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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

To pass on the aid after advocating for it would show them to be the thieves that they are and that they don’t give a damn about those who work here.
Any fool would figure out the only reason not to take it is to file BK and get rid of as many of us they can and cut our wages
Screw Parker and his band of thieves
I sympathize with anyone who experiences job loss.

That said, controlling and cutting cost is just good business.

From Parker's perspective it might be more beneficial to use bankruptcy to realign cost than to have the government in the company's business.

You may not like what I have to say VO Reason but do you honestly disagree with any of it?
Nobody's doing anything involuntarily about headcount until after 9/30. Both the grants and loan guarantees prohibit layoffs and involuntary pay cuts (and don't appear to prevent a reduction of hours...). Sure, AA might be dumb enough to deny both, but they don't have the cash to weather this without the guarantees.
Unemployment may hit 32% with 47 million out of work. Airlines cutting back service as much as 80% for the next two months with the future looking grim. I think the taxpayers of this country are going to be very upset learning that the government is going to finance full pay for all airline workers.
I sympathize with anyone who experiences job loss.

That said, controlling and cutting cost is just good business.

From Parker's perspective it might be more beneficial to use bankruptcy to realign cost than to have the government in the company's business.

You may not like what I have to say VO Reason but do you honestly disagree with any of it?

Yes I totally disagree, American is just one of every airline in the US dealing with this.
All the CEOs plead their case to get the money from the government to save jobs and payroll only to screw over their employees and file bankruptcy so they can cut our pay and then turn around to once again enrich themselves
Screw that and I won’t agree with it at all.
Our cost should already have been cut by the cutting of the operations over the next 2 months and then they are getting this money.
So now is the time to streamline somewhere when this turns around cut the fat now and I don’t mean people
Unemployment may hit 32% with 47 million out of work. Airlines cutting back service as much as 80% for the next two months with the future looking grim. I think the taxpayers of this country are going to be very upset learning that the government is going to finance full pay for all airline workers.
Why is that if you file for unemployment you get an additional 600 on top of what you would normally get for up to 5 months.
So what’s the difference
Unemployment may hit 32% with 47 million out of work. Airlines cutting back service as much as 80% for the next two months with the future looking grim. I think the taxpayers of this country are going to be very upset learning that the government is going to finance full pay for all airline workers.

Do you blame them? Some maintenance level funds, ok. But, full pay??? For how long I wonder. I was furloughed with NO pay for 17.5 months following 9/11. The furlough wasn't easy. I had to watch every incoming dime carefully to make sure I wasn't cutting into bill paying funds. But I managed.
In fact, I'm considering donating my $1200 to a local food bank (assuming we actually receive the funds. There was an announcement on TV this morning that there is some kind of glitch in the payment system).
Do you blame them? Some maintenance level funds, ok. But, full pay??? For how long I wonder. I was furloughed with NO pay for 17.5 months following 9/11. The furlough wasn't easy. I had to watch every incoming dime carefully to make sure I wasn't cutting into bill paying funds. But I managed.
In fact, I'm considering donating my $1200 to a local food bank (assuming we actually receive the funds. There was an announcement on TV this morning that there is some kind of glitch in the payment system).
I was thinking of doing the same if I get the 2400. Or I may hold onto it and wait and see what happens in Sep. after the guarantee is over. It may come in handy to get us thru some times in the future.
Now that our contract is signed and in place, jimntex has a novel idea about helping others.

At every station we have fellow employees that have been out for one reason or another. Maybe its time for us ALL to reach out to the EAP Reps, ask if he knows of any one from Your group M&R, Fleet, stores, etc.. has exhausted the available funds they have and within your own group set up a collection to assist a few of these employees.
Nobody's doing anything involuntarily about headcount until after 9/30. Both the grants and loan guarantees prohibit layoffs and involuntary pay cuts (and don't appear to prevent a reduction of hours...). Sure, AA might be dumb enough to deny both, but they don't have the cash to weather this without the guarantees.

This gives the airlines the space to develop their post 9/30 plan A/B/C.

Minimum plan A is RIF w/substantial temp capacity cuts.

Plan B is the same but permanent.

Plan C is reorg through bankruptcy.
Sara Nelson Says People Are Ready for Solidarity
The president of the Association of Flight Attendants tells Sarah Jaffe that the pandemic reveals what unions already know: “An injury to one is an injury to all.”


I lasted about 3 seconds on that link, after I got 5 pop ups, that was it for me.

Anyone do the math on the VLOA? Looks like about the same money for me, actually a bit more on a 2080 hour year, assuming full amount of unemployment in Tx, only 26 weeks of unemployment assuming I got it, then the company is in charge of when you come back, don't like that..Lots of assumptions, not good. If it was period certain like the freaking pilots got, that would make it more enticing. I don't like letting the company be in command of that ****. Bunch of freakin arseholes.
This gives the airlines the space to develop their post 9/30 plan A/B/C.

Minimum plan A is RIF w/substantial temp capacity cuts.

Plan B is the same but permanent.

Plan C is reorg through bankruptcy.


If you're an AA employee I understand your post. With that said AA has piped it's employees with the help of the Union here for a very long time.
So looking at this situation AA is in we automatically think here we go again. Seems as though every 10 yrs something happens to derail our lives.

AA has hired a number of mechanics in the last several years, AA has also transferred most back to the stations they were laid off from. Exhausted the upgrade list to some stations as well.

"YES" this virus thing has thrown a kink into it all but from a Business stand point it makes NO Sense to have any reduction of force in Maintenance. I say maintenance since that is the dept. I work in. Bringing in mechanics to Tulsa and other stations from all around the US and then cutting them would hurt the plans of AA going forward. AA wants to get the older mechanics to take a package of some type. Cutting the highly paid guys with lots of vacation and keeping the new guys with almost nothing.

If they cut the new guys and the older mechanics leave AA will not have the mechanics to fully get up and running once this medical issue has passed.

With 911 they took 17% of what we had and then when they turned things around, AA did not give it back. We now just got that back after 17 years & 4+ yrs of negotiations. That is why the T/A passed by the numbers it did. The TWU did not put a snap back clause to protect us. Do you think they will allow the company to cut the $$$ and benefits again and have us wait again till the next contract to get it back and then start the negotiations from the lower rates.

The Association has to know that we the AMFA Organizers are hard at work getting cards signed to get rid of this Association. What do you think the membership would do if they (The Association) allowed AA to do that to us AGAIN. How much money in Total DUES would be lost if we voted them OUT?

AA will be scrambling to find mechanics "YES" I know that there will be lots of guys if all the airlines cut but how many would come back to AA
after they have seen or heard about the way the Association and AA treats it's employees and members?

We the employees have talked in the breakrooms about how AA might/will file for BK again. How DP is the king of BK. Times have changed and the US government IMHO will not let the 3 big flag carrier airlines fail. Just think of the economic backlash. With the acception of this virus situation we the mechanics are in the best place we have ever been in my 40 years in the industry.

If you're an AA employee I understand your post. With that said AA has piped it's employees with the help of the Union here for a very long time.
So looking at this situation AA is in we automatically think here we go again. Seems as though every 10 yrs something happens to derail our lives.

AA has hired a number of mechanics in the last several years, AA has also transferred most back to the stations they were laid off from. Exhausted the upgrade list to some stations as well.

"YES" this virus thing has thrown a kink into it all but from a Business stand point it makes NO Sense to have any reduction of force in Maintenance. I say maintenance since that is the dept. I work in. Bringing in mechanics to Tulsa and other stations from all around the US and then cutting them would hurt the plans of AA going forward. AA wants to get the older mechanics to take a package of some type. Cutting the highly paid guys with lots of vacation and keeping the new guys with almost nothing.

If they cut the new guys and the older mechanics leave AA will not have the mechanics to fully get up and running once this medical issue has passed.

With 911 they took 17% of what we had and then when they turned things around, AA did not give it back. We now just got that back after 17 years & 4+ yrs of negotiations. That is why the T/A passed by the numbers it did. The TWU did not put a snap back clause to protect us. Do you think they will allow the company to cut the $$$ and benefits again and have us wait again till the next contract to get it back and then start the negotiations from the lower rates.

The Association has to know that we the AMFA Organizers are hard at work getting cards signed to get rid of this Association. What do you think the membership would do if they (The Association) allowed AA to do that to us AGAIN. How much money in Total DUES would be lost if we voted them OUT?

AA will be scrambling to find mechanics "YES" I know that there will be lots of guys if all the airlines cut but how many would come back to AA
after they have seen or heard about the way the Association and AA treats it's employees and members?

We the employees have talked in the breakrooms about how AA might/will file for BK again. How DP is the king of BK. Times have changed and the US government IMHO will not let the 3 big flag carrier airlines fail. Just think of the economic backlash. With the acception of this virus situation we the mechanics are in the best place we have ever been in my 40 years in the industry.

Sorry for the blunt take in my post. I started in 1987 with airlines. Chased my job through at least 7 moves. Replaced by a scab. Luckily I went back to college and got my degree & moved on to a great new career (14 years ago) working in the national airspace system. I hope you guys only have to go through the "plan A" option.
Yes I totally disagree, American is just one of every airline in the US dealing with this.
All the CEOs plead their case to get the money from the government to save jobs and payroll only to screw over their employees and file bankruptcy so they can cut our pay and then turn around to once again enrich themselves
Screw that and I won’t agree with it at all.
Our cost should already have been cut by the cutting of the operations over the next 2 months and then they are getting this money.
So now is the time to streamline somewhere when this turns around cut the fat now and I don’t mean people

aa is the first airline to officially file for govt. money, looks like they're asking for $12 billion. makes sense to me..nearly half for 5 month payroll and rest for debt and other expenses.

how do they pay the govt. back? issue more shares in the future/give them to the govt. and give the govt. your dividends every quarter (if any) for awhile.

obviously, this is good news for the workers, especially those with 20 or less years. will the shareholders complain? what's the alternative? company files for bk and those shares become worthless?

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