TSH, Hey bud, sorry for delay.
I will answer your question directly for end of 2022 pay and I also will provide articles 14 and 15 for wage rules and pay scale, as well as a full link to our entire contract for comparo.
By end of 2022 we (SWA Mechs) will be at $59.58 on graves, with 2 lic, and 5 or more years under his belt.
Add to that the following: Another 2.50 IF FCC lic. is used, and 6% and 12% (of base 52.12) 6% for Inspector and/or Lead Mech., And the 12% for Lead Inspector.
Absolute top out rates are as follows:
Mechanic with 2 lic, graves, topped out= $59.58
Mechanic with 3 lic, graves, topped out= $62.08
Lead Mech with 2 lic, graves, topped out= $62.70
Lead Insp, with 2 lic, graves, topped out= $65.83
Above examples are for the end of 2022. In Aug 2023 we will receive another 3% on base for the final year of our contract. Here are the 2 articles and the link to the full contract. Hope this helps you guys for your upcoming comparo's...
Article 14 WAGE RULES – SHIFT PREMIUMS – LONGEVITY 1. The hourly rates set forth in Article 15 will prevail, except that the Company may recognize prior experience when hiring and place an Employee in the progression scale at a rate above the minimum, but not to exceed the most recently hired Employee in the affected classification. 2. Employees will be paid on the fifth (5th) and twentieth (20th) of each month for the preceding pay period. There will be two pay periods each month: (1) 1st - 15th and (2) 16th - final day of each month. 3. Should the regular payday fall on Saturday or a holiday, Employees will be paid on the preceding day. Should the regular payday fall on Sunday, Employees will be paid on the following Monday, unless such Monday is a holiday, in which case Employees will be paid on the preceding Friday. If a regular payday falls on a Monday which is a Companyrecognized holiday, Employees will be paid on the following Tuesday. Employees will be paid during their regular working hours. 4. Where there is a shortage equal to one-half (½) a day’s pay or more in the pay of an Employee, the Employee will be reimbursed for such shortage as soon as possible or no later than three (3) working days from the general office. 5. Pay checks will include an itemized statement of all hours, wages, adjustments and deductions for the pay period, year to date wages, FICA and withholding taxes. 6. Employees leaving the service of the Company will be paid for all the time due at the earliest possible time after separation and in compliance with State law. 7. Automatic changes in pay rates will be effective on the nearest date commencing a regular pay period. 8. An Employee absent during his normal working day for the purpose of serving as a juror will be entitled to his regular pay for the number of authorized days off. Employees will not be required to work beyond 12:00 midnight, but will receive pay for the balance of their scheduled shift, if the Employee is required to report for jury duty the next morning. Whenever the Employee is released from jury service, he will be allowed eight (8) hours rest 57 as provided for in Article 6, Paragraph 11, before reporting back for work. An Employee receiving summons will notify his supervisor immediately, and will provide his supervisor with written proof of time spent on jury duty, with actual dates and hours of service. 9. When Employees are temporarily transferred from their regular work to work of a higher classification, they will be paid for the higher classification for a minimum of four hours. If such Employee is required to work in the higher classification for more than four hours such Employee should be paid for eight hours. 10. Employees will be paid sixty-three (63) cents per hour shift premium as additional compensation over their basic rate for all hours worked in which the shift commences work outside the hours of between 5:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m., except for those Employees who commence work between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m., who will be paid seventyone (71) cents per hour shift premium as additional compensation. The relief Mechanic that rotates between day and night shifts during a work week will be paid seventy-one (71) cents shift premium for all hours worked. 11. At the conclusion of each year of category seniority an Employee accrues, his pay will be increased by $0.10/hour up to ten (10) years. After completing eleven (11) years, Employees will receive an additional $.15/hour per year up to $1.60/hour. Employees completing fifteen (15) years and thereafter will receive $1.75/hour. For purposes of this section only, service will be defined as service within a group covered by a collective bargaining agreement between Southwest Airlines and the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association. This will not affect the wage rates as set forth in Article 15 or any other provisions relating to seniority in this Agreement. Overtime, holidays, jury duty, funeral leave, sick leave, on the job injury leave and vacation time will be computed on the basis of regular rate of pay plus shift differential, longevity and license premium, if any. 12. Overtime, holidays, jury duty, funeral leave, sick leave, on the job injury leave and vacation time shall be computed on the basis of regular rate of pay plus shift differential, longevity and license premium, if any. 58 13. Inspector, Technical Instructor, Technical Support Technician and Lead Technician hourly base wage rates will be 6% above the “Thereafter” base rate for Mechanics. Lead Inspector hourly base wage rates will be 12% above the “Thereafter” base rate for Mechanics. 14. The Company will pay a skill premium to all Ground Equipment Mechanics; Ground Equipment Lead Mechanics; Plant Maintenance Mechanics; and Plant Maintenance Lead Mechanics of .63¢ an hour.
59 Article 15 WAGE RATES Base Rates of Pay per Hour for Employees Effective Date 4/01/19 8/16/19 8/16/20 8/16/21 8/16/22 8/16/23 Lead Inspectors $51.86 $53.42 $55.02 $56.67 $58.37 $60.12 Inspectors, Lead Mechanics, Technical Support Mechanics and Technical Instructors $49.09 $50.56 $52.08 $53.64 $55.25 $56.91 MECHANICS 1 st 6 months $27.42 $28.24 $29.09 $29.96 $30.86 $31.79 2 nd 6 months $28.78 $29.64 $30.53 $31.45 $32.39 $33.36 2 nd year $30.40 $31.31 $32.25 $33.22 $34.22 $35.25 3 rd year $32.24 $33.21 $34.21 $35.24 $36.30 $37.39 4 th year $34.27 $35.30 $36.36 $37.45 $38.57 $39.73 5 th year $36.56 $37.66 $38.79 $39.95 $41.15 $42.38
Thereafter $46.31 $47.70 $49.13 $50.60 $52.12 $53.68 60 Effective Date 4/01/19 8/16/20 8/16/21 8/16/22 8/16/23 Lead Maintenance Controllers $70.64 $72.76 $74.94 $77.19 $79.50 Maintenance Controllers 1 st Year $42.66 $43.94 $45.26 $46.62 $48.02 2 nd year $45.74 $47.11 $48.53 $49.98 $51.48 3 rd year $48.23 $49.68 $51.17 $52.71 $54.29 4 th year $50.96 $52.49 $54.07 $55.69 $57.36 5 th year $54.03 $55.65 $57.32 $59.04 $60.81 Thereafter $66.64 $68.64 $70.70 $72.82 $75.00 In addition to the above rates of pay a license premium will be paid to all Aircraft Technicians, Aircraft Lead Technicians, Apprentice Lead Technicians, Lead Inspectors, Inspectors, Aircraft Technical Support Technicians and Technical Instructors for each valid Federal FAA Airframe License, Engine or Power Plant License and/or General F.C.C. Radio/Telephone Operator License. General F.C.C. Radio/Telephone Operator License will be considered the equivalent of two licenses, unless it is a third license. There will be a maximum of two licenses premium pay, unless the FCC License held by an Employee is required by the FAA for the Employee to perform his job, in which case the maximum will be three (3) licenses with a maximum license premium pay of three times the single license premium. Lead Maintenance Controller, Maintenance Controller, Ground Support Equipment Technicians, Lead Ground Support Equipment Technicians, Plant Maintenance Technicians, and Lead Plant Maintenance Technicians will not receive license premium pay. License premium will be paid in the following amounts, per hour: 61 License Premiums Per Hour Effective Date 4/01/19 One License $2.50 Two Licenses $5.00 Three Licenses* $7.50 * The third license premium will only be paid if the Employee is required by the FAA to hold the license to perform his job. In calculating Maintenance Controller Team Lead, Maintenance Controller, Technical Instructor, or Technical Support Technician applicable rate of pay, his rate of pay will be the higher of: (a) his preexisting hourly pay rate, plus his preexisting longevity pay (the “redlined rate”), or (b) the applicable pay rate under this Article, plus applicable license premiums, shift premium, and longevity pay. An Employee in the Maintenance Controller Team Lead, Maintenance Controller, Technical Instructor, or Technical Support Technician classification who is covered by this Agreement on the date of ratification of this agreement will not suffer a reduction in pay unless such Employee changes classifications. Such Employee will, however, be redlined and not be entitled to pay increases until such time the pay scale produces rates in excess of such Employee’s redlined rate of pay in his current classification.
And here's the full link:
2019 AMT CBA available now.