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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

You don't speak for most of us and there are many out there who don't take the insurance at all and so by your formula make way more than others regardless of union affiliation. And don't think its just a handful. Way more than you think. All this crying over a garbage insurance plan that will be gone in 36 months or so and won't be offered to ANY new hire moving forward. And when you take in to consideration that certain medications are available for free through AA (HBP, insulin) all you need to do is plan accordingly and you will see the AA plan is a better planit over the other side's plan. Not cheap but go and look at what other plans cost and maybe you'll understand...maybe. The contract will pass, the IAM medical will soon die and then you'll will have to find something else to cry about. You don't speak for most of LAA employees...you just don't.
Ok beta
For all you guys who screamed and cried about getting improved PS over higher wages just remember that next year when this years profits are all shot to hell over this virus BS.
I’m sure you will all blame it on Parker or Trump or some other BS instead of realizing it’s never a guarantee like your wages
For the pilots the company has proposed the Delta PS. I imagine after they get them and the FA deals done everyone in the company gets moved to one plan.
Listen to the TWU website and listen to podcast. Has some good info, if you choose to believe it or not that’s up to you.
Hey TSH, May I ask when your current contract ends? And what are parameters involving the wage review in Dec.? ie; who all are used for the comparo.?
Any chance the UAL mechs get AMFA back in at United?
BTW; what is the top out rate now at UAL pls.?

Our current agreement becomes amendable Dec of 2022

Wage review includes wages, vacation, holidays, sick days/pay, profit sharing, 401k and pension. (might be 1 or 2 smaller items but those are the biggest)

Theres currently a slow rolling drive for a new union called ALTA, same idea as AMFA but with an AFL/CIO affiliation, and structured internally like ALPA. The trigger at this point seems to be resting on a federal court case several UAL mechanics have brought against the teamsters - if the mechanics win the ibt more than likely will be tossed quickly, if they lose ... who knows.

The court case centers around 3 components - Pension language of sUAL MX prior to the JCBA with sCAL MX - Profitsharing of sUAL MX that was diluted to give money to sCAL MX that were not contractually entitled to it, thus lowering sUAL mechanics PS pay outs over 6 years.- DFR against the ibt for ignoring and possibly illegal termination of grievances over these issues that have already been shown to have been filed in a timely manner by multiple mechanics.

top out currently is 48.75 for a topped out/2 lic/full longevity line mechanic

off shifts can add a few pennies for swings or graves, and there is a taxi/run premium added on a case by case basis

Question for you - what will SWA be at at the end of 2022?

For all you guys who screamed and cried about getting improved PS over higher wages just remember that next year when this years profits are all shot to hell over this virus BS.
I’m sure you will all blame it on Parker or Trump or some other BS instead of realizing it’s never a guarantee like your wages

really? AMTs and stores got substantial raises AND improved profit sharing.

fleet got a disappointing raise AND lower 'bonus' due to something else.

i think i know what that something else is.
really? AMTs and stores got substantial raises AND improved profit sharing.

fleet got a disappointing raise AND lower 'bonus' due to something else.

i think i know what that something else is.

The raises were based on the industry. As it turns out, AA's AMTs were at the bottom of the industry in pay and benefits, it stands to reason that the raise needed to put AA's AMTs to the top of industry for a month or two - would be a much higher percentage. FSCs at AA have always been at or near the top of pay in the industry; as a result, to get back to the top wasn't that big of a gap to bridge. Gary Peterson said as much in the podcast yesterday.
the case was made about enhanced profit sharing being the reason that fleet will get delta +0 wages and got half of everyone else's signing bonus. this, not counting laa getting hit with this payroll nonsense.

i have no doubt if lus members had to go on laa insurance and lus catering jobs were lost - as the company had proposed twice on jetnet, all fleet would have gotten a bigger raise and bonus.

i listened to the twu fleet podcast and to me, it smacks of desperation when andre sutton starts talking about 'not wanting to take away from our union brothers'.

flimsy argument and one that wouldn't convince me that i should be ashamed of not supporting the fleet AIP.

at the end of the day, i don't want to take away from my union brothers. i want aa to compensate me with a check for the continued compensatory disparity that they obviously approve of.

after all, it's been going on since 2014. it's a tradition.

btw: didn't AMTs get wages of southwest +3% on DOS? i thought i saw the math on that.
Our current agreement becomes amendable Dec of 2022

Wage review includes wages, vacation, holidays, sick days/pay, profit sharing, 401k and pension. (might be 1 or 2 smaller items but those are the biggest)

Theres currently a slow rolling drive for a new union called ALTA, same idea as AMFA but with an AFL/CIO affiliation, and structured internally like ALPA. The trigger at this point seems to be resting on a federal court case several UAL mechanics have brought against the teamsters - if the mechanics win the ibt more than likely will be tossed quickly, if they lose ... who knows.

The court case centers around 3 components - Pension language of sUAL MX prior to the JCBA with sCAL MX - Profitsharing of sUAL MX that was diluted to give money to sCAL MX that were not contractually entitled to it, thus lowering sUAL mechanics PS pay outs over 6 years.- DFR against the ibt for ignoring and possibly illegal termination of grievances over these issues that have already been shown to have been filed in a timely manner by multiple mechanics.

top out currently is 48.75 for a topped out/2 lic/full longevity line mechanic

off shifts can add a few pennies for swings or graves, and there is a taxi/run premium added on a case by case basis

Question for you - what will SWA be at at the end of 2022?

I will get back to ya. It will be 3% each year for 20, 21, & 22 so somewhere around 60 and some change. But I will get you the exact by tomorrow morning or tonight. And remember our contract will end Aug. 2023.
Thx for the info.
Glad to hear you guys have finally taken action against the crooked teamsters, hopefully they will be fired soon, and hopefully the AA'ers can rid themselves of the TWU/IAM. I will get back to ya soon.

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