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A Qeustion For The Twu

Checking it Out said:
Why did amfa exclude so many members who have a right to vote? Ken with your name on the filing it is obvious you are in the same classification as a true liar!!!! Your vote was bought and paid for by Delle so your credibility is null and void!!!!!
You are about as ignorant as they come aren't you?

Just because you add names to a list does not mean they are eligible voters with a right to vote!

You guys are so entrenched in the "It is how YOU SAY" thinking, you cannot even function when a superior authority decides what is just and right. I love watching you guys claim what is right and watching someone else to you different. That is a classic to see indeed.

Why don't you wait for the NMB protest and ruling before making claims that anyone has been excluded. In the end, everyone who belongs will get a ballot!

Or are you talking about the guy who's name appears eighteen times on your list?
Bob twisting the facts as usual. If you want to know the truth you were welcome to ask Jim these Questions last week! It was explained!

OK, What is the explanation?

Jim Little was elected at the last convention and now is filling the position of ATD director due to a retirement and will be voted on during the next convention.

Ok. Lets make a few corrections here. Jim Little was elected as a VP. He was appointed to be the ATD Director PRIOR to the Convention since Koziatek retired way before the Convention. Unless the Constitution is changed, directors will continue to be appointed by the President. Did you not know this or were you deliberately trying to decieve?

In turn the members vote on the delegates to represent them during the convention. If you wish to have an input go to your local and attend the meetings!

And how can the member find out if his representative faithfully represented his interests at the Convention? Individual delegate votes are not recorded, in fact most of the voting was done by voice with the chair making the sole determination of the outcome. In fact during one vote the delegates asked which way the vote went and Sonny pretty much said "however I say so".

If you wish to have the constitution changed than have your local propose these changes! The system does work! But it does take a little effort on your part! It is easy to cast stones when you are not held accountable! If Amfa was ever to get in these lies they are throwing will haunt us all!!!!

The effort required to fix this union exceeds what would be required to start a new one. This union has no credibility with the members and when people such as myself try to initiate change from within they are removed. The fact is this union is broken, one needs to look no further than our current agreement to see that.
Once again CIO chickens out when faced with questions.

Dont worry CIO, working two jobs for the pay of one wont kill you, at least not right away. I know it will be a big shock working two jobs, especially when you are used to having one job and getting paid for two, but you will, in your masters words "Get over it".
Local 530 Answers Video - Advocate Concessions - Did Concessions save TWA? -Click Here

These fellas obviously did not learn the hard lesson. They gave concessions how many times? And now still apparently believe in adovocating aircraft mechanic concessions.

Truth is, the purchase of TWA, post IAM concessions, is what really sent AA in a spiral and then the concession philosophy of the IAM cultist along with Jim Little and the "without further ratification" was a perfect company union match made in heaven.

What exactly is the message this so-called "union" man is trying to convey?

Good grief! 🙁
I watched the video again. If you listen to what is said about United, they really did not take concessions compared to what our TWU/Jim Little voluntarily gave without further ratification. As far as Northwest goes, they too did not take concessions. We at AA under the TWU misguidance and misleadership got hosed!!
If anyone at Kansas City believes that their jobs are safe because the TWU leadership has said so...... Think again. No airline today can successfully operate three overhaul bases. Let alone several hubs. Things are going to change soon. We are losing money. Fuel prices are up and the low cost carriers are killing us. The TWU is living in denial. Wake up folks.......
Checking it Out said:
Why did amfa exclude so many members who have a right to vote?

Ken with your name on the filing it is obvious you are in the same classification as a true liar!!!!

Your vote was bought and paid for by Delle so your credibility is null and void!!!!!
cio, my name was on the filing because I signed a form saying that two people that the company said are still eligible to vote in the upcoming election are in fact not eligible. On AMT quit over five years ago. The second was fired lsat year. That is fact and I stated as such. That makes me "bought and paid for"?

My credibility and character are solid. I do not post lies or half truths. I have done more to promote our profession than you would ever be able to even think about.
Now continue to post lies from behind an alias.

Once again cio, show me your proof that I am "bought and paid for". Until then you remain the coward and liar.

Ken MacTiernan said:
cio, my name was on the filing because I signed a form saying that two people that the company said are still eligible to vote in the upcoming election are in fact not eligible. On AMT quit over five years ago. The second was fired lsat year. That is fact and I stated as such. That makes me "bought and paid for"?

My credibility and character are solid. I do not post lies or half truths. I have done more to promote our profession than you would ever be able to even think about.
Now continue to post lies from behind an alias.

Once again cio, show me your proof that I am "bought and paid for". Until then you remain the coward and liar.


With all the internal fighting going on at 514, and other Locals, we may be watching the TWU/ATD at AA imploding. Wait till the vote is announced, it will probably collapse like a house of cards.

We still have not gotten a real response on why the company pays TWU officials $3.1 million per year.
Bob Owens said:

With all the internal fighting going on at 514, and other Locals, we may be watching the TWU/ATD at AA imploding. Wait till the vote is announced, it will probably collapse like a house of cards.

We still have not gotten a real response on why the company pays TWU officials $3.1 million per year.
The twu will never explain their $3.1 million kick back from AA because they can not defend their actions. They attempt to blame AMFA for outsourcing at UAL BEFORE the iam was removed, that should answer any question about the $3.1 million.

After the twu/atd implodes at AA how will they know who was injured? After all, the twu/atd supporters use an alias, so who is who? The same goes for teamtwu.

Decision 2004 said:
You are about as ignorant as they come aren't you?

Just because you add names to a list does not mean they are eligible voters with a right to vote!

You guys are so entrenched in the "It is how YOU SAY" thinking, you cannot even function when a superior authority decides what is just and right. I love watching you guys claim what is right and watching someone else to you different. That is a classic to see indeed.

Why don't you wait for the NMB protest and ruling before making claims that anyone has been excluded. In the end, everyone who belongs will get a ballot!

Or are you talking about the guy who's name appears eighteen times on your list?
Isnt it hypocritical how CIO touts the right of people who are not in our class and crafts right to vote but then defends the TWU policy of having people who those same members can not vote for appointing people who are in charge of our contracts?
TWU constitution, Article XII, Section 3

The International Executive Council (International Union) may establish Divisions, each of which shall consist of a group of Local Unions with particular common interests and concerns. Each Division shall be administered by a director appointed by the International President with the approval of the International Executive Council.

Jim Little the ATD director is appointed by Sonny Hall.

Thomas Jefferson: In questions of power, then let no more be said of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the (U.S.) Constitution.

:up: AMFA NOW! :up:

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