Since the deliveries are to be put on hold I wonder if the company will do the upgrades to the A330-300 sooner. It would be nice to see the current A330 fleets video system upgraded, slim seats in coach installed with the new pods in envoy. I know I'm dreaming. 🙄
I got to test out LH's new Y seats when I was in FRA at a LH event a few weeks ago. They are slimline seats with I believe 32" of pitch, and a cut-out in the knee area so that when the person in front reclines, the cutout still leaves room for your knees. I sat in a middle seat and had somebody sit in front of me and recline back. I could absolutely tell the difference. If I had to fly longhaul in Y-, I would want either these seats, or the pod seats where the recliner is the one who gets smooshed.
Out of curiosity, since I cannot remember if this was ever posted: Do the new 332's have the gosh-awful IFE boxes underneath the seats?