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A Qeustion For The Twu

Bob Owens said:
Can anyone from the TWU tell us why Bobby Gless was recently (since this thread started) removed from the headcount at JFK and why his dues are now submitted by a separate check from the TWU?

Could it be due to the OLMS?
If the OLMS puts a stop to having the company pay the Presidents will the TWU still have so many locals or will Sonny decide to consolidate them?
Kinda lonely over here on this thread Bob. It must be that the twu believers don't like this thread? No twu clowns like cio and twuer have answers to topics like this one.

I heard that Bobby Gless signed a card, I wonder why? :shock: :lol: 😀
Hackman said:
Kinda lonely over here on this thread Bob. It must be that the twu believers don't like this thread? No twu clowns like cio and twuer have answers to topics like this one.

I heard that Bobby Gless signed a card, I wonder why? :shock: :lol: 😀
He used to be an organizer.

He even held meetings at his house in Valley Stream before he got his TWU job and moved to his $500,000+ house on the water in Massapequa.

I guess he is covering all the bases.
This thread has been here for nearly two months but the original questions have not been addressed by TWU supporters. Why is that? Here it is again:

One of the Concessions that the company threw on the table was to eliminate UBP for Union officials.

I'm not certain but if I recall the figure for that concession was $3 million $2 million -M&R, $1million-joint.

I'm assuming that this is for the Presidents pay however there are I believe 23 Presidents. If you average it out they make lets say $55,000.

55,000 X 23 =1,375,000

Where does the other $1,625,000 go? Benifits? No, they company only tacks on 9% to cover benifits when someone is on pay continuence.

I also noticed that International Rep Bobby Gless's dues were sent to us and reported on the Check-off list that comes with the dues check.

If Bobby is not getting a check from AA then how could his dues be collected through check-off?

I would think that since he is supposedly on a Union leave of absence that he would have to remitt his full dues to the Local like Nick Massi, who is retired does. Since the check off form is computer generated and any corrections usually results in a seperate invoice being sent how could he be on this sheet unless he was getting a paycheck from AA?

Is that $1625,000 going to International officers? And if so, is it true that this would not be reflected on the LM-2?
Bob your not going to get an answer to this question unless there is absolutely nothing going on. I think their silence speaks for itself.

Presidents of locals and members at the international level getting a check from AA that isn't contractual, while at the same time can be cut like puppet strings if the people collecting this money won't dance the dance, is highly unethical and could breed corruption.

Twuer you seem to be the most level headed of the bunch so how about an answer!
I never knew I had a "fan club"!!! In response to your posts I believe that I responded the very first time Bob put this topic up. Let me refresh your memory...

I am not going to respond to. . .

I'm not certain but if I recall. . .
I'm assuming. . .
I believe. . .
I would think. . .

Now, with that being said I understand your need for a response to something so perceivably "suspicious". But in all honesty I will not respond to something that I do not have solid proof of. Just because Bob Owens says it does not make it true. He is not even certain of the numbers that he is putting up. I have not spoken to our local treasurer because I have nothing solid to approach him with. What.....(according to you) should I ask him, if and or why the company is paying international union officials $3 million? Do you think he would know the answer? He is a local officer not an international officer. Now, if you guys can supply some real, tangible, solid eveidence that what Bob says is true than we can debate that, but until then there is really nothing to debate.

If you feel that strongly about this and think that something "fishy" is going on then by all means file charges of do something about it!!!!

Look, I am not an offical spokesman for the TWU nor have I ever claimed to be. I will try to speak with our treasurer if I am able to about this if it will make you feel better. I do know that our books are audited by an independent auditor every year and that our system in not unlike any other in the industry. If something is wrong with the books or the LM2s than they will find it not to mention the FCC getting invovled if they suspect a $3 million "scam". I also know that Local 514 members look hard at our financial reports and "freak out" (if you will) at minor expenses. Imagine what they would do if they found a $3 million "mistake". In the meantime I would suggest coming up with something more than just what Bob Owens says if you want to prove your argument.
Let us pray...

Ley us pray for twuer who is obviously a lost little TWU sheep...baaah... baaah...baaah... he has not had time to get a prepared answer from New York or Hurst....for he nor the rest of the TeAAm TWU can be accused of having an original thought...pray brethren that twuer, cio etal put down the TWU jug (so their thoght process becomes clear), wipe the drivel off their chins and come to the truth and light of AMFA...for these things we pray...day by day and kumbaya... B)
Okay Father, you are entitlled to your opinion of me. So why don't you use your "divine intervention" and come up with the proof needed to corroborate the story. Because at this time that is all it is, a story. You are just as much a follower as you say I am.

We have seen the truth, the light of amfa and that's why we are fighting it so hard. There's nothing to it!

And by the way. . .the M.O. ain't workin' for you. It's rather offensive, but hey, that's your right!! :shock:
AFL-CIO Constitution

The objects and principles of this Federation are:

1. To aid workers in securing improved wages, hours and working conditions with due regard for the autonomy, integrity and jurisdiction of affiliated unions.

And by the way. . .the M.O. ain't workin' for you. It's rather offensive, but hey, that's your right

And of course it is your right to portray yourself as a union member.

The TWU and it's supporters claim to be unionized and affiliated with the AFL-CIO, however these supporters do not begin to live up the the constitution of their affiliation.
Let us pray...

Let us pray again for twuer....who is so esily riled and snared...it is no wonder he is a TWU sheep...baaah, baaah...
Where is Jim Little Bo Peep when you need him to tell his lost flock what to sAAy ...
Father Guido Sarducci said:
Let us pray...

Let us pray again for twuer....who is so esily riled and snared...it is no wonder he is a TWU sheep...baaah, baaah...
Where is Jim Little Bo Peep when you need him to tell his lost flock what to sAAy ...
. . . . .and still no proof!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
He is not even certain of the numbers that he is putting up.

TWUer. If you should happen to come upon a copy of the "Company REstructuring Proposal-3/11/03 AA/TWU Agreements you can see it for yourself. This was handed out to the negotiating committee and our President distributed it to us. Perhaps your negotiating committee chose to keep you in the dark. If you want a copy I'll fax you one.

On the second page of that propsal, under "Other", the fourth item down is "Eliminate Company paid UB, M&R $1.7 million, FSC-$1.3 million, other $0.1 million, ALL TWU- $3.1 million.

I have not spoken to our local treasurer because I have nothing solid to approach him with.

Now you have something.

What.....(according to you) should I ask him, if and or why the company is paying international union officials $3 million?

Well $3.1 to be exact, and sure, thats a start, however these payments go to local officials also so drop the International and just ask if and why the company is paying the TWU $3.1 million.

Do you think he would know the answer? He is a local officer not an international officer.

Dorrigan is not Randy. He will know. As Treasurer he keeps track of who is paying dues and how those dues are submitted to the local. In fact if you look at your financial report there is seperate slots for dues through check off and by hand. You can even ask Burchette, this was a hot topic in the Presidents council in 1999. Burchette to his credit spoke against having company paid union business. From what I was told he said "How would it look to the members to have their President being paid by the company". This was relayed to me by someone who was present.

Now, if you guys can supply some real, tangible, solid eveidence that what Bob says is true than we can debate that, but until then there is really nothing to debate.

Like I said give me somewhere to send it. I can also give you a copy of the checkoff that shows Bobby Gless' dues being paid through AA payroll while he was an International officer, and I can show you proof that our President was also paying dues while off the clock.

If you feel that strongly about this and think that something "fishy" is going on then by all means file charges of do something about it!!!!

File charges with whom the International? I have already notified the DOL, OLMS.

I do know that our books are audited by an independent auditor every year and that our system in not unlike any other in the industry.

These payments would not be reflected in the LM-2 because these funds were paid directly to union officials, they were never in the posession of the Local.

If something is wrong with the books or the LM2s than they will find it not to mention the FCC getting invovled if they suspect a $3 million "scam".

First of all why would the FCC look into it. This falls under the jurisdiction of the DOL-OLMS, then perhaps the DOJ.

I also know that Local 514 members look hard at our financial reports and "freak out" (if you will) at minor expenses. Imagine what they would do if they found a $3 million "mistake".

The financial reports are not that detailed besides as I said earlier these payments to union officials would not be reflected in those reports since the monies are paid from the company to union officials.
On the second page of that propsal, under "Other", the fourth item down is "Eliminate Company paid UB, M&R $1.7 million, FSC-$1.3 million, other $0.1 million, ALL TWU- $3.1 million.

Is that how you are coming up with the figures that you say a select few of the international officers are getting? Just want to clarify.

I have already notified the DOL, OLMS.

Well then, I guess we should wait and see what comes of it, huh??

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