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This ruling addresses the Midwest/Republic situation and any future integration issues that may arise.


A true unionist believes that each member should be treated as equals.
Those that oppose this idea need to realize that they simply are self absorbed, hiding behind a union label.
President Lincoln never started the slavery moment but during his term in office realized that each individual deserves to be treated as equals and ended slavery.
He never stated that because slavery didn't happen on his watch and it happened many years before his term therefore he cannot help the slaves at this point!
The former TWA f/as were and still are being treated in the same manner. They never accepted their fate. They realized that the unfair treatment to themselves harmed the union movement and took it upon themselves to make changes
Those changes resulted in the McCaskill-Bond Bill where unfair labor practice (stapling) can never happen again. That each Union member deserves to be treated as equals.
This bill has protected Hundred of Thousands of Airline Union employees since. Just look the resent victory regarding Midwest Flight Attendants who were stapled after their Carrier went into BK and Repubic purchased them. They were stapled and would have remain there if not for the efforts of the former TWA f/as.
Each Airline Union Member needs to take a hard look at this situation regarding the former TWA f/as. Because of the TWA f/as efforts thousands of Union employees will reap the benefits from their efforts.
Now, you can sit back and do nothing at this point or you can become active unionist and help your union brothers and sisters, the former TWA f/as and demand that they are included in this protection. After all, they were instrumental in protecting your future.
This is what a true unionist would do. Those that disagree are truly anything but a unionist at this point.
This ruling addresses the Midwest/Republic situation and any future integration issues that may arise.

I read that and learned a few things, like the Midwest FA's not being integrated except those that accepted being "new hires" at Republic (and were integrated as "new hires"). So my entire assumption was flawed. Good for the Midwest FA's for coming together to get the same rights as the groups that were integrated. Now I suppose an arbitrator will get involved unless negotiation/mediation yields a suitable result.

I read that and learned a few things, like the Midwest FA's not being integrated except those that accepted being "new hires" at Republic (and were integrated as "new hires"). So my entire assumption was flawed. Good for the Midwest FA's for coming together to get the same rights as the groups that were integrated. Now I suppose an arbitrator will get involved unless negotiation/mediation yields a suitable result.


Yes, the Midwest F/as careers are protected thanks to the former TWA f/as and their efforts. Now is the time to support the former TWA f/as and allowing them the same protection.