be true with any "merger/buyout"! Any Airline's employees would be concerned! aa and it's Unions have shown their true colors with the TWA debacle! :shock:

IMHO the best thing for AA to do if merger mania takes hold again is to sit on the sidelines.