FWAAA said:
Know thy place, AA. That's freakin' hilarious.
The world's largest airline can never ever successfully compete with the almighty DL and UA and the foreign carriers at LAX. Why? Because UA bought the Pan Am routes and because DL merged with NW and so it is written. AA can add industry-leading J seats to its existing widebodies and add new widebodies with industry-leading J seats and yet because it didn't buy Pan Am or merge with NW, it can never match its peers.
So, so true - it's just the same ridiculous B.S. repeated over and over even though everyone stopped listening after the last website permanently banned it.
Contrary to the completely distorted workings of the Delta fanboy mind, Delta doesn't get a veto on AA growth to Asia - from LAX or anywhere else. As said - the only way Delta could "punish" AA for expanding into Delta's allegedly sovereign "turf" would be to dump even more capacity on top of AA as it continues to grow, and thus forcing even greater losses not just on AA but also Delta, and everybody else. And for sure, Delta could do that - financially, operationally, etc. But it would effectively be starting a war of attrition with a rival that has multiple times more cash, in a market where that competitor is larger and stronger than Delta. And, of course, Delta would then have to explain to their shareholders why, when they supposedly have such a great thing going up at SEA and have "gotten religion" on "capacity discipline," they felt the need to deploy (burn) shareholder capital fighting AA in a market where - I think most would agree - AA has the greater "need" and therefore focus, and is likely to fight to the death until it outlasts Delta. It would be a highly irrational move - which would be uncharacteristic for the otherwise quite rational and reasonable Delta management team.
Long story short - the recent Delta foray into LAX-PVG notwithstanding, I don't see it happening. If - hypothetically - AA truly follows through on what it or news sources have said/implied it would do, and adds LAX-ICN/PEK/HKG/AKL, I think Delta will let them have it. Delta knows it can't truly "win" at LAX, and as such I think Delta management will - smartly - conclude that it's better to focus on the gateway where it can win, which is SEA.
But the bottom line in all of this B.S. is this: back here in reality, regardless of whatever Delta fanboys on the internet think,
AA's own management has made no secret of the fact that it believes AA can, and will, be competitive and profitable in Asia. They, too, apparently have tuned out the best that internet airline industry discussion forums have to offer. As I said - I'm taking them at their word when they say that the "investment" in Asia is worth it long-term, that AA's routes to Asia will be profitable this year, and that more growth in that region is coming.