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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

The Association stole your right to vote, and is now keeping you from riding the best wave we’ll likely ever see in this industry.

And until all those fractures are fixed, I don’t see it getting any better for the rank and file. I sincerely hope I’m wrong.
Enjoying this ...arent you
Stop do you really think they are going to force current TWU members into the IAMPF ?I thought we already crossed that bridge with a not happening
No not current members the RUMOR is all future members will be put in the iam plan. It would seem the rumor is based on fact since retirement is not listed as a hang up on the few bulkshit updates the bless the peons with
Although a good amount of folks on here are MTR but I as a Fleet Service have been telling our new hires to set up a 401K as it wld benefit them more when their time comes. Hopefully theyll heed my advice
Are you willing to vote no on any contract no matter how lucrative for you to keep new hires out of the pension plan??
I can't speak for Buck but I'm telling you now, if a single TWU member is forced on the IAMPF I'm a no vote.
How many reasons do you need? First of all, any new hire will see zero benefit from the plan. Their contribution
to the plan will be just that a contribution, every single financial report on multi-company pensions I have read will
tell you the same thing. Even a small amount of $'s deposited at the beginning of a 30 to 40-year career can become
a large sum at retirement. I do not need a lucrative contract, I would like one but not at the expense of screwing a
new hire (I have been there). I have a better plan, you receive a 401K match from AA and fund your own pension,
I started a 401K plan 32 years ago with zero match while I was also accruing my pension. What is the difference?
Is it fair to say that this forum is "dead" as far as making predictions for a TA? Obviously there's more work to be done and Tim's timeline fell flat.
Forcing them to spend almost a decade to reach top of the pay scale.
I have been railing against that for years. What is the point of having top out take 25 percent of your career (if you start young and put in 40 years) to reach?
I do not need a lucrative contract, I would like one but not at the expense of screwing a new hire (I have been there).
You are not responsible for new hires. You are responsible for YOU and YOUR family.

Look I appreciate your noble outlook and that you want to look out for others but that is not the world we live in today. Today the only question people ask when they look at a UNION is what can it do for ME.

I mean who are you fighting for? A bunch of self important, spoiled millennials. At some point you have to ask yourself if the people you are fighting for are actually worth it. Sometimes people need to fight their own fights so they "get it".

You may see that as selfish and heartless but to that I say you have had people accepting bad contracts for years trying to maintain headcount and everybody lost. If those people were to insist on a lucrative contract instead of trying to save headcount the industry today would be in a lot better position as a whole.

You are a good, moral person and unfortunately that is what makes you absolutely wrong. This is business, treat it as such.
Are you willing to vote no on any contract no matter how lucrative for you to keep new hires out of the pension plan??

Me, I will probably vote yes as I am 1-2 years of leaving this whole thing behind. I have heard from one or two senior mechanics that meet your criteria.
Hmm - the b’ness section of the Dallas Morning News has an article about AA, and it’s titled ‘Back in the ballgame’. What an incredibly bold statement for a reporter to make. Parker and assoc haven’t made tough decisions. Nothing has changed. My guess is that Parker hired a PR firm that works with the local news ::cough cough Spaeth Communications cough cough::. TA is on the way, and it’s been nicely orchestrated. I hate that!


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You are not responsible for new hires. You are responsible for YOU and YOUR family.

Look I appreciate your noble outlook and that you want to look out for others but that is not the world we live in today. Today the only question people ask when they look at a UNION is what can it do for ME. It is this way at AA because the TWU has never shown any leadership and taught each generation of new hires what it means to work in a UNION environment..

I mean who are you fighting for? A bunch of self important, spoiled millennials. At some point you have to ask yourself if the people you are fighting for are actually worth it. Sometimes people need to fight their own fights so they "get it". Standing up for the guy who works beside you on your crew, your station, class and craft.
But at the same time respecting the other unionized work groups is YOUR JOB.

You may see that as selfish and heartless but to that I say you have had people accepting bad contracts for years trying to maintain headcount and everybody lost. If those people were to insist on a lucrative contract instead of trying to save headcount the industry today would be in a lot better position as a whole.
If you are/become one of those people who insist on a lucrative contract instead of the IGM and talk to your fellow co-workers why it's important maybe they will understand and come around.. But if you, just say the hell with them AA is going to do what it wants no matter what we fight for then you have become one of them.
You are a good, moral person and unfortunately that is what makes you absolutely wrong. This is business, treat it as such.

La Li Lu Le Lo; I agree with Chilokie1, as a Union member we are all responsible for one another, it's NOT just the union officers job to look out for the members each of us plays a part in that.
I have been railing against that for years. What is the point of having top out take 25 percent of your career (if you start young and put in 40 years) to reach?

We don't have a defined pension plan any longer that has gone by the way side with the 401ks, Yrs ago it took 10 yrs to be vested when pensions were around. Probation times have fluctuated in our industry as well. Jan 1,1989 Federal law changed that from 10 yrs to 5 yrs to be vested in the pension. In 1991 here at AA in order to go from 12yrs down to 5yrs the TWU with the company made a deal which alot of us are under it took 6 yrs to be vested. So we lost a yr of employment toward being vested. My Point is that here at AA due to the LACK of UNION Leadership we have given up what the Unions got for US ALL years ago. It should only take 5 yrs to top out, We should have 10 Holidays a year, we should get 2.5X for working the Holiday, 10 sick days. There should be No conflicts between Overhaul/Base and the Line guys, Title 1 and Title 2. That will take each one of us to stand together as ONE CLASS AND CRAFT, give up the IGM mentality that is here at AA.
No not current members the RUMOR is all future members will be put in the iam plan. It would seem the rumor is based on fact since retirement is not listed as a hang up on the few bulkshit updates the bless the peons with

There are current members of the TWU who have been told they are going to part of the IAM, (our training Dept. Maintenance planners,and others) which are part of our class and craft. Planners who at this point are not even unionized and some members of mgmt who will become IAM members when we get a JCBA. Do you think they will be part of the IAM and NOT be forced into the IAMPF? Going by the proposal the company put out 5.5% 401k Match with an extra 4% for a total of 9%. So you have to figure they will get 5% put into the IAMPF and 4% into the 401k, that helps the Multi-company IAMPF stay a float. OUR current TWU members lose. To Keep this from Happening every one needs to get some one sign an AMFA Card. Get rid of this Association,

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