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Has our Chambermaid returned? Did he go first class ? For March meow not one company trip flown but 106 must be nice...wait he was never on the 105. So if you get an overfly letter just point to AFA!
Here we go again..... Totally legal but ABSOLUTELY unethical. It just never stops. 🙄 oh the frustration. I guess we'll have someone before long saying THIS isn't a problem or issue either. Unfreakinbelievable. NOOOO actually quite believable. 🙄
Here we go again..... Totally legal but ABSOLUTELY unethical. It just never stops. 🙄 oh the frustration. I guess we'll have someone before long saying THIS isn't a problem or issue either. Unfreakinbelievable. NOOOO actually quite believable. 🙄

Hold on while I go make some popcorn!! :up:
Not to stick my nose in your councils business too much but wasn't it a rule or issue that AFA officers can't claim any flight loss or pay higher than a line flight attendant gets? So if a flight attendant is on the 105 they get 105 or whatever their max is right? Well no one can claim international override unless that flight attendant could hold the international block. So, the same applies to if your an elected rep on reserve you get 73 hours that month unless people break guarantee. Right Mr. McCorkle? Records show him at 108 for February 2009 but his seniority was reserve that month. One should only be claiming 73 and then flying on the ETB on your days off to make up that time. In no case should McCorkle claim any more pay credit time than 90 hours in flight loss since he was never on the 105. Lead by example now a? Some people never learn.
If that is not unethical I don't know what is. What in HELL does he think people will say? I'll tell you right now Dan and John couldn't care any less than they already do. It's just soooo disgusting. Hell reserves can't even p/u trips on the etb it so sparse. And we think the COMPANY is bad. WOW! ! 🙄
If that is not unethical I don't know what is. What in HELL does he think people will say? I'll tell you right now Dan and John couldn't care any less than they already do. It's just soooo disgusting. Hell reserves can't even p/u trips on the etb it so sparse. And we think the COMPANY is bad. WOW! ! 🙄

Here we go again! Paging LA! I can hear Josephine now, "Let them eat cake!"
Please no more cake moo moo forget about it when my super calls me in for 2 hours over I will state what works for one works for all. No more cake for the dynasty of mediocrity.P.S. I am on the 105 and all I can afford are tortillas and eyelashes
Not to stick my nose in your councils business too much but wasn't it a rule or issue that AFA officers can't claim any flight loss or pay higher than a line flight attendant gets? So if a flight attendant is on the 105 they get 105 or whatever their max is right? Well no one can claim international override unless that flight attendant could hold the international block. So, the same applies to if your an elected rep on reserve you get 73 hours that month unless people break guarantee. Right Mr. McCorkle? Records show him at 108 for February 2009 but his seniority was reserve that month. One should only be claiming 73 and then flying on the ETB on your days off to make up that time. In no case should McCorkle claim any more pay credit time than 90 hours in flight loss since he was never on the 105. Lead by example now a? Some people never learn.

What one needs to ASK is why he gets 105 johnny is not on the 105 option. he should never receive 105. remember he was a commuter from ilm and chose the loe flying..........he was not GRANDFATHERED into 105 therefor should never receive it talk about a dirty deal with the company
Isn't amazing how the little deal of John flying 105 and not being red circled just keeps getting swept under the carpet. I have had this discussion with a few f/a's and they look at me as if I'm describing the inner workings of a computer. They are just glazed over and lost. Then there is Dan Sampey flying 108. Does it EVER end?
Does it EVER end?
It ends when the FAs get a collective backbone and boot the ethically challenged out. It ends when the collective group places ethics before how "nice" someone is. (Being ethical is not the same as being "nice")

A side benefit of doing the above is the company is then forced to get down to business, especially when they find they cannot buy out the reps; (105 pay when not entitled, paying a rep's sick for being out T-day through New Years), then management must actually start playing by the rules, themselves.

There is a sick and ignorant mentality out there that wants to justify "scratching each other's backs" with "respecting" each other's jobs. Respect has to be earned and cannot be bought. Ever.
Is that the MAX allowed to fly in any given month at Us Airways? 105? I would die if that's all I could fly. Hell, with how productive our trip's are I would be done flying in less then a week and have nothing else to do.
Is that the MAX allowed to fly in any given month at Us Airways? 105? I would die if that's all I could fly. Hell, with how productive our trip's are I would be done flying in less then a week and have nothing else to do.

That's not the Max...You're obligated to the company 72 Hours a month at a minimum then ETB time is fair game...

Bajababe...I know who you are and I would appreciate it if you would be honest about the time stipulated regarding the person (Not McCorkle) but checking his time out...He had 100+30 Company & ETB Time...
mr intern you can start lecturing me on honesty in another 25 years. afa knows no honesty these days. I made no false statements about who I was on this website and am proud of my 30 plus years of union service. you can talk to chamber maid all you wish but what month are you refering too? the person in question uses afa days to kick out all of his secondary line crap trips and creates a smooth surface to augment trips he can't hold at his seniority. you can run to his defense all you like Camelot but there is no defensive position for the behavior. people are watching him and last time I checked Omar was the elected Secretary not Dan. He lost to her but gets the thrown because mccorkle has a personal problem with Omar.
mr intern you can start lecturing me on honesty in another 25 years. afa knows no honesty these days. I made no false statements about who I was on this website and am proud of my 30 plus years of union service. you can talk to chamber maid all you wish but what month are you refering too? the person in question uses afa days to kick out all of his secondary line crap trips and creates a smooth surface to augment trips he can't hold at his seniority. you can run to his defense all you like Camelot but there is no defensive position for the behavior. people are watching him and last time I checked Omar was the elected Secretary not Dan. He lost to her but gets the thrown because mccorkle has a personal problem with Omar.

I don't want to get in between two people especially since I'm not employed at this particular airline and am just an outsider. Not running to his defense at all but would like to know what's the truth here with what's going on here...

What would I know about honesty right now...so noted...Good luck on the next PHL LEC Election. AFA needs some change...not just at US Airways but everywhere.

Word of Wisdom regarding honesty...I've heard about sending someone some trips via ETB and getting credited with FPL by dropping trips to a "friend" and a thing about Teddy...but I'll come back in 25 years and see if I've learned a humble lesson in Honesty as well so feel free to let me know if honesty is also being ethical? a common AFA issue with this system at US Airways and Reserves being thrown under the rug...Legal yes? but Ethical? That's for them to answer to the reserves in my humble opinion


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