You conveniently fail to mention AA's TPAC numbers have improved vastly y-o-y. You also fail to mention how AA crushes DL in Latin America.WorldTraveler said:DOT profitability data for the 3rd quarter has now been released and once again it shows AA sustaining significant losses in order to build a Pacific network. AA had a negative 12% operating margin on the Pacific while DL and UA each had about 13% profit margins in the same region. AA's Pacific network was the only region among the big 3 that lost money in the summer 3rd quarter.
AA is already pushing the limits of its ability to sustain losses in light of higher operating costs with the merger. Adding routes in markets that are not absolutely necessary is very unlikely to happen and even some of the current routes may be cut under Parker.
You also conveniently fail to mention how DL has lost $600-$700 million trying to built up New York.
Please, don't let facts get in the way.
Apropos, how's that Trainer Facility doing? Oh yes, still losing money.