I think Mark is like so many of the AA people....and, in fairness, like so many of all us. Galley gossip and hearsay has replaced the reality of facts, and to be fair, that's understandable. APFA is not a Union known for revealing the truth about anything, and it worked to their advantage to support unethical behavior because that's what the membership wanted to believe. They will fight to the death to support the idea that TWA was in bankruptcy a third time, denying court papers and records that prove that the bankruptcy was demanded by AA in order to rid us of Karabu (Ican's ticket scam).
Would we have survived? Would we have downsized and made it past 9/11? Who knows at this point, but to use that as an excuse for anti-Union unethical behavior is unfortunate at best, and sadly lacking in principles at the very least.
I'm convinced that deep down in all of us is that little germ of knowledge about right and wrong. How much easier is it to deny that, when you behave in a manner that you truly know is wrong? What was done to the TWA people was wrong. If it wasn't due to that, why were the Reno flight attendants stapled also? Was their Co. in "bankruptcy"? Were they a "failing carrier". No...they were stapled because the AA people could, and did. No other reason.It could be urban legend but all of us on 'this side" have heard the story about the AA pilot, who when asked why APA did what they did to our pilots, replied "because we could". "Because we could" is not an excuse...the AA people know it, deep down, and we know they know it.
The universe is a funny thing....many times (perhaps not often enough, if you look at someone like Hitler or Idi Amin) it rights itself and shakes down back to basics to level the playing field. That's what has happened here. Karma says we get to relive our past mistakes....the AA folk now get to live what they've done and what they're justifying.