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AA enters LAX -ATL

WorldTraveler said:
and at this very moment, Jamie Baker is asking DL about adding capacity into other carrier strength markets with his observation that it has the potential to destroy tens of millions of dollars in shareholder value.

He says he will ask the same question of other airlines as well.
Jamie Baker is a Dumbass, same as any airline exec who would answer that question.

Sure, staying out of each other's core/strength markets (acting like a cartel) may be good for shareholders, and competition - like adding capacity to each other's core/strength markets may depress profits, but responsible executives won't pay attention to Baker the Dumbass.

What Baker is overlooking is that if AA doesn't enter DL's core markets to compete, someone else will, namely Virgin America or jetBlue or Southwest or some yet-to-be formed upstart airline.

When Baker abdicates his role as securities analyst and tries to goad airline executives into market allocation discussions, he's in way over his head. Market allocation is a clear violation of section 1 of the Sherman Act and executives have gone to federal prison when they're convicted of market allocation.
Again yes it will , it's interesting my DL friend called when she and her colleagues read our ENTIRE TA to say we more than make up for the PS in vaca, duty rigs , last trip pay for cancellations, sick pay , ect!! Put ours with theirs and it a no brainer. Yet again no wonder you were KICKED off airliners.net!!!
a.net has nothing to do with what is said here.

the simple fact is that the DIFFERENCE in what you have as an AA FA is NOT greater than the more than 10% larger amount of profit sharing that DL FAs will actually get vs. what the APFA allocated.  

If you want to continue to believe you are better off, then don't let me pop your bubble.

there will be objective data that will confirm the growth in compensation of DL FAs relative to their peers.
Jamie Baker is a Dumbass, same as any airline exec who would answer that question.

Sure, staying out of each other's core/strength markets (acting like a cartel) may be good for shareholders, and competition - like adding capacity to each other's core/strength markets may depress profits, but responsible executives won't pay attention to Baker the Dumbass.

What Baker is overlooking is that if AA doesn't enter DL's core markets to compete, someone else will, namely Virgin America or jetBlue or Southwest or some yet-to-be formed upstart airline.

When Baker abdicates his role as securities analyst and tries to goad airline executives into market allocation discussions, he's in way over his head. Market allocation is a clear violation of section 1 of the Sherman Act and executives have gone to federal prison when they're convicted of market allocation.
I don't agree with Jamie Baker in terms of airlines moving into each other's strength markets. The US airline industry is deregulated and deregulated companies compete against each other, not hide behind protected markets.

Richard Anderson repeatedly said that DL won't talk about competitive strategies, pricing, or capacity changes.

He did say that you can allow DL's results to speak for themselves.

If DL cannot demonstrate that it is improving its revenues as a result of its strategy, then they should be held to the very same standard that I am holding AA to.

The very fact that DL's LHR revenues will become public knowledge in time is precisely why DL didn't have a problem saying that they do what they based on what is good for the stockholders.

If AA can demonstrate the same thing, then you will find absolutely no criticize from me.

Me either.
care to explain?
I guess someone isn't smart enough to realize there is more to a collective bargain agreement then the one issue this person keeps focusing on. The AA APFA cba is way better in all aspects than profit sharing and being an employee at will.
I was kinda hoping that someone who is as articulate as words as you are could provide some reasons.

FWAAA at least told us why. And I do agree with him about stepping into a subject to which Richard Anderson would not respond.

nonetheless, he is asking the questions that a lot of people would like to... and it doesn't change that AA has to be able to justify with market level data that will eventually become public that it made a right decision or can say why it will at some point in the future.
I guess someone isn't smart enough to realize there is more to a collective bargain agreement then the one issue this person keeps focusing on. The AA APFA cba is way better in all aspects than profit sharing and being an employee at will.
no, I am smart enough to be able to do the math and realize that what little gains AA FAs might have are not at all capable of offsetting the profit sharing that DL employees will enjoy.

you've repeatedly asked me to stop talking about the profit sharing, and now that it is confirmed that DL profit sharing year to date is already at about 12% of employee salaries, and headed for 15% you want to pretend that the other items in AA's contract are worth 15% more compared to what DL FAs have.

they simply are not. and if they are, then your little IAM publicity machine should be more than capable of valuing them and whipping out a little graphic to prove it.

they won't because they can't truthfully say it.
Doug Parker, Scott Kirby and Glading all have pubically stated that $61 million was added to the CBA to cover no profit sharing.

Even Holly from plane business has stated the same.

So all of them are lying,all of them are wrong and breaking SEC regulations as you know more than those who were actually involved in the process than a 10 year retired delta employee who took a buyout and left?
700UW said:
I guess someone isn't smart enough to realize there is more to a collective bargain agreement then the one issue this person keeps focusing on. The AA APFA cba is way better in all aspects than profit sharing and being an employee at will.
If the IAM ever negotiates an agreement for DL F/As you will be in here peddling it as even better. You kept pushing the CO agreement to no end, never mind it has better work rules, benefits and slightly lower base rates than the sCO agreement.

737823 said:
If the IAM ever negotiates an agreement for DL F/As you will be in here peddling it as even better. You kept pushing the CO agreement to no end, never mind it has better work rules, benefits and slightly lower base rates than the sCO agreement.
Keep avoiding the facts, keep avoiding answering the questions, keep avoiding that you are wrong and posting misinformation and keep throwing irrelevant things into the conversation.
700UW said:
Keep avoiding the facts, keep avoiding answering the questions, keep avoiding that you are wrong and posting misinformation and keep throwing irrelevant things into the conversation.
The EWR NLS F/As I know are overjoyed the IAM and 2339N leaders are finished. Sadly the agents are still experiencing IAM representation (and losing their jobs).

Keep posting things that have nothing to do with anything. And keep posting misinformation what happened at 2339N, I was there, were you?
WorldTraveler said:
it's a seasonal reduction, Josh.

We can decide by a week from tomorrow who better manages their network for profitability.

this "game" isn't about throwing seats out there that can't be profitably flown.

however, DL is growing their schedule from BOS more than any other airline except for DL's Skyteam partners AZ and AF beginning in November.

With new flights and the upgraded Shuttle to LGA, DL will be offering 11.4% more seats from BOS than they did a year ago.

back to LAX.

As dawg notes, DL is not tapped out and has considerably more growth capacity at LAX even using the gates they have... and DL is as interested in gaining access to further gates as AA is - and as much as you want to think otherwise, stands as good of a chance of succeeding.

further, DL most definitely has the ability to upgauge flights at LAX... DL already carries more passenger per flight from LAX than AA or UA, due in large part to the fact that DL has mainline aircraft on 80% of its flights.

so, DL can and will grow at LAX as long as there is a market to do so. And if there isn't a viable market, AA won't be making any money growing either.... but then making money hasn't been their goal in Asia.
WorldTraveler said:
someone has been up TOO late last night and is TICKED at the fact that AA can't match their success.

can you tell me what part of the $1 BILLION in profit sharing you will get that DL employees will enjoy this year.


the APFA sold its members out for a bowl of oatmeal.
WorldTraveler said:

let me reiterate again. based on profit sharing of over $1 BILLION in profit sharing, DL employees will see well over 12% - and perhaps as high as 15% - in profit sharing.

the only way that a justification for what Holly and the APFA have said is sufficient is if you believe that US airlines are not capable of sustained profitability - the antithesis of the justification of mergers.

The simple fact is that you would have to sit around and wait for DL to lose money because that is the only way that DL employees would end up worse off than DL employees.

in the meantime, DL employee profit sharing FAR exceeds what the APFA allocated as justification for profit sharing.

If AA cannot deliver the same type of profits as DL, then you and Holly should be seriously asking why.

DL also says that overall int'l capacity will not be increased in 2015 but there will be a European shift to LHR where profit margins are considerably higher. Combined with weakness in S. America and Asia, it is clear that AA has bigger headwinds on its int'l system ahead than DL.
WorldTraveler said:
and at this very moment, Jamie Baker is asking DL about adding capacity into other carrier strength markets with his observation that it has the potential to destroy tens of millions of dollars in shareholder value.

He says he will ask the same question of other airlines as well.

DL notes that its RASM and profitability in the markets where DL has added are showing positive growth for both metrics. Given AA's previous concern about DL capacity additions into LHR and DL's statement that its financial performance at LHR is improving, the addition of ATL-LAX by AA has to be seen within the larger context of AA-DL competitive capacity growth.
WorldTraveler said:
you don't have to.

but they do have a lot of influence with investors

and they are asking why AA and DL are at each other's necks with competitive market additions.

feel free to add your version...
DL WAS GIVEN FOR NEAR FREE 25% of the LGA slots and added service from LGA to every major market including DFW.
With the intended opening of DAL, DL advised of its intent to fly from DAL, not DFW, to DL's hubs plus LGA and LAX. When DL could not obtain enough space from DAL, it moved its LAX flights to DFW - exactly what the DOJ and AA said DL could do.
DL bought 49% of Virgin Atlantic and has added service in key LHR markets, noting that DL's financial performance in LHR has improved.

AA added ATL-LAX and readded ATL-LGA on what justification?

and, no your vacation pay won't BEGIN to come close to the profit sharing that DL employees will take home.
WorldTraveler said:
a.net has nothing to do with what is said here.

the simple fact is that the DIFFERENCE in what you have as an AA FA is NOT greater than the more than 10% larger amount of profit sharing that DL FAs will actually get vs. what the APFA allocated.  

If you want to continue to believe you are better off, then don't let me pop your bubble.

there will be objective data that will confirm the growth in compensation of DL FAs relative to their peers.
I don't agree with Jamie Baker in terms of airlines moving into each other's strength markets. The US airline industry is deregulated and deregulated companies compete against each other, not hide behind protected markets.

Richard Anderson repeatedly said that DL won't talk about competitive strategies, pricing, or capacity changes.

He did say that you can allow DL's results to speak for themselves.

If DL cannot demonstrate that it is improving its revenues as a result of its strategy, then they should be held to the very same standard that I am holding AA to.

The very fact that DL's LHR revenues will become public knowledge in time is precisely why DL didn't have a problem saying that they do what they based on what is good for the stockholders.

If AA can demonstrate the same thing, then you will find absolutely no criticize from me.


care to explain?
WorldTraveler said:
I was kinda hoping that someone who is as articulate as words as you are could provide some reasons.

FWAAA at least told us why. And I do agree with him about stepping into a subject to which Richard Anderson would not respond.

nonetheless, he is asking the questions that a lot of people would like to... and it doesn't change that AA has to be able to justify with market level data that will eventually become public that it made a right decision or can say why it will at some point in the future.

no, I am smart enough to be able to do the math and realize that what little gains AA FAs might have are not at all capable of offsetting the profit sharing that DL employees will enjoy.

you've repeatedly asked me to stop talking about the profit sharing, and now that it is confirmed that DL profit sharing year to date is already at about 12% of employee salaries, and headed for 15% you want to pretend that the other items in AA's contract are worth 15% more compared to what DL FAs have.

they simply are not. and if they are, then your little IAM publicity machine should be more than capable of valuing them and whipping out a little graphic to prove it.

they won't because they can't truthfully say it.
This is just the last 2 pages.
Is there a American Airlines board on these forums?
WorldTraveler said:
I was kinda hoping that someone who is as articulate as words as you are could provide some reasons.FWAAA at least told us why. And I do agree with him about stepping into a subject to which Richard Anderson would not respond.nonetheless, he is asking the questions that a lot of people would like to... and it doesn't change that AA has to be able to justify with market level data that will eventually become public that it made a right decision or can say why it will at some point in the future. no, I am smart enough to be able to do the math and realize that what little gains AA FAs might have are not at all capable of offsetting the profit sharing that DL employees will enjoy.you've repeatedly asked me to stop talking about the profit sharing, and now that it is confirmed that DL profit sharing year to date is already at about 12% of employee salaries, and headed for 15% you want to pretend that the other items in AA's contract are worth 15% more compared to what DL FAs have.they simply are not. and if they are, then your little IAM publicity machine should be more than capable of valuing them and whipping out a little graphic to prove it.they won't because they can't truthfully say it.
Little gains are you kidding me ??? You have no idea what we are getting do you?? This totally proves it!!! People here is yet another reason why WORLD TRAVELER was KICKED off airlines.net!!! Folks are learning not to fall for his rhetoric!!! I'll be waiting to hear it's beacuse we can't handle truth , same ol same ol. We are smart enough not to believe his truth!!!! WT, take a break and quit trying to stomp out fires , you are running ragged and in a tail spin!! Quit putting your beloved FORMER employer in every damn topic and I bet you will begin to start just a little better!

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