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AA enters LAX -ATL

Doug Parker, Scott Kirby and Glading all have pubically stated that $61 million was added to the CBA to cover no profit sharing.

Even Holly from plane business has stated the same.

So all of them are lying,all of them are wrong and breaking SEC regulations as you know more than those who were actually involved in the process than a 10 year retired delta employee who took a buyout and left?
and you and Holly can't seem to accept that with over $1 BILLION in profit sharing, DL FAs will receive somewhere around $250M or more.

To argue that a $61M payment is sufficient to offset $250M in profit sharing at DL is simply not accurate if the point is to say that AA's FA compensation is on par with its peers.

It simply is not.

and the only way that it could be going forward is for DL to lose LOTS of money to offset the huge advantage the DL FAs have now.

I didn't make the claim that APFA leaders made about the industry leading contract they signed. I am challenging the statement.

and if they or anyone else doesn't want to hear abuot other carriers, then don't make statements of any sort regarding industry leading anything.

the total increase in DL FA compensation including profit sharing for 2014 FAR EXCEEDS what ANY AA workgroup has negotiated.
WorldTraveler said:
and you and Holly can't seem to accept that with over $1 BILLION in profit sharing, DL FAs will receive somewhere around $250M or more.To argue that a $61M payment is sufficient to offset $250M in profit sharing at DL is simply not accurate if the point is to say that AA's FA compensation is on par with its peers.It simply is not.and the only way that it could be going forward is for DL to lose LOTS of money to offset the huge advantage the DL FAs have now.I didn't make the claim that APFA leaders made about the industry leading contract they signed. I am challenging the statement.and if they or anyone else doesn't want to hear abuot other carriers, then don't make statements of any sort regarding industry leading anything.the total increase in DL FA compensation including profit sharing for 2014 FAR EXCEEDS what ANY AA workgroup has negotiated.
You are not challenging, you are posting a false fact!!! The money you stated is for EVERY year of the contract! Now prove me wrong!! Far exceeds is a false statement!!! I challenge you to ask any DL fa that has our TA in hand. You are WRONG!!!! What will be DL's hr rate of pay in 2018 ? You don't know because they don't have a gaurenteed raises like we do, and you can't speculate because that would just be a guess!! Far exceeds is false statement , get over it!!! You took the money and ran hhhmm ,, or were you asked to leave!! Again folks another reason he was KICKED off airlines.net and his only audience is here !!! It's fun for us to watch you get all worked up and believe what you post!!
Keep ignoring the facts about Parker and the APFA stated.

And the $61 million is to cover what AA's PS would be. And how many times does it have to be told people don't unionize or not unionize over profit sharing?

And in total compensation and benefits AA's FAs earn more than their DL counterparts.
AdAstraPerAspera said:
from Holly Hegeman:
"As for the question about profit-sharing, the company has allocated $50 million a year to, in essence, monetize projected profit-sharing benefits. I can tell you that if you talk to a Wall Street analyst, the total value of this contract, including that monetization for profit- sharing, is above where they anticipated the company was going to come in.
That $50 million annually also represents about 3.7% of the total increase in wages. To compare, the flight attendants were awarded 3.25% profit sharing in the 2001 contract - but of course, the flight attendants never received any profit-sharing at all, thanks to 9/11.
I don't know about you, but in this industry, I would rather have cold hard cash -- especially if it is more than my peers -- in my hot little hand. Now.
As it stands, this contract delivers that."
WT, you are the last person who should be giving APFA advice on negotiations.
I read Holly's comments yesterday and I really hope people can get past the extremely large differences in an APFA contract and an AFA contract to do the absolutely obvious choice and vote YES!!!! People are getting stuck on the one thing they may not like in the TA and are completely overreacting. As if they currently love the contract we work under now or in the past. I really HOPE the vast majority are the quiet ones that want what is clearly the closest/best thing we've had offered to us since 9/12/2001!
Someone is cut like anything but a diamond

Laura Glading: "all my career I have been chasing DL wages"

anyone who won't show that the benefit difference compared to DL is worth almost $200 million per year do so because they cannot

DL profit sharing far exceeds the difference in value of other items

If not true then prove it
If you true than why can't you prove it!!! What laura glading said was true , and guess what we surpassed what we were chasing!
WorldTraveler said:
Someone is cut like anything but a diamond
Laura Glading: "all my career I have been chasing DL wages"
anyone who won't show that the benefit difference compared to DL is worth almost $200 million per year do so because they cannot
DL profit sharing far exceeds the difference in value of other items
If not true then prove it
If you THINK it exceeds than you prove it!!! Can you ?? No!! It's your statement back it up!! I did! What laura said it true , and guess what we surpassed it . Tell me what will DL fa's top out at next you , again you can't or the next year or the next year!! You state the difference in the other items , well what are they payed for the other items ? Do you know? Do you know what we are payed for the other items ? No you don't. You really are a joke , another reason why you were KICKED off airliners.net . Fraud , manipulater , narrsisitic , are few reasons why you were kicked off!!! I know what I have , you don't even know What delta fa's have! Again prove to us how the PS far exceeds the items and pay we have!!
WorldTraveler said:
Someone is cut like anything but a diamond
Laura Glading: "all my career I have been chasing DL wages"
anyone who won't show that the benefit difference compared to DL is worth almost $200 million per year do so because they cannot
DL profit sharing far exceeds the difference in value of other items
If not true then prove it
If I'm cut like anything but a diamond , than you Sir are far from your Sunday job!!
well actually diamond cutter, I can indeed prove it.

AA's ENTIRE benefit cost for its FAs in 2013 was approximately $260,000,000 (that's $260 million. that includes healthcare, sicktime, everything.

The difference between what APFA allocated for profit sharing and what DL FAs will actually accrue amounts to $200 million.

You cannot tell me or anyone else that the small differences in rules and benefits that AA FAs have compared to DL FAs amounts to 77% of the entire benefit costs.

It just doesn't.

It is absolutely verifiable that DL FAs will accumulate far more in additional profit sharing than what AA FAs will receive.

I'm sorry if the truth is so hard for you to accept but no one who has even the slightest look at the facts could conclude what you want to believe.

quite frankly, AA mgmt. doesn't want you to believe they or any other airline can be profitable on a long-term basis so they low-balled the value of profit sharing while making you think you got a great deal.

You simply did not.

Even in her finest moment, Laura Glading is still chasing DL's FA compensation.
Yesterday in the spate of 2 hours and 31 minutes, WT managed to post that DL was building LAX as a hub (reply 121), then they were just building O&D traffic (reply 127).

To quote Frasier Crane, WT, what color is the sky in your world?
Yesterday in the spate of 2 hours and 31 minutes, WT managed to post that DL was building LAX as a hub (reply 121), then they were just building O&D traffic (reply 127).

To quote Frasier Crane, WT, what color is the sky in your world?
clearly we need to step back to basics.

you can build a hub and still serve the O&D market where the hub is located but you could also carry connecting passengers.

you cannot have have a flight that serves only O&D (local) passengers and not also serve connecting passengers.

in reality, there are probably few markets in any US airline's route system that are currently O&D focused but instead DO carry some degree of connections.

but perhaps you can tell us what percentage of O&D traffic you expect AA to carry on each end of both ATL-LAX and perhaps you can tell us why DL will Always have an advantage over any other carrier because they have the ability to connect passengers on BOTH ends of the route and more of them based on the size of their hub in ATL.

and the very same principle of advantage applies on DFW-ORD which is exactly why AA carries such a high percentage of the traffic in that market and also has an average fare dominance in the market.

the reason why neither AA or WN will come close to touching DL's average fare premium in either ATL-LGA or ATL-LAX is because DL, like every other carrier that uses hubs and spokes, uses the connecting traffic to create more mass which provides an advantage fare premium in the local market.

and that is why carriers that decide to add service in "advantage markets" for another carrier better be able to size the market to the amount of demand that they can get at appropriately high fares or make money at lower average fares.

AA decided originally to exit ATL-LGA because they couldn't come close to DL's average fares.

AA has a much higher barrier to climb to find 120 or more passengers per flight who are willing to pay the same average fares that DL receives in the local market or connecting at LAX elsewhere with a comparable contribution as AA would receive in the ATL-LAX local market
Everyone needs to understand - in WT's world DL has no bar to cross - AA has high bars in every thing it tries to do - it's such an unbelievable joke
WT - where is the list of top 10 things DL does wrong - still can't wrap your head around that one - we are all still waiting to see you come to reality
the same bar that exists for DL exists for every other carrier. PROFITS.

DL, BTW, has crossed a threshold that WN and AS have perfected; DL is defying the mindset that has existed that network carriers can't be as profitable as "small and nimble" carriers like AS and WN.

there will be no list of 10 good or bad things for any airline. never was for AA or US or any other carrier.

move on and figure out what and why AA/US gets the criticism I give it and what it needs to do to fix it.
WorldTraveler said:
well actually diamond cutter, I can indeed prove it.AA's ENTIRE benefit cost for its FAs in 2013 was approximately $260,000,000 (that's $260 million. that includes healthcare, sicktime, everything.The difference between what APFA allocated for profit sharing and what DL FAs will actually accrue amounts to $200 million.You cannot tell me or anyone else that the small differences in rules and benefits that AA FAs have compared to DL FAs amounts to 77% of the entire benefit costs.It just doesn't.It is absolutely verifiable that DL FAs will accumulate far more in additional profit sharing than what AA FAs will receive.I'm sorry if the truth is so hard for you to accept but no one who has even the slightest look at the facts could conclude what you want to believe.quite frankly, AA mgmt. doesn't want you to believe they or any other airline can be profitable on a long-term basis so they low-balled the value of profit sharing while making you think you got a great deal.You simply did not.Even in her finest moment, Laura Glading is still chasing DL's FA compensation.

Yes I can tell you , the sum of our NEW TA, again the NEW TA is more than DL's . Folks , this why he was KICKED off airliners.net!!!!!

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