This was written in 2007 by the IAM. CO has been down this road and won the arbitration. Why USAirways would take it down this path is beyond me. "IF/When" AFA wins they will have to block F/C seats on the route for a period of 12-18 months until the modifications are made. Moving water lines and electrics to accommodate the POD access.
The Crew Bunk Debacle
Are they on the way? After what seems to be an eternity, the first 777 is scheduled to be delivered in March with the crew rest facility finally installed.One thing is for sure, when the aircraft arrives, the company will be announcing the event much like they did the profit sharing checks. I wonder what photo ops the company has arranged. We won’t be there. It will be like taking credit for the war in Iraq. Years ago, in a nego-tiations session far, far, away, the company agreed to provide the workforce with cabin crew rest facilities upon ratification ofthe contract. If my memory serves me right, this was in the year 2000 at the beginning ofthe millennium. Soon after ratification, the company informed the Union that they were not going to install the bunks. Luckily for them they had an excuse. The excuse proved impossible for the Union to ignore, which was that the original bunks were notsafe due to a post contract change to the fire suppression design. The Union did however insist and prevail on bringing the company to the table which resulted in the Business First seats currently used. Crew rest seats are presently inadequate on Tel Aviv flights. So on the eve of this historic and long awaited event (holding your breath is notrecommended) the Union would like to remind the hard working flight attendants of Continental Airlines, that you and your Union negotiated the CrewBunks and any hoopla surrounding their delivery should be with the acknow-ledgement that they came at a price and that they are not manna from company heaven.