Ok, Folks, the gloves are off, lets reducate a320pilot once again as we have been thru this, given the spinmaster the real facts and once again he post absolute false information.
Are you that scared of your own job you have to basically lie and post misinformation when you have been told time and time and time again that you are wrong, and the REAL IAM members tell you what that real information and facts are?
Black is what a320pilot posted and the blue is my replies!
Here are the facts and it will not affect me regardless of how this goes, but to others...
1. Sam Wood a 17-year veteran mechanic filed for personal bankruptcy shortly after his layoff.
Fact: Sam Wood chose not to excersice his seniority to another station to keep his job like thousands of employees have done!
2. US Airways can close the Pittsburgh Maintenance facility in about 9 months and move the work elsewhere, to an undesirable location.
Fact: The company cannot close a facility down to circumvent the contract as Arbitor Dunsford told the company in the CFM56 Engine case (ie TPA.) and the company can move anything in its operation including your crew base if they choose, but for financial reasons they won't, and if they move and it and build it we will be there!
3. The IAM lost the legal battle on the A320 heavy maintenance outsourcing and from a historical perspective will likely lose the minor grievance.
Fact: Wrong again, the court ruled it a minor dispute versus a major dispute and the IAM has OVERHAULED EVERY SINGLE AIRPLANE this company has flown since 1949 and HAS THE COMPANY'S CONTRACT PROPOSALS from Section 6 Negotiations over the past 54 years where they RECOGNIZED it is IAM COVERED WORK AND ASKED FOR RELIEF! (try again).
4. According to company reports it takes a contractor 13 days to do a narrowbody overhaul and with US Airways' IAM work rules it takes the airline 18 days to do a narrowbody overhaul. Moreover, the asset has 5 less days per overhaul to produce revenue.
Fact: NO airbus has had a S-Check performed in-house, so mr know-it-all, tell us how it would take 18 days? It can take days or a year depending on how the company DECIDES to staff the manpower!
5. The company offered the IAM a proposal to conduct the A320 heavy maintenance in-house, but the IAM refuses to negotiate.
Fact: I have personally spoke with FIVE of the IAM Representatives at the meeting, what the company did was hand the IAM a grievance saying the comapny will outsource 10 airbii and maybe the company and the IAM can meet to discuss how to bring the work in-house!
WHY DO YOU LIE AND PUT OUT MISINFORMATION that you HAVE NO CLUE ABOUT, when you have been told the right information time and time again?
6. The Department of Labor (DOL) says that there are 4 automobile mechanic positions available per year per dealership with a starting wage of less than $17 per hour. However, to obtain these positions a prospect must go to a technical school for 54 weeks and pay $18,000 tuition before they qualify for the job. The DOL did say there are painter/coater mechanics positions available that pay less than $12 per hour.
Fact: The IAM represents thousands of auto mechanics and many of them make more then an aircraft mechanic and at the rate your union is going, you will make less the a 18 year old crop dusting in Iowa.
Industry Avg Hourly Earnings Employment This Month Employment Last Year Change
% Chg
Motor Vehicle Parts & Dealers n/a 1,876,600 1,856,100 22,000
Automobile Dealers n/a 1,256,800 1,244,000 12,800
Unfortunately the IAM has been dealt a bad hand of cards and the table has been set. It's really up to the mechanics on what they want to do and it will not affect me one way or another.
Show me in my contract what a bad hand is I have 54 YEARS on my side and my union is not backing down like yours! Don't worry you will be working for Mesa and Orenstien by the end of the year!
Do I want US Airways to survive? Sure I do, but I have options, however, people like Sam Wood and others apparently do not.
You want YOUR job to survive at the cost of OTHERS!