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A Mechanics Fate?

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uza said:
The one small thing you are forgetting is she is NOT the one running this company, we are. That is where it ends; we are way past a pissing contest here.
Yes, uza, you are running the company. And really doing a bang up job of it. Well over a billion bucks from labor and while the employee costs are down the operating costs are rising. As all other legacy operating costs are falling.

A real bang up job indeed. Great leadership, motivational skills and boy that PHL operation is like a fine tuned Lamborghini. And how about that PIT A concourse. Every time I'm over there I hear announcements about volunteers and free tickets because of load restrictions. That's while I wait on the next flight to TYS because the last one left with 4 empty seats and pissed off customers at the gate.

Yes, uza, you are indeed running OUR company. About how long will it take for you to find a different company to run after you run this one into the ground? Yep, uza, you guys are real expert at running an airline.

If you want a company like JetBlue or Southwest then find us a management that have the skills of the people that run JetBlue or Southwest. Then you would find us most agreeable to talking and changing. It just makes no sense to give your incompetent skills more of anything. You don't know what to do with what you've been given.

uza said:
The one small thing you are forgetting is she is NOT the one running this company, we are. That is where it ends; we are way past a pissing contest here.
we.... like in you dave,jerry and neal?? :lol:
ah ha ha...another self outing by a management lackey! :shock:
PineyBob said:
Apparently not! Since you are investing significant time on here attacking her. I learned when I got involved in the Cockroach movement that ONE person can have a effect. She has YOU by the short curlies, not the other way around.

As long as she remains a vocal critic internally and in the media you can't frighten and intimidate the rest of the AFA. No AFA cooperation and you lose the company. So you tell me who sits in the power seat, MR Arrogance?

You can lard up CCY with myriad MBA's and the like but some times all you need to accomplish a goal is a big mouth and a metaphorical pair of balls and you can bring down a multi billion dollar company. While she may be the catalyst in the ultimate demise of US Airways it is you sir and your ilk that have brought US to this point. Of that there can be no denial. After all it is your words that damn you. IT's Your company. Nuff said
Thanks for the resource piney!

Next time we need businesses advise for our airline we know to call Xerox corporate and ask for you.
You need to call them soon uza. Cause you guys have no freakin clue on how to run an airline.

delldude said:
we.... like in you dave,jerry and neal?? :lol:
ah ha ha...another self outing by a management lackey! :shock:
A picture is worth......


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QUOTE (USA320Pilot@ Feb 23 2004, 06:57 AM)
â€￾I will not dictate terms to you and until you start paying my bills, don't you dare dictate them to me either.â€￾

Did you forget what you said or did you lie to us?
hey uza....you get all wrapped up in your post and reveal your secret identity and motive?
ah ha h a ha ...run you mouth like you run the company?? :lol:
delldude said:
hey uza....you get all wrapped up in your post and reveal your secret identity and motive?
ah ha h a ha ...run you mouth like you run the company?? :lol:
Remember, you are just an employee and can be outsourced, and probabaly will be. ONLY, if you refuse to help out that is!
uza said:
The one small thing you are forgetting is she is NOT the one running this company, we are. That is where it ends; we are way past a pissing contest here.
You guys (assuming you actually work for "Airways") are actually more detrimental to the future of the organization that any union member or leader.

The sheer lack of acumen present thru all levels of management at US is killing the company. Without fixing that, there is very little point in your further ranting and raving about the crazy union leadership: ultimately, whether covered by a CBA or not, nobody wants to work for a loser.

The turnover in the ranks of the "at will" employees illustrates this to a "T". You guys can't lead a horse to water, much less make it drink.
local 12 proud said:
you can bet your a$$ i dont fly southwest, nor will i fly any L.L.C. ill take the bus instead at least they value maintenace and safety
I forget, could you remind me how many fatalitites have occurred on WN?
You also seem to forget, that WN has a draconian oversight in place, they are bringing more work in-house everyday and have used the same MROs for over 20 years.

And lets just say two planes S-checked by MAE and two planes have emergency landings for the same exact problems.

And can you say Valujet?
uza said:
delldude said:
hey uza....you get all wrapped up in your post and reveal your secret identity and motive?
ah ha h a ha ...run you mouth like you run the company?? :lol:
Remember, you are just an employee and can be outsourced, and probabaly will be. ONLY, if you refuse to help out that is!
please i beg of thee.......do not outsource my meager little livelyhood for your personal gain ....i beg of thee.... :lol:
UZA is only conveying the harsh economic reality that labor will encounter if they don’t support the company during these tumultuous times. Your postings are a breath of fresh air to this board. Labor should take the trusted counsel from your management team before constructing any decision that will affect the future of each labor group. I don’t like the current economic state more than the front line employee but management and labor are all in the same boat together and must fight till the end to protect the franchise and their livelihoods. The labor leadership, predominantly, PIT LEC 40 and IAM District 141 should change their current refusal to work with the company. I foresee that AFA will join the ranks that have been set by ALPA. Lets not forgot those me too clauses.
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