The association is still in old school mode. The company is negotiating the same way they have been since the AmericaWest days. It's like oil and vinegar. The association thinks that the membership is weak and docile. The membership is also considered divided. These are probably all true but at some point someone is going to wake up and say enough is enough. Who will that be? The association or the membership? This rocket launchpad card drive for the AMT'S is telling the association enough is enough. Will the card drive be successful? Will the association take this card drive seriously? If a NMB filing is successful with a representational vote will the association then wake up and start spreading fear and lies?
Recently the smallest group quietly filed and caught the Association with their pants down. The Flight Dispatchers voted out of the association. They really didn't pay too much attention probably because it was a small group of dues that was lost. Most don't recall but back in 1977 the Flight attendants at American airlines were also represented by the TWU. They did a grass roots self starting inhouse non AFL-CIO union drive and were successful. I haven't heard of a drive from the APFA to go back to the TWU. Now it's the AMT'S turn to say good bye. There will be a fight this time from the association if a filing to the NMB is achieved. Enough is enough so all eligible should sign a card asap and stop thinking it's the wrong time or wait and see what happens. It's not the wrong time, it's the WRONG union currently representing us.
Recently the smallest group quietly filed and caught the Association with their pants down. The Flight Dispatchers voted out of the association. They really didn't pay too much attention probably because it was a small group of dues that was lost. Most don't recall but back in 1977 the Flight attendants at American airlines were also represented by the TWU. They did a grass roots self starting inhouse non AFL-CIO union drive and were successful. I haven't heard of a drive from the APFA to go back to the TWU. Now it's the AMT'S turn to say good bye. There will be a fight this time from the association if a filing to the NMB is achieved. Enough is enough so all eligible should sign a card asap and stop thinking it's the wrong time or wait and see what happens. It's not the wrong time, it's the WRONG union currently representing us.