You are not responsible for new hires. You are responsible for YOU and YOUR family.
Look I appreciate your noble outlook and that you want to look out for others but that is not the world we live in today. Today the only question people ask when they look at a UNION is what can it do for ME. It is this way at AA because the TWU has never shown any leadership and taught each generation of new hires what it means to work in a UNION environment..
I mean who are you fighting for? A bunch of self important, spoiled millennials. At some point you have to ask yourself if the people you are fighting for are actually worth it. Sometimes people need to fight their own fights so they "get it". Standing up for the guy who works beside you on your crew, your station, class and craft.
But at the same time respecting the other unionized work groups is YOUR JOB.
You may see that as selfish and heartless but to that I say you have had people accepting bad contracts for years trying to maintain headcount and everybody lost. If those people were to insist on a lucrative contract instead of trying to save headcount the industry today would be in a lot better position as a whole.
If you are/become one of those people who insist on a lucrative contract instead of the IGM and talk to your fellow co-workers why it's important maybe they will understand and come around.. But if you, just say the hell with them AA is going to do what it wants no matter what we fight for then you have become one of them.
You are a good, moral person and unfortunately that is what makes you absolutely wrong. This is business, treat it as such.